118 research outputs found

    Non-Markovian Steady States of a Driven Two-Level System

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    We show that an open quantum system in a non-Markovian environment can reach steady states that it cannot reach in a Markovian environment. As these steady states are unique for the non-Markovian regime, they could offer a simple way of detecting non-Markovianity, as no information about the system\u27s transient dynamics is necessary. In particular, we study a driven two-level system (TLS) in a semi-infinite waveguide. Once the waveguide has been traced out, the TLS sees an environment with a distinct memory time. The memory time enters the equations as a time delay that can be varied to compare a Markovian to a non-Markovian environment. We find that some non-Markovian states show exotic behaviors such as population inversion and steady-state coherence beyond 1/8, neither of which is possible for a driven TLS in the Markovian regime, where the time delay is neglected. Additionally, we show how the coherence of quantum interference is affected by time delays in a driven system by extracting the effective Purcell-modified decay rate of a TLS in front of a mirror

    Listening to the quantum vacuum: A perspective on the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Modern quantum field theory has offered us a very intriguing picture of empty space. The vacuum state is no longer an inert, motionless state. We are instead dealing with an entity teeming with fluctuations that continuously produce virtual particles popping in and out of existence. The dynamical Casimir effect is a paradigmatic phenomenon, whereby these particles are converted into real particles (photons) by changing the boundary conditions of the field. It was predicted 50 years ago by Gerald T. Moore and it took more than 40 years until the first experimental verification

    Semiclassical analysis of dark-state transient dynamics in waveguide circuit QED

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    The interaction between superconducting qubits and one-dimensional microwave transmission lines has been studied experimentally and theoretically in the past two decades. In this work, we investigate the spontaneous emission of an initially excited artificial atom which is capacitively coupled to a semi-infinite transmission line, shorted at one end. This configuration can be viewed as an atom in front of a mirror. The distance between the atom and the mirror introduces a time delay in the system, which we take into account fully. When the delay time equals an integer number of atom oscillation periods, the atom converges into a dark state after an initial decay period. The dark state is an effect of destructive interference between the reflected part of the field and the part directly emitted by the atom. Based on circuit quantization, we derive linearized equations of motion for the system and use these for a semiclassical analysis of the transient dynamics. We also make a rigorous connection to the quantum optics system-reservoir approach and compare these two methods to describe the dynamics. We find that both approaches are equivalent for transmission lines with a low characteristic impedance, while they differ when this impedance is higher than the typical impedance of the superconducting artificial atom

    Transmon in a semi-infinite high-impedance transmission line: Appearance of cavity modes and Rabi oscillations

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    In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of a single superconducting artificial atom capacitively coupled to a transmission line with a characteristic impedance comparable to or larger than the quantum resistance. In this regime, microwaves are reflected from the atom also at frequencies far from the atom\u27s transition frequency. Adding a single mirror in the transmission line then creates cavity modes between the atom and the mirror. Investigating the spontaneous emission from the atom, we then find Rabi oscillations, where the energy oscillates between the atom and one of the cavity modes

    Arbitrary accuracy iterative quantum phase estimation algorithm using a single ancillary qubit: A two-qubit benchmark

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    We discuss the implementation of an iterative quantum phase estimation algorithm with a single ancillary qubit. We suggest using this algorithm as a benchmark for multiqubit implementations. Furthermore, we describe in detail the smallest possible realization, using only two qubits, and exemplify with a superconducting circuit. We discuss the robustness of the algorithm in the presence of gate errors, and show that seven bits of precision is obtainable, even with very limited gate accuracies

    Wigner negativity in the steady-state output of a Kerr parametric oscillator

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    The output field from a continuously driven linear parametric oscillator may exhibit considerably more squeezing than the intracavity field. Inspired by this fact, we explore the nonclassical features of the steady-state output field of a driven nonlinear Kerr parametric oscillator using a temporal wave packet mode description. Utilizing a new numerical method, we have access to the density matrix of arbitrary wave packet modes. Remarkably, we find that even though the steady-state cavity field is always characterized by a positive Wigner function, the output may exhibit Wigner negativity, depending on the properties of the selected mode

    Numerical study of Wigner negativity in one-dimensional steady-state resonance fluorescence

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    In a numerical study, we investigate the steady-state generation of nonclassical states of light from a coherently driven two-level atom in a one-dimensional waveguide. Specifically, we look for states with a negative Wigner function, since such nonclassical states are a resource for quantum information processing applications, including quantum computing. We find that a waveguide terminated by a mirror at the position of the atom can provide Wigner-negative states, while an infinite waveguide yields strictly positive Wigner functions. Moreover, our paper reveals a connection between the purity of a quantum state and its Wigner negativity. We also analyze the effects of decoherence on the negativity of a state

    How Virtual Reality is used when involving healthcare staff in the design process

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    The design process of a new hospital is often recognized as a complex task involving a diverse group of actors. The most common information media used today are project related documents and drawings. Hospital users\ub4 ability to interpret information through these varies. This affects the design feedback from users. However, an increasing use of Virtual Reality (VR) support possibilities to facilitate better understanding. This paper presents six case studies of hospital design projects, where VR has been used with the purpose of involving end-users, investigating how and when VR has been implemented and which effects and experiences that could be noted.The findings show different levels of involvement, engagement, collaboration, and interactivity. Using VR contributes throughout the design process but is dependent on purpose and setup. Furthermore, there is a strong connection between engagement and the interactivity of the VR model

    Hybrid polymer-liquid lithium ion electrolytes: effect of porosity on the ionic and molecular mobility

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    Alternative electrolyte systems such as hybrid electrolytes are much sought after to overcome safety issues related to liquid electrolytes in lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Hybrid solid-liquid electrolytes (HEs) like the heterogeneous structural battery electrolyte (SBE) consist of two discrete co-existing phases prepared by polymerization-induced phase separation: one solid polymer phase providing mechanical integrity and the other one a percolating liquid ion-conducting phase. The present work investigates the ion and the solvent mobility in a series of HEs using morphological, electrochemical impedance and NMR spectroscopic methods. All the dried HEs exhibit a porous structure with a broad pore size distribution stretching down to <10 nm diameter. Penetration of the individual components of the solution, that is the ions and the solvent, in the solid polymer phase is demonstrated. Yet, it is the pores that are the main ion conduction channels in the liquid-saturated HEs and, in general, translational mobility is strongly dependent on the volume fraction and size of the pores and, thereby, on the initial liquid electrolyte content. We also observe that the translational mobility of solvent and the ions vary differently with the pore volume fraction. This finding is explained by the presence of small mesopores where the mobility strongly depends on the specific interactions of the molecular constituent with the pore wall. These interactions are inferred to be stronger for the EC/PC solvent than for the ions. This study shows how the morphology and the chemical composition of HEs affect the ionic and molecular transport in the system

    Decoherence-Free Interaction between Giant Atoms in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics

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    In quantum-optics experiments with both natural and artificial atoms, the atoms are usually small enough that they can be approximated as pointlike compared to the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation with which they interact. However, superconducting qubits coupled to a meandering transmission line, or to surface acoustic waves, can realize "giant artificial atoms" that couple to a bosonic field at several points which are wavelengths apart. Here, we study setups with multiple giant atoms coupled at multiple points to a one-dimensional (1D) waveguide. We show that the giant atoms can be protected from decohering through the waveguide, but still have exchange interactions mediated by the waveguide. Unlike in decoherence-free subspaces, here the entire multiatom Hilbert space (2N states for N atoms) is protected from decoherence. This is not possible with "small" atoms. We further show how this decoherence-free interaction can be designed in setups with multiple atoms to implement, e.g., a 1D chain of atoms with nearest-neighbor couplings or a collection of atoms with all-to-all connectivity. This may have important applications in quantum simulation and quantum computing
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