10 research outputs found

    on-off control vs parasit

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    Frequencies of aphids on or off the host plant after exposure to parasitoid wasp

    Families on vs off and parasitised

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    Quantitative genetic half-sib family data for parasitised aphid on or off the host plant and for proportion parasitise

    QG data positions

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    Quantitative genetic half-sib data for aphid positions on host plant as influenced by parasitoid wasp

    Fit Model

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    Example JMP script used for half-sib quantitative genetic analysis of aphid positions on plant

    Contribution of common and rare species to general patterns of species richness.

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    <p>Solid lines: Commonest species. Dashed lines: Rarest species. Subsets of species were constructed by ranking species according to relative abundances from common to rare or rare to common. Subsets were then successively correlated to overall species richness. CT = Control transects, HH = Household transects.</p

    Differences in NDVI, canopy cover and species richness.

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    <p>A) Differences in NDVI and canopy cover (gap fraction). B) Differences in epiphytic fern species. C) Differences in leaf litter frogs. D) Differences in dung beetles. Solid lines represent all species while dashed and dotter lines represent the 25% commonest and 25% rarest subsets. With the exception of NDVI in A), which also includes individual data points, data are presented as means with error bars representing one standard error. Points not connected by the same letter denote single degree of freedom contrast tests that differ significantly after Bonferroni correction. HH = Household transects, CT = Control transects.</p

    Study sites and Remote Sensing Analysis.

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    <p>A) Sampled communities in the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve. Grey dashed lines represent national park limits and black dashed lines represent community boundaries. B) Study sites and forest cover in remote communities and in non-remote communities. Forest cover is represented using NDVI ranges between 0.4 (black) and 0.54 (light grey). Triangles: National park transects. Squares: Control transects. Circles: Household transects C) Differences in forest cover between primary and secondary forest are and colour scale for NDVI values ranging between 0.4 (black) to 0.54 (light grey). Data are presented as means (grey circles) and individual data points (black dots). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Significant regressions between NDVI, canopy cover (gap fraction) and taxonomic richness.

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    <p>A–C) NDVI and total, common and rare epiphytic fern species richness. D, E) NDVI and total and common leaf litter frog species richness. F) NDVI and common dung beetle species richness. G, H) Gap fraction and total and common epiphytic fern species richness. I, J) Gap fraction and total and common leaf litter frog species richness. K) Gap fraction and NDVI. Lines denote regression fits and gray shading denotes 95% Confidence intervals. Asterisks denote regression significant after Bonferroni corrections. CT = Control transects, HH = Household transects.</p