5 research outputs found

    Posterior distributions for paternity probabilities at the group level.

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    <p>Posterior distributions for the probabilities that fathers (at the group level) came from roosts in the (blue) upper-elevation, (yellow) mid-elevation and (green) low-elevation, and from (red) swarming sites. For (A) low-elevation offspring (the inset graph shows the Wharfedale roost posterior distributions in greater detail), and (B) mid-elevation offspring (adapted from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0054194#pone.0054194-Senior1" target="_blank">[4]</a>).</p

    Map of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, UK.

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    <p>Study area with locations of summer roost, foraging and swarming sites.</p

    Change in roost composition along the River Wharfe.

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    <p>Data from June–August 1996–2007 (upper-elevation n = 175, mid-elevation n = 145, low-elevation n = 356). Numbers are for unique (ringed) bats caught over the period.</p

    Posterior distributions for paternity probabilities at the individual level.

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    <p>Posterior distributions for the probabilities that individual males from the (blue) upper-elevation, (yellow) mid-elevation and (green) low-elevation roosts and (red) swarming sites fathered low-elevation offspring.</p

    Jan et al MER Genotype data

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    Microsatellite genotypes for loci and species included in the polymorphism test