4,519 research outputs found

    Unusual Corrections to Scaling in Entanglement Entropy

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    We present a general theory of the corrections to the asymptotic behaviour of the Renyi entropies which measure the entanglement of an interval A of length L with the rest of an infinite one-dimensional system, in the case when this is described by a conformal field theory of central charge c. These can be due to bulk irrelevant operators of scaling dimension x>2, in which case the leading corrections are of the expected form L^{-2(x-2)} for values of n close to 1. However for n>x/(x-2) corrections of the form L^{2-x-x/n} and L^{-2x/n} arise and dominate the conventional terms. We also point out that the last type of corrections can also occur with x less than 2. They arise from relevant operators induced by the conical space-time singularities necessary to describe the reduced density matrix. These agree with recent analytic and numerical results for quantum spin chains. We also compute the effect of marginally irrelevant bulk operators, which give a correction (log L)^{-2}, with a universal amplitude. We present analogous results for the case when the interval lies at the end of a semi-infinite system.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Entanglement entropy and conformal field theory

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    We review the conformal field theory approach to entanglement entropy. We show how to apply these methods to the calculation of the entanglement entropy of a single interval, and the generalization to different situations such as finite size, systems with boundaries, and the case of several disjoint intervals. We discuss the behaviour away from the critical point and the spectrum of the reduced density matrix. Quantum quenches, as paradigms of non-equilibrium situations, are also considered.Comment: 39 Pages, 10 figures. Review article for the special issue "Entanglement entropy in extended systems" in J. Phys. A. V2 Refs added, typos correcte

    Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Field Theory

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    We carry out a systematic study of entanglement entropy in relativistic quantum field theory. This is defined as the von Neumann entropy S_A=-Tr rho_A log rho_A corresponding to the reduced density matrix rho_A of a subsystem A. For the case of a 1+1-dimensional critical system, whose continuum limit is a conformal field theory with central charge c, we re-derive the result S_A\sim(c/3) log(l) of Holzhey et al. when A is a finite interval of length l in an infinite system, and extend it to many other cases: finite systems,finite temperatures, and when A consists of an arbitrary number of disjoint intervals. For such a system away from its critical point, when the correlation length \xi is large but finite, we show that S_A\sim{\cal A}(c/6)\log\xi, where \cal A is the number of boundary points of A. These results are verified for a free massive field theory, which is also used to confirm a scaling ansatz for the case of finite-size off-critical systems, and for integrable lattice models, such as the Ising and XXZ models, which are solvable by corner transfer matrix methods. Finally the free-field results are extended to higher dimensions, and used to motivate a scaling form for the singular part of the entanglement entropy near a quantum phase transition.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Our results for more than one interval are in general incorrect. A note had been added discussing thi

    Corrections to scaling for block entanglement in massive spin-chains

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    We consider the Renyi entropies S_n in one-dimensional massive integrable models diagonalizable by means of corner transfer matrices (as Heisenberg and Ising spin chains). By means of explicit examples and using the relation of corner transfer matrix with the Virasoro algebra, we show that close to a conformal invariant critical point, when the correlation length xi is finite but large, the corrections to the scaling are of the unusual form xi^(-x/n), with x the dimension of a relevant operator in the conformal theory. This is reminiscent of the results for gapless chains and should be valid for any massive one-dimensional model close to a conformal critical point.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. v2 corrected typo

    Entanglement entropy and quantum field theory: a non-technical introduction

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    In these proceedings we give a pedagogical and non-technical introduction to the Quantum Field Theory approach to entanglement entropy. Particular attention is devoted to the one space dimensional case, with a linear dispersion relation, that, at a quantum critical point, can be effectively described by a two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory.Comment: 10 Pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the conference "Entanglement in Physical and information sciences", Centro Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, December 200

    Entropy in quantum chromodynamics

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    We review the role of zero-temperature entropy in several closely-related contexts in QCD. The first is entropy associated with disordered condensates, including . The second is vacuum entropy arising from QCD solitons such as center vortices, yielding confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. The third is entanglement entropy, which is entropy associated with a pure state, such as the QCD vacuum, when the state is partially unobserved and unknown. Typically, entanglement entropy of an unobserved three-volume scales not with the volume but with the area of its bounding surface. The fourth manifestation of entropy in QCD is the configurational entropy of light-particle world-lines and flux tubes; we argue that this entropy is critical for understanding how confinement produces chiral symmetry breakdown, as manifested by a dynamically-massive quark, a massless pion, and a <qˉq>< \bar{q}q> condensate.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Preprint version of invited review for Modern Physics Letters

    Priming access to natural-object and trait category hierarchies on pronunciation, lexical decision, and category verification tasks

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    Lexical decision, pronunciation, and category verification response times (RTs) to natural object and trait hierarchies were measured. Prime and target words consisted of both superordinate and subordinate object and trait category members. Trait words were categorized as desirable and undesirable (Hampson, et al., 1986). Subjects\u27 RTs to object and undesirable trait words displayed similar patterns. In all experiments, RTs to natural-object subordinate target words were significantly more rapid compared to superordinate words. This same pattern was also true for the undesirable traits, but reached significance in only the lexical decision task. The facilitation effect of the prime reached significance for the natural-objects in the category verification experiment and for the undesirable traits in the lexical decision experiment. This pattern of facilitation by the prime were consistent for natural-objects and undesirable traits across all experiments. In each experiment the opposite pattern of results were found for desirable traits. In the pronunciation and lexical decision experiments RTs to desirable superordinate trait words were significantly more rapid compared to desirable subordinate trait words. In all experiments the facilitation by desirable superordinate trait word primes was significantly greater compared to undesirable superordinate trait words. Post-experiment questionnaires indicated that subjects\u27 judgment of the logical hierarchy entailment asymmetries were highly consistent with the norms. Regression analysis of subjects\u27 judgments of the logical entailment between category stimulus pairs indicated no significant systematic relationship. Implications for research on attribution, category memory, and clinical research on cognitive assessment are discussed

    Time-dependence of correlation functions following a quantum quench

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    We show that the time-dependence of correlation functions in an extended quantum system in d dimensions, which is prepared in the ground state of some hamiltonian and then evolves without dissipation according to some other hamiltonian, may be extracted using methods of boundary critical phenomena in d+1 dimensions. For d=1 particularly powerful results are available using conformal field theory. These are checked against those available from solvable models. They may be explained in terms of a picture, valid more generally, whereby quasiparticles, entangled over regions of the order of the correlation length in the initial state, then propagate classically through the system.Comment: 4+ pages, Corrected Typo

    The Ubiquitous 'c': from the Stefan-Boltzmann Law to Quantum Information

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    I discuss various aspects of the role of the conformal anomaly number c in 2- and 1+1-dimensional critical behaviour: its appearance as the analogue of Stefan's constant, its fundamental role in conformal field theory, in the classification of 2d universality classes, and as a measure of quantum entanglement, among other topics.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Boltzmann Medal Lecture, Statphys24, Cairns 2010. v3: minor revision
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