26 research outputs found

    Does parental monitoring moderate the relationship between bullying and adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior? A community-based self-report study of adolescents in Germany

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    Background: Being a victim of bullying in school is clearly linked to various social, emotional, and behavioral problems including self-harm behavior. However, it is not known whether even occasional victimization has similar negative consequences and whether protective factors such as social support may prevent those harmful developments. The present study therefore focuses on the nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicidal behavior (SB) in victims of bullying and the potentially moderating effect of parental monitoring. Methods: In all, a cross-sectional sample of 647 adolescents (mean age 12.8 years) were surveyed concerning bullying experiences, NSSI and SB, and parental monitoring. Results: A total of 14.4 % of respondents reported being a victim of frequent bullying in the past few months (with verbal and social bullying playing the most important role), which increased the risks of both NSSI (OR = 11.75) and SB (OR = 6.08). This relationship could also be shown for occasional victims of bullying (35.6 %), although to a lesser extent. Parental monitoring had a significant protective effect on SB in victims of occasional bullying. However, parental monitoring did not show any protective effect in victims of repetitive bullying. Conclusions: Victims of bullying show a substantial risk for engaging in self-harm behavior. Therefore, the dissemination of anti-bullying programs in schools would probably also prevent such disorders. Parental participation in school-based prevention may increase its effect; this also matches the results of the present study, showing that parental monitoring may be able to buffer the negative effects of bullying victimization, at least to a certain degree

    The association of self-injurious behaviour and suicide attempts with recurrent idiopathic pain in adolescents: evidence from a population-based study

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    Background: While several population-based studies report that pain is independently associated with higher rates of self-destructive behaviour (suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and self-injurious behaviour) in adults, studies in adolescents are rare and limited to specific chronic pain conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the link between self-reported idiopathic pain and the prevalence and frequency of self-injury (SI) and suicide attempts in adolescents. Methods: Data from a cross-sectional, school-based sample was derived to assess SI, suicide attempts, recurrent pain symptoms and various areas of emotional and behavioural problems via a self-report booklet including the Youth Self-Report (YSR). Adolescents were assigned to two groups (presence of pain vs. no pain) for analysis. Data from 5,504 students of 116 schools in a region of South Western Germany was available. A series of unadjusted and adjusted multinomial logistic regression models were performed to address the association of pain, SI, and suicide attempts. Results: 929 (16.88%) respondents reported recurrent pain in one of three areas of pain symptoms assessed (general pain, headache, and abdominal pain). Adolescents who reported pain also reported greater psychopathological distress on all sub-scales of the YSR. The presence of pain was significantly associated with an increased risk ratio (RR) for SI (1–3 incidences in the past year: RR: 2.96; >3 incidences: RR: 6.04) and suicide attempts (one attempt: RR: 3.63; multiple attempts: RR: 5.4) in unadjusted analysis. Similarly, increased RR was observed when adjusting for sociodemographic variables. While controlling for psychopathology attenuated this association, it remained significant (RRs: 1.4–1.8). Sub-sequent sensitivity analysis revealed different RR by location and frequency of pain symptoms. Conclusions: Adolescents with recurrent idiopathic pain are more likely to report previous incidents of SI and suicide attempts. This association is likely mediated by the presence of psychopathological distress as consequence of recurrent idiopathic pain. However, the observed variance in dependent variables is only partially explained by emotional and behavioural problems. Clinicians should be aware of these associations and interview adolescents with recurrent symptoms of pain for the presence of self-harm, past suicide attempts and current suicidal thoughts. Future studies addressing the neurobiology underpinnings of an increased likelihood for self-injurious behaviour and suicide attempts in adolescents with recurrent idiopathic pain are necessary

    Explaining gender differences in non-fatal suicidal behaviour among adolescents: a population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people in most industrial countries, non-fatal suicidal behaviour is also a very important public health concern among adolescents. The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in prevalence and emotional and behavioural correlates of suicidal behaviour in a representative school-based sample of adolescents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional design was used to assess suicidal behaviour and various areas of emotional and behavioural problems by using a self-report booklet including the Youth Self-Report. One hundred sixteen schools in a region of Southern Germany agreed to participate. A representative sample of 5,512 ninth-grade students was studied. Mean age was 14.8 years (SD 0.73); 49.8% were female.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serious suicidal thoughts were reported by 19.8% of the female students and 10.8% of the females had ever attempted suicide. In the male group, 9.3% had a history of suicidal thoughts and 4.9% had previously attempted suicide. Internalizing emotional and behavioural problems were shown to be higher in the female group (difference of the group means 4.41) while externalizing emotional and behavioural problems slightly predominated in male students (difference of the group means -0.65). However, the total rate of emotional and behavioural problems was significantly higher in the adolescent female group (difference of the group means 4.98). Using logistic regression models with suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide as dependent variables, the pseudo-R<sup>2</sup> of gender alone was only 2.7% or 2.3%, while it was 30% or 23.2% for emotional and behavioural problems measured by the YSR syndrome scales. By adding gender to the emotional and behavioural problems only an additional 0.3% of information could be explained.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings suggest that gender differences in non-fatal suicidal behaviour among adolescents can to a large extent be explained by the gender differences in emotional and behavioural problems during this age.</p

    Diatribarum Domesticarum Decas III.

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    Quam ... in Academia Salana, Praeside Johanne Schrötero ... Defendere Conabitur Johannes Philippus Haffner/ Onoldinus. XI. Kalend. Novembr.In: Schroeter, Johann: Diatribae Domesticae, Seu Centuria selectiorum controversarium. - 161

    Die Fledermaus : komische Operette in drei Akten; nach Mailhac und Halevy

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    bearb. von C. Haffner und Richard Genóe. Musik von Johann StraußTextbuch. - In Fraktur. - Richtiger Name d. 2. Bearbeiters: Genée, Richar

    Parent- and teacher-reported behavior problems of first graders

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    Ziel der Studie war es, die Veränderungen von Verhalten, Problemen und Lebenssituation von Kindern nach einjährigem Schulbesuch aus Elternsicht zu beschreiben. Weiterhin sollte die Beurteilung von Verhalten, Auffälligkeiten und Leistungsstand der Erstklässler durch die Klassenlehrerin erfasst und mit dem Elternurteil verglichen werden. Am Ende des ersten Schuljahres wurden die Eltern von N = 131 Erstklässlern mit Hilfe der Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) zu Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder befragt; zusätzlich wurden Angaben zur Lebenssituation der Kinder erhoben. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit denen einer breit angelegten epidemiologischen Studie an Einschulungskindern, die ein Jahr zuvor im selben Untersuchungsgebiet mit dem gleichen Erhebungsinstrument durchgeführt worden war, verglichen. Die Untersuchung wurde durch eine Lehrerbefragung zu Verhaltensproblemen und Leistungsstand der Erstklässler ergänzt. Der durchschnittliche CBCL-Gesamtwert hat sich nach dem Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule nicht signifikant verändert. Im Elternurteil werden zu beiden Zeitpunkten am häufigsten ausgeprägt oppositionell-eigensinnige Verhaltensweisen beschrieben. Soziale Probleme haben abgenommen, was sich sowohl auf Skalen- als auch auf Itemebene zeigt. Die Kinder sind selbständiger geworden und der Umgang mit Gleichaltrigen hat erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wesentlich mehr Kinder besitzen eigene Fernsehgeräte und Computer als vor der Einschulung. Deutlich zugenommen haben Kopfschmerzen und Perfektionismus und es ergeben sich Hinweise auf vermehrte Anspannung und Reizbarkeit. Aus Lehrersicht besteht das größte und am häufigsten beobachtete Problem in den ausgeprägten Aufmerksamkeits- und Konzentrationsstörungen (32% der Erstklässler), während aggressives und oppositionelles Verhalten in der Schule, anders als im Elternhaus, eher selten vorkommt. Der Leistungsstand korreliert hoch mit den meisten Verhaltensproblemen, insbesondere mit den Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen. Eltern- und Lehrerurteil korrelieren im Schnitt mit r = 0.28, am besten stimmen Eltern und Lehrerinnen in der Beurteilung von Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und Schulleistungen überein. Die Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss darüber, wie die Kinder die Übergangssituation des Schuleintritts bewältigt haben. Die häufigen und ausgeprägten Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und der enge Zusammenhang zwischen Verhaltens- und Leistungsproblemen führen zu dem Schluss, dass die frühzeitige Prävention von Verhaltensauffälligkeiten auch im Hinblick auf den späteren Schulerfolg der Kinder von größter Bedeutung ist.(DIPF/Orig.)Parents information about behavior, problems and life situation of children before and after first year of school were analysed and compared with data from teacher reports. At the end of first grade 131 parents were asked about behavior problems of their children using the child behaviour checklist (CBCL) and additional items about living condition of the familiy and child. Findings were compared with those of a large epidemiological study conducted one year before in the same area using the same instruments. Additional teacher-reported data about behaviour problems and school achievement were included. Comparing data before and after first year of school, no significant change in average CBCL total score could be observed. From parents view oppositional behavior was the most prevalent problem. There was a decrease of social problems. Children became more independent having more contact with peers. More children have their own television and computer at the end of first grade. Prevalence of headache and perfectionism as well as symptoms of tension and irritation increased. The most important problems from teachers’ view are lack of attention and concentration affecting 32% of the first graders. Compared to the parents, teachers report only few oppositional and aggressive behavior. Achievement at school and behavior problems are highly correlated. Especially attention problems go along with low achievement at school. Parents’ and teachers’ ratings show an average correlation of r = .28 with the highest accord for attention problems and school achievement. The results of the study contribute to the question how children deal and cope with the new situation coming to school. The findings of a high rate of attention problems at school and the close relationship between behavior problems and achievement lead to the conclusion that an early prevention of behavior problems is essential to promote school performance.(DIPF/Orig.

    Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c.

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    SEJ CONCERTIJ A LIUTO, TRAVERSO OBOE Ò VIOLINO E VIOLONCELLO DEDICATI A SUA ALTEZZA SERENISSIMA MONSIGNOR IL PRENCIPE ERNESTO AVGVSTO, DUCA DI SASSONIA, JULIC, CLEVE, BERG, ANGRIA E VESTFALIA, LANDGRAVIO DI TURINGIA, MARGRAVIO DI MISNIA PRENCIPE CONTE DIE HENNEBERG, CONTE DELLA MARCA E DI RAVENSBERG, SIGNORE DI RAVENSTEIN, DUCA REGNANTE DI SASSONIA-WEIMAR, EISENACH E JENA, CAVALIERE DELL'AQUILA BIANCA DI POLONIA, GENERAL COMANDANTE DELLA CAVALLERIA D'UN REGGIMENTO DI CORAZZIERI E D'UNO D'JNFANTERIA [ET]C. [ET]C. Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c. ( - ) Einband ( - ) Traverso Oboe ò Violino. Nro. III. ( - ) Concerto I. (1) Concerto II. (3) Concerto III. (5) Concerto IV. (8) Concerto V. (11) Concerto VI. (13

    Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c.

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    SEJ CONCERTIJ A LIUTO, TRAVERSO OBOE Ò VIOLINO E VIOLONCELLO DEDICATI A SUA ALTEZZA SERENISSIMA MONSIGNOR IL PRENCIPE ERNESTO AVGVSTO, DUCA DI SASSONIA, JULIC, CLEVE, BERG, ANGRIA E VESTFALIA, LANDGRAVIO DI TURINGIA, MARGRAVIO DI MISNIA PRENCIPE CONTE DIE HENNEBERG, CONTE DELLA MARCA E DI RAVENSBERG, SIGNORE DI RAVENSTEIN, DUCA REGNANTE DI SASSONIA-WEIMAR, EISENACH E JENA, CAVALIERE DELL'AQUILA BIANCA DI POLONIA, GENERAL COMANDANTE DELLA CAVALLERIA D'UN REGGIMENTO DI CORAZZIERI E D'UNO D'JNFANTERIA [ET]C. [ET]C. Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c. ( - ) Einband ( - ) Violoncello. Nro. III. ( - ) Concerto I. (1) Concerto II. (3) Concerto III. (5) Concerto IV. (7) Concerto V. (9) Concerto VI. (11

    Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c.

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    SEJ CONCERTIJ A LIUTO, TRAVERSO OBOE Ò VIOLINO E VIOLONCELLO DEDICATI A SUA ALTEZZA SERENISSIMA MONSIGNOR IL PRENCIPE ERNESTO AVGVSTO, DUCA DI SASSONIA, JULIC, CLEVE, BERG, ANGRIA E VESTFALIA, LANDGRAVIO DI TURINGIA, MARGRAVIO DI MISNIA PRENCIPE CONTE DIE HENNEBERG, CONTE DELLA MARCA E DI RAVENSBERG, SIGNORE DI RAVENSTEIN, DUCA REGNANTE DI SASSONIA-WEIMAR, EISENACH E JENA, CAVALIERE DELL'AQUILA BIANCA DI POLONIA, GENERAL COMANDANTE DELLA CAVALLERIA D'UN REGGIMENTO DI CORAZZIERI E D'UNO D'JNFANTERIA [ET]C. [ET]C. Sej Concertij a Liuto, Traverso Oboe ò Violino e Violoncello dedicati A Sua Altezza Serenissima Monsignor il Prencipe Ernesto Avgvsto, Duca di Sassonia, Julic, Cleve, Berg, Angria e Vestfalia, Landgravio di turingia, Margravio di misnia prencipe Conte die Henneberg, Conte della Marca e di Ravensberg, Signore di Ravenstein, Duca regnante di Sassonia-Weimar, Eisenach e Jena, Cavaliere dell'Aquila Bianca di Polonia, General Comandante della Cavalleria d'un Reggimento di Corazzieri e d'uno d'Jnfanteria [et]c. [et]c. ( - ) Einband ( - ) Frontispiz ( - ) Titelseite ( - ) Widmung ( - ) Livto Concerto I. Nro. III. ( - ) Concerto I. (1) Concerto II. (5) Concerto III. (9) Concerto IV. (15) Concerto V. (22) Concerto VI. (27

    Change of test norms for spelling achievement and for nonverbal intelligence

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    Die Normen für den Rechtschreibungstest R-T Form C „Moselfahrt“ (Althoff et al. 1974) aus dem Jahr 1968 und für den sprachfreien Intelligenztest CFT 20 (Form A/ Teil 1) aus dem Jahr 1977 (Weiß 1987) werden auf ihre Gültigkeit geprüft. Beide Testverfahren wurden 1995 unverändert einer epidemiologischen Stichprobe 16- 30jähriger (N=592) nach Beendigung der Pflichtschulzeit vorgegeben und die Ergebnisse mit denen der Normstichproben verglichen. Die Ergebnisse im Jahr 1995 zum CFT 20 zeigen nach den Normen von 1977 für die Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen einen durchschnittlichen IQ von 110,8 IQ-Punkten, was umgerechnet einem jährlichen IQ-Gewinn von 0,6 Punkten entspricht. Dies weist auf eine deutliche Normverschiebung hin, wobei das aufgrund der Literatur erwartete Mindestmaß von 0,33 IQ-Punkten jährlich übertroffen wird. Es gibt keine signifikanten Geschlechtsunterschiede. Auch die Fehlerverteilung des Diktats „Moselfahrt“ verändert sich im Vergleich zur Originalnormierung von 1968 erheblich und erfordert eine Neunormierung. Die mittlere Fehlerzahl nimmt mit einer annähernden Verdopplung von 9-11 Fehlern (je nach Altersnorm) auf 19,8 Fehler stark zu. Extrem hohe Fehlerzahlen, die nach den alten Normwerten nicht mehr differenziert werden konnten, sind häufiger geworden. Nach den Normen von 1968 erreichen im Jahr 1995 12,4% der Probanden mit einem T-Wert von 20 die untere Meßwertgrenze und der Gesamtmittelwert hat sich um 1,2 Standardabweichungen auf einen T-Wert von 38 verschlechtert. 48% der Stichprobe erzielen einen Prozentrang von 10 oder schlechter, was einer mangelhaften Leistung entspricht. Die durchschnittliche Rechtschreibleistung der Frauen ist signifikant besser als die der Männer. Gründe und Implikationen der Scherentwicklung von verschlechterter Rechtschreibleistung und gestiegener nonverbaler Intelligenz werden diskutiert. Neue Normtabellen sind im Anhang enthalten.(DIPF/Orig.)The norms of the spelling test R-T Form C „Moselfahrt“ (Althoff et al. 1974) from the year 1968 and of the nonverbal intelligence test CFT 20 (form A/ part 1) from the year 1977 (Weiss 1987) are evaluated for their actual validity. In 1995, both original tests were being administered to an epidemiological sample (N=592) of adolescents and young adults in the age of 16 to 30 years having passed at least their obligatory amount of school years. These results are being compared to those of the original norm samples. Using the norms for the CFT 20 from 1977 adolescents and young adults achieve in the year 1995 a mean IQ of 110,8 points, equaling a yearly IQ-gain of 0,6 IQ-points. This exceeds the expected gain of 0,33 IQ-points annually according to the literature and indicates a distinct change of norms. There were no significant gender differences found. The distribution of mistakes in the spelling test R-T „Moselfahrt“ compared to the original norm sample from 1968 changes considerably as well and requires revised test norms. With an increase from 9-11 mistakes (depending on the age norm) to 19,8 mistakes the mean amount of mistakes is almost being doubled. Extremely high numbers of mistakes occurred more frequent and could not be differentiated according to the old norms. Using the original norms from 1968 in the year of 1995 12,4% of the sample achieve with a T-score of 20 the lower limit of the measured value scale and the overall mean has decreased by 1,2 standard deviations to T-score=38. 48% of the sample reach a result that equates percentage 10 or less which is interpreted as insufficient school mark. Women’s mean spelling achievement is significantly better than men’s. Causes and implications of this scissors-like development of deteriorated spelling achievement and increased nonverbal intelligence are being discussed. Tables containing the new standardization scores are included in the appendix.(DIPF/Orig.