8 research outputs found

    Resultados clínicos en receptores de trasplante renal posterior a la conversión a ImTOR

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    Introducción: los ImTOR, sirolimus y everolimus son una alternativa de inmunosupresión en personas que han recibido transplantes rena-les. En este artículo, se describe la experiencia de pacientes que han experimentado una conversión a ImTOR, y a los que se les ha hecho un seguimiento por más de cinco años.Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron pacientes con transplantes renales desde 1995 hasta 2013, quienes tuvieron indicación de suspensión del inhibidor de calcineurina (ICN) después del tercer mes posterior al trasplante. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a biopsia renal antes de la administración de ImTOR. Ningún paciente tuvo diagnóstico de nefropatía crónica, IFTA >40 % o proteinuria >350 mg/24h. Se elaboró un análisis descriptivo para todas las variables. Para estudiar la supervivencia del paciente y del injerto, y la incidencia de rechazo agudo, se usó el método de Kaplan-Meier.Resultados: de 1273 trasplantes renales, la conversión de ICN a ImTOR se realizó en 166 casos (13 %). Al 78 % (n=129) se le administró sirolimus. El 13 % de los pacientes perdió la función del injerto y 7 pacientes (4,2 %) fallecieron. En el 37 % de los casos, se retiró el ImTOR. La principal causa de retiro fue el hallazgo de proteinuria patológica. La incidencia de rechazo agudo después del cambio a ImTOR fue de 9,6 %. La supervivencia del injerto tras uno y cinco años fue de 96,6 % y 83,5 %, respectivamente; y la supervivencia del paciente a uno y cinco años fue de 98 % y 97 %, respectivamente.Conclusiones: el uso de inhibidores ImTOR parece ser seguro en este grupo de pacientes trasplantados, pues hubo una baja tasa de rechazo y buena supervivencia del injert

    Primer trasplante de islotes realizado en Colombia, experiencia fundación Valle del Lili

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    Introducción De acuerdo con las estadísticas suministradas en el 2014 por la Federación Internacional de Diabetes, la prevalencia de pacientes con diabetes está en aumento a nivel mundial, actualmente alrededor de 382 millones de personas sufren de esta patología. En relación con la diabetes tipo 1 se estima que corresponde al 5% de todos los casos diagnosticados de diabetes en adultos. Para el caso de Colombia, la incidencia de diabetes tipo 1 es de 3-4 por 100.000 niños menores de 15 años y la prevalencia se estima en 0,07%. Para el municipio de Santiago de Cali, según datos de la oficina de estadística de la Secretaría de Salud Pública, la diabetes (tipo 1 y 2) se encuentra entre las diez primeras causas de muerte en la ciudad, ocupando el octavo lugar en el grupo de hombres y el séptimo entre las mujeres. Cabe resaltar que la prevalencia de diabetes para Cali es del 6,76%, seguida del 5,4% para el departamento del Valle del Cauca, cifra mucho más alta cuando se compara con la prevalencia nacional que es de 2%. Específicamente, cuando nos referimos a la diabetes tipo 1, es una patología autoinmune crónica, que se presenta con una predisposición genética específica y en un 0,4% aparece sin antecedentes familiares. Su presentación se hace de forma inesperada, a causa de la destrucción rápidamente progresiva de las células beta pancreáticas, por esta razón requiere la suplencia total de insulina exógena de forma crónica. Lo anterior ocasiona que la enfermedad esté ligada a una carga económica alta para los pacientes, sus familias y el sistema de salud. A nivel global se estima que más del 10% de la inversión en salud se destina a gastos relacionados directamente con diabetes. En cuanto al tratamiento médico de la diabetes tipo 1, la recomendación actual está basada en la terapia intensiva con insulina exógena, sin embargo, este tratamiento se caracteriza por ser de difícil adherencia, costoso, y por conllevar a un incremento considerable de los eventos de hipoglicemia severa. Estos eventos aumentan en alto grado el riesgo de sufrir deterioro cardiovascular y cognitivo. Por lo tanto, existe una gran necesidad de encontrar mejores alternativas de tratamiento para estos pacientes, que impliquen menores riesgos biológicos y ofrezcan mejor calidad de vida

    APOL 1 gene variants and risk for cardiovascular disease

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    Introduction: The association of APOL1 risk variants with cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular disease in observational and clinical trials has had inconsistent results. We aim to assess the relationship between the presence of APOL1 risk variants and the CVD risk in Afro-descendant patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Methods: We performed an observational, cross-sectional study of Afro-descendant adult patients with end-stage renal disease who were on the waitlist for a kidney transplant. Associations of APOL1 genotypes (high-risk (HR) =2 alleles; low-risk (LR) =0 or 1 allele) with and cardiovascular risk was the primary clinical endpoint. The relation was evaluated using univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: We enrolled a total of 102 patients with ESRD, 37% (38 patients) had APOL1 high-risk status two alleles in homozygous (G1/G1 = 21 and G2/G2= 3) or compound heterozygote (G1/G2=14) form and 63% (64 patients) had APOL1 low-risk status. There was no significant association between APOL1 genotypes and the adjusted Colombia Framingham Risk Score. APOL1 high- versus low-risk status was not independently associated with LV hypertrophy or systolic dysfunction. Three no-cardiovascular deaths occurred during the follow-up. Discussion/Conclusion: In afro-descendent patients with ESRD APOL1 HR status is not associated with the increase in cardiovascular risk profile and metabolic disturbances

    Renal failure and transplant in a former donor

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    Kidney transplantation in donors and recipients over 60 at Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, from 2002 to 2016

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    Introduction: Kidney transplant is the first-line therapy for end-stage renal disease. Patients over 60 constitute a population which is increasingly affected by this disease. However, they do not receive timely transplantation and most of them stay on dialysis treatment with a reduction of their survival time and life quality. In this study we show the results of the kidney transplants between elderly patients performed at a private tertiary care hospital in Cali, Colombia. Methods: This descriptive, cohort study includes 31 kidney transplants with donors and recipients over 60, which were carried out at Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, from January 2002 to March 2016. Results: The average ages were 66 for recipients and 65 for donors. In most cases (90%) deceased donors were involved. The main cause of renal disease was diabetic nephropathy. Conclusion: The survival rate for the patients who underwent this procedure at the center mentioned above is similar to the results shown in the literature all over the world. The most common complications associated with this kind of operation are malignancy, infections and cardiovascular pathologies. Candidates for this transplantation should be carefully chosen given its complexity and related complications

    Risk Factors Related to New-Onset Diabetes after Renal Transplantation in Patients of a High Complexity University Hospital in Colombia, 20 Years of Experience

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    Introduction. New-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is associated with immunosuppression. Its complications can negatively influence patients’ quality of life, which is why it is important to study the associated risk factors and expand the possible therapies in this particular group of patients. Materials and methods. Case-control study nested in a retrospective cohort. It included patients who received kidney transplantation at the high complexity University Hospital Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, between 1995 and 2014. Two controls were assigned for each case, depending on the type of donor and the date of the surgery. Information was collected from clinical records and the institutional TRENAL registry. We carried out a descriptive analysis of the selected variables and identified the risk factors with conditional logistic regression. Results. 122 cases were identified to which 224 controls were assigned. The median age was 44 years (IQR: 34–55), and 54% were men. Having >50 years of age at the time of transplantation (OR: 3.18, 95% CI: 1.6−6.3, p = 0.001), body mass index >30 kg/m2 (OR: 3.6, 95% CI: 1.3−9.7, p = 0.010) and being afro-descendant (OR: 2.74, 95% CI: 1.1−6.5, p = 0.023) were identified as risk factors for the development of NODAT. Pretransplant fasting plasma glucose >100 mg/dl (OR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.4−6.4, p = 0.005) and serum triglycerides >200 mg/dl (OR: 2.5, 95% CI: 1.4−4.4, p = 0.002) were also reported as independent risk factors. Conclusion. We ratify some risk factors for the development of this important disease, which include certain modifiable characteristics. Interventions aimed at changes in lifestyle could be established in a timely manner before transplant surgery

    Safety of Everolimus With Reduced Calcineurin Inhibitor Exposure in De Novo Kidney Transplants: An Analysis From the Randomized TRANSFORM Study

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    BACKGROUND: The safety profiles of standard therapy versus everolimus with reduced-exposure calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) therapy using contemporary protocols in de novo kidney transplant recipients have not been compared in detail. METHODS: TRANSFORM was a randomized, international trial in which de novo kidney transplant patients were randomized to everolimus with reduced-exposure CNI (N = 1014) or mycophenolic acid (MPA) with standard-exposure CNI (N = 1012), both with induction and corticosteroids. RESULTS: Within the safety population (everolimus 1014, MPA 1012), adverse events with a suspected relation to study drug occurred in 62.9% versus 59.2% of patients given everolimus or MPA, respectively (P = 0.085). Hyperlipidemia, interstitial lung disease, peripheral edema, proteinuria, stomatitis/mouth ulceration, thrombocytopenia, and wound healing complications were more frequent with everolimus, whereas diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, leukopenia, tremor, and insomnia were more frequent in the MPA group. The incidence of viral infections (17.2% versus 29.2%; P < 0.001), cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections (8.1% versus 20.1%; P < 0.001), CMV syndrome (13.6% versus 23.0%, P = 0.044), and BK virus (BKV) infections (4.3% versus 8.0%, P < 0.001) were less frequent with everolimus. CMV infection was less common with everolimus versus MPA after adjusting for prophylaxis therapy in the D+/R- subgroup (P < 0.001). Study drug was discontinued more frequently due to rejection or impaired healing with everolimus, and more often due to BKV infection or BKV nephropathy with MPA. CONCLUSIONS: De novo everolimus with reduced-exposure CNI yielded a comparable incidence, though a distinctly different pattern, of adverse events versus current standard of care. Both regimens are safe and effective, yet their distinct profiles may enable tailoring for individual kidney transplant recipients.status: publishe