5 research outputs found

    Har satsingen på pedodonti gitt resultater? Henvisninger til spesialister i pedodonti i Hordaland i 2014-2019

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    Hovedmålet med denne studien var å vurdere om satsingen i pedodonti i vest fra 2013 hadde ført til en økning i henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti i Bergen sammenlignet med en tidligere kartlegging 2006–2013. Delmål var å registrere antall henvisninger, geografisk spredning, alderssammensetning, henvisningsårsaker, hvilke yrkesgrupper helsepersonell som henviste, ventetid, samt å sammenligne resultatene med andre norske og svenske studier. Grunnlaget for studien var alle mottatte henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti ved Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter Vest/Hordaland i løpet av seksårsperioden 2014–2019. Totalt ble 1781 henvisninger registrert. Prosentandelen av den totale befolkningen barn og ungdom som ble henvist fra tidligere Hordaland, var markant høyere enn tilsvarende prosentandel rapportert i en tidligere studie i samme område (0,23 % vs. 0,03 %). Økt avstand fra behandlingsstedet resulterte i færre henvisninger, og særlig var henvisningsantallet fra tidligere Sogn & Fjordane fylke bekymringsfullt lavt. Aldersgruppen 7–15 år utgjorde nesten tre-fjerdedel av henvisningene, og erupsjonsproblematikk var årsaken til flest henvisninger. Den gjennomsnittlige ventetiden for spesialistbehandling var ca. 2 måneder. I tillegg utgjorde rådgivningstjeneste fra spesialister en viktig del av tilbudet. Studien viser at satsingen har gitt et bedre spesialisttilbud for barn og unge i vår region, men at det bør satses på å utdanne flere spesialister slik at en kan oppnå en bedre regional dekning.publishedVersio

    Eating Disorders: An Analysis of Self-Induced Vomiting, Binge Eating, and Oral Hygiene Behavior

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    Background. Self-induced vomiting (SIV) is often present in patients with eating disorders (ED) and potentially damaging for oral health. Related behaviors, such as binge eating and oral hygiene habits, may equally increase the risk for dental damage. This study aimed to investigate behaviors and habits in patients with ED and SIV in relation to oral health. Methods. All patients enlisting for treatment in an ED clinic for 1 year were offered to take part in the study. Fifty-four of 65 patients were accepted to participate, and a questionnaire included questions on dietary and oral hygiene habits was included. A subgroup consisting of only those 17 ED patients who reported SIV during the previous six months comprised the sample for this study and received additional questions related to other compensatory behaviors and oral hygiene habits in relation to oral health. Results. Binge eating before SIV was common (14/17 patients). Time point for SIV after binge eating and the procedures performed after vomiting varied. Tooth brushing after vomiting was common (7/17). Food and drinks during binge eating included mainly items rich in calories (sugar/fat) or acid. All 17 patients believed that vomiting could damage their teeth, but only one of them had informed the dentist about having an ED. A number of oral symptoms were reported. Ten patients considered their oral health to be good/fairly good, while the remaining seven patients reported their oral health as not so good/bad/very bad. Information on how ED could affect their teeth was commonly received from the media. Conclusions. The dental team should be made aware of the likely detrimental effects of binge eating and vomiting on oral health in patients with eating disorders. The team should also be aware of the cyclical nature of the disease and the similarities and diversities that exist within this group of ED patients. Since ED patients hide their disease from the dental team, this stresses the importance of open and trustful communication between patients and health workers. An organized collaboration between ED clinics and dental professionals is suggested as well as a development of avenues for information about ED and oral health

    Har satsingen på pedodonti gitt resultater? Henvisninger til spesialister i pedodonti i Hordaland i 2014-2019

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    Hovedmålet med denne studien var å vurdere om satsingen i pedodonti i vest fra 2013 hadde ført til en økning i henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti i Bergen sammenlignet med en tidligere kartlegging 2006–2013. Delmål var å registrere antall henvisninger, geografisk spredning, alderssammensetning, henvisningsårsaker, hvilke yrkesgrupper helsepersonell som henviste, ventetid, samt å sammenligne resultatene med andre norske og svenske studier. Grunnlaget for studien var alle mottatte henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti ved Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter Vest/Hordaland i løpet av seksårsperioden 2014–2019. Totalt ble 1781 henvisninger registrert. Prosentandelen av den totale befolkningen barn og ungdom som ble henvist fra tidligere Hordaland, var markant høyere enn tilsvarende prosentandel rapportert i en tidligere studie i samme område (0,23 % vs. 0,03 %). Økt avstand fra behandlingsstedet resulterte i færre henvisninger, og særlig var henvisningsantallet fra tidligere Sogn & Fjordane fylke bekymringsfullt lavt. Aldersgruppen 7–15 år utgjorde nesten tre-fjerdedel av henvisningene, og erupsjonsproblematikk var årsaken til flest henvisninger. Den gjennomsnittlige ventetiden for spesialistbehandling var ca. 2 måneder. I tillegg utgjorde rådgivningstjeneste fra spesialister en viktig del av tilbudet. Studien viser at satsingen har gitt et bedre spesialisttilbud for barn og unge i vår region, men at det bør satses på å utdanne flere spesialister slik at en kan oppnå en bedre regional dekning

    Prediction of xerostomia in a 75-year-old population: A 25-year longitudinal study

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    Objectives To follow the same individuals from age 50 up to 75 years to report on prevalence, persistence, progression, remission, incidence and predictors for xerostomia. Methods A questionnaire was distributed to all 50-years-olds (1992) in two Swedish counties (N = 8888) and repeated at the age of 65 (2007) and 75 years (2017). 3060 individuals responded on all three occasions (response rate 42.5%). Xerostomia was assessed with two questions. Additional questions addressed inter alia general/oral health and oral function. Results Reported prevalence of daytime xerostomia were 23.3% and 14.7%, and 39.5% and 27.5% in women and men, age 50 and 75, respectively. Night-time prevalence was higher. At age 50, 27.4% women and 24.0% men reported having dry mouth, and at age 75, 61.0% and 53.8%, respectively. At all time points, women reported significantly more xerostomia than men. Progression (deterioration) was common, and persistence (continuing presence) was high, while 25-year incidence for daytime xerostomia was 16.2% and 12.8%, and 33.6% and 29.8% at night-time, for women and men, respectively. Based on reports at age 50, regression analyses showed that prediction for developing xerostomia during the observation period, and reporting xerostomia at age 75 years, were female gender, impaired general health, chewing, jaw opening and intraoral problems, dissatisfaction with dental appearance, low education and having white/plastic filling. Conclusions Xerostomia is common in older people, especially at night and in women. It can be predicted by diverse factors reported earlier in life. Clinical Significance Clinicians need to be made aware of that elderly often suffers from dry mouth so that they can recommend effective measures to eliminate or ease the patients accompanying symptoms and also exclude or lessen possible negative impact on oral health related to xerostomia.publishedVersio

    Satisfaction with dental appearance in two cohorts of 75-year-olds examined in 2007 and 2017: A repeated cross-sectional study

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    Background Satisfaction with dental appearance plays an important role in the self-esteem and psychological well-being of the elderly, the significance of which the attending dentist may not always be fully cognisant of. Objectives To assess the level of satisfaction with dental appearance, its associated factors and temporal changes in two cohorts of 75-year-old Swedes born 10 years apart. Methods In 2007, a questionnaire was mailed to all those living in Örebro and Östergötland counties, Sweden, who were born in 1932 (n = 5195), and in 2017 to all born in 1942 (n = 7204). The evaluation was carried out with a global question ‘Are you satisfied with the appearance of your teeth?’, and four attitude-related statements about dental appearance. Results About 80% in both cohorts were ‘very satisfied’ or ‘to large extent satisfied’ with their dental appearance. The 1932 cohort was significantly more concerned about their dental appearance than the 1942 cohort, and women were generally also significantly more concerned than men. In the regression analysis, ‘very satisfied’ with dental appearance was predicted by good chewing efficiency, having complete dentures, no impact from Oral Impacts on Daily Performance, disagreement that ‘minor esthetic imperfections of the teeth have no importance, only they should function well’, better perceived general health than same-aged peers and belonging to the 1932 cohort. Conclusion Satisfaction with dental appearance among 75-year-olds was generally high, with attitudes varying by gender and temporally. Women and the earlier-born generation (1932) were more concerned about dental appearance than men and the later-born generation (1942), respectively.publishedVersio