8 research outputs found


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    These data are derived from syconia (enclosed inflorescences) collected between 2007-2013 from multiple Ficus petiolaris trees along a broad latitudinal gradient in Baja, Mexico. Data collected include multiple estimates of tree connectivity. They also include per syconium counts of foundress pollinators, pollinator offspring, associated species of nonpollinators, and seeds. Syconia volumes and tree latitudes are also included


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    This file recreates the entire analysis of Duthie and Nason (2016) in R, including analysis of the appendix, using the file `FpetWasp_Data.csv'. It also recreates all figures used in the manuscript. More detailed explanations are included in the comments of this file

    Ficus petiolaris wasp count data

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    Includes counts of all female non-pollinating fig wasps from the syconia of the Sonoran Desert rock fig, Ficus petiolaris. The data file includes the site, tree and syconia (`Fruit') labels from each syconia sampled (rows); the data also includes columns indicating tree lat-lon coordinates, pollinating foundresses arriving to the syconia (corpses remain within syconia), fruit volume, counts of all wasp species, and the number of neighbours a tree has within a 1 km radius. The pollinator (`Poll') is an unnamed (as of 2015) species of Pegoscapus. Wasps `LO1', `SO1', and `SO2' are all unnamed species of the genus Idarnes, and wasps `Het1' and `Het2' are both unnamed species of the genus Heterandrium. The wasps `Physo' and `Aepoc' are wasps of unnamed species of the genera Physothorax and Aepocerus, respectively; `NA' denotes missing values

    R code for Ficus petiolaris wasp data analysis

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    The subsequent code replicates the analyses used in Duthie et al. (2015) American Naturalist. All data were collected in 2010 in the field from populations of Sonoran Desert rock fig (Ficus petiolaris) trees. For this analysis, three files are needed: `wasp_data.csv', `wing_loadings.csv', and `egg_loads.csv'

    Ficus petiolaris wasp egg loads

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    File includes estimates of wasp egg loads from 54 wasps (rows) of the following species: LO1 (unnamed Idarnes), SO1 (unnamed Idarnes), SO2 (unnamed Idarnes), Het1 (unnamed Heterandrium), and Het2 (unnamed Heterandrium). Both mature and immature egg counts were estimated, and columns include the site, tree, and fruit from which the wasp was sampled

    Raster file used for ecological niche modeling

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    Raster files used for ecological niche modeling File 1: 'araptus.curr.asc' Timescale: Present-day, class: RasterLaye, dimensions: 960, 720, 691200 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution: 0.008333, 0.008333 (x, y), extentL-115, -109.0002, 22, 29.99968 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). File 2: 'araptus.lgm.asc' Timescale: Last Glacial Maximum, class: RasterLayer, dimensions: 960, 720, 691200 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution: 0.008333, 0.008333 (x, y), extent: -115, -109.0002, 22, 29.99968 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax

    Data accessibility-for SSR and mtDNA data

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    Microsatellite genotype data and mtDNA sequences for all individuals of V. javana