6 research outputs found

    Investasi Penangkapan Ikan Tuna Semi Modern oleh PT Serena Marine di Perairan Sulawesi Utara

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    Fish as a natural resource has a very high potential as a source of foreign exchange and income. Arrest of the proper techniques of some fish species will provide optimal benefits. The objective of this study is to analyze the financial feasibility of tuna fishing of PT Serena Marine in area of North Sulawesi Sea. Through certain assumptions and calculations of financial feasibility with present value concept (NPV, BCR and IRR) and profitability ratios such as ROA, ROI and ROE, also break-even point, and payback period. The result showed that, this business activity will be feasible and profitable. The results show that based on those profitability indicators were above 1%, NPV calculated is positive, BCR is 1.62 or > 1 while IRR is 46 % and greater than discounted interest rate using in this financial analysis, Payback period will be achieved on the year 25thmonths or after 2 years of operations. It shows the activity of tuna fishing by PT Serena Marine, is feasible in financial aspect

    Pengaruh Periklanan, Harga dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dengan Minat Beli Sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Produk Teh Botol Sosro di Tokma Cibitung (Studi Kajian Pustaka)

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    The purpose of this study was to measure exogenous variables, endogenous variables, and intervening variables. This research was conducted in Tokma Cibitung. The method used in this study is a survey method using quantitative. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The sampling method in this study used the accidental sampling. The population of this study are all consumers who aee present at Tokma Cibitung who consume Teh Botol Sosro products. The number of samples used in this study were 221 respondents. The data analysis method that will be used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS version 3.0 application and Path Analysis. The results of this study indicate that advertising and product quality have a significant effect on buying interest. Price has no effect on buying interest. Advertising and prices have no effect on purchasing decisions. Product quality and buying interest have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Advertising and product quality have a significant effect on purchasing decisions through buying interest. Price has no effect on purchasing decisions through buying interest

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan RSUD S.K. Lerik Kota Kupang

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    The purpose of the research is to know: (1). Leadership profile, discipline, training and employee performance at RSUD S.K. Lerik Kupang City (2). The influence of leadership on the performance of RSUD S.K. Lerik Kupang City (3). The influence of employee discipline on the performance of RSUD S.K. Lerik Kupang City (4). Effect of training on the performance of RSUD S.K. Lerik Kupang City. The study was conducted on all members of the employees at RSUD S.K. Lerik Kupang City. The sampling technique used the census method, thus the number of samples was 232 peoples. The data collected were analyzed descriptively based on the results of processed data using the method of Structural Equation Model. The results of the descriptive analysis describe the achievement of the performance variable indicators are 78.43% (good category); achievement indicator variable leadership is 79.27% (good category); achievement indicators for discipline reached a score of 80.47% (good category); and the achievement of the training variable indicator is 77.80% (good category). Based on the SEM analysis with AMOS, the results showed that the leadership and training variables had a significant effect on the performance of the employees of RSUD S.K. Lerik Kota Kupang with CR values of 3,589 and 10,974 respectively. The same analysis shows that the discipline variable has no effect on the performance of the employees of RSUD S.K. Kupang City Lerik. This can be seen from the CR value of only 0.662. Keywords: Employee Performance, Leadership, Discipline, Trainin

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Disiplin dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Mediasi (Suatu Kajian Studi Literatur Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)

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    Sumber daya manusia dapat membangkitkan kemampuan potensial pada diri manusia meliputi kemampuan berpikir, berkomunikasi, bertindak maupun bermoral dalam menjalankan suatu aktivitas. Kemampuan yang dimiliki tersebut juga dapat mempengaruhi kepemimpinan, disiplin maupun lingkungan kerja sehingga bisa menciptakan capaian kinerja individu yang diharapkan, maka tujuan perusahaan mampu diwujudkan. Artikel ini bermaksud supaya dapat membuat hipotesis terkait pengaruh antarvariabel supaya bisa dipergunakan untuk artikel ilmiah lain. Hasil kajian ini, yakni: 1) Gaya kepemimpinan memengaruhi kinerja.; 2) Disiplin kerja memengaruhi kinerja; 3) Lingkungan kerja memengaruhi kinerja; 4) Gaya kepemimpinan, disiplin dan lingkungan kerja berakibat ke kinerja; 5) Gaya kepemimpinan berakibat ke motivasi kerja; 6) Disiplin berakibat ke motivasi kerja; 7) Lingkungan memengaruhi motivasi kerja; 8) Gaya kepemimpinan, disiplin maupun lingkungan kerja memengaruhi motivasi kerja; 9) Motivasi kerja memediasi hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan, disiplin maupun lingkungan kerja

    Investasi Penangkapan Ikan Tuna Semi Modern oleh PT Serena Marine di Perairan Sulawesi Utara (Manajemen IKM, Vol. 9 No. 1 Februari 2014)

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    117 hlm, 38: 28 c

    Employee Productivity Determination: In Work Life Balance (WLB), Work From Home (WFH), Information Technology (IT) and Work Flexibility

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    This article reviews the factors that affect the productivity of employee work, namely: Work-Life Balance (WLB) which is used as a mediating variable, Work From Home (WFH), Information Technology (IT), and Work Flexibility. The study is literature review research. The literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. According to the theory, the appropriate article and its discussion can be seen that some studies support the thought of the research hypothesis of this study while some do not. From the hypothesis determined, there is no research conducted to determine whether WFH, IT, and WLB together can affect work productivity through WLB. Therefore, future research especially quantitative research needs to be conducted to prove the theory