65 research outputs found
Research was carried out in August 2008 at two sites within Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in Kelapa and Harapan Islands of Seribu Islands, Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to compare the mortality rate of coral transplanted on the upper and base of pyramid-shaped concrete fish shelters. Fish shelters were placed on the seabed of Kelapa Island which is characterized by sandy seabed and Harapan Island which is characterized by silt. Both sites are within Marine Protected Areas. The survey recorded mortality rate of transplanted coral and percentage of live coral coverage. The research also sampled fish populations within the MPA sites and pyramid areas so that the two sites can be compared for their fish biodiversity. The data were analyzed by using T-Test Student of SPSS 11.5 computer program to compare between two locations, and upper and base of transplanted position. After one year, the average mortality rate among transplanted coral species in Kelapa Island was 34%. However, the mortality rate of transplanted coral in Harapan Island was slightly higher than in Kelapa Island: 42%. The transplanted coral at the top of the fish shelter had higher survival rate (39%) compared to the base of the fish shelter (24%). Fish populations in Kelapa Island consisted of 1,119 individuals from 35 species. This was much higher than in Harapan Island where the research found only 655 individuals from 27 species. Fish populations found around the fish shelter area in Kelapa Island consisted of 125 individuals from 25 species. This was lower than the fish population in Harapan Island, where 206 individuals from 23 species were recorded
Coral disease surveys were conducted in Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Province. The purpose was to identify the abundance of corals showing signs of Yellow Syndrome (YS) disease and to describe similar pathological signs to that of AYBD throughout Bintan District. Three belt transects (2 m x 50 m in size) were set up to determine the abundance of coral reef attacked by YS disease. Line intercept transects were used to determine the percentage of live corals in the surveyed areas. The survey showed that the YS disease syndrome attacked 8 different genera i.e. Acropora, Montipora, Porites, Pavona, Turbinaria, Favia, Platygyra, and Favites. The highest attack happened at Mapur Island (0.06 kol/m2) on Porites lutea, Turbinaria peltata, T. mesenterina, Acropora bruggemanni, and Pavona frondifera. The survey also indicated that there may have been at least two types of YS i.e. the first type caused by a boring and/or over-growing sponge species and the second type caused by a kind of pathogenic microbe. Regardless the causal agent of YS, the severity of YS attack on coral urged immediate action to be undertaken and should include initial microscopic and histology examinations. Based on this initial microscopic and histology examinations it was found out that YS bears a close resemblance to the Arabian Yellow Band Disease. This study, however, argued that the word “disease” may have been incorrectly used without identifying a specific causal agent
Penelitian tentang penyakit karang sudah berkembang dan banyak peneliti yang menekuninya di negara asing, namun berbeda dengan di negara Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan dan sebagian besar pulaunya memiliki karang, malah belum ada penelitian dan data tentang penyakit karang, kalaupun ada baru dimulai pada 1 atau 2 lokasi dengan peneliti yang menekuni 1 atau 2 orang saja se-Indonesia. Berbagai faktor lingkungan sebagai penyebab terjadinya penyakit karang di antaranya disebabkan oleh faktor abiotik yaitu oleh stres temperatur, sedimentasi, zat kimia, nutrien tidak seimbang, radiasi ultra-violet, dan faktor biotik seperti predasi, kompetisi dengan alga, dan terinfeksi penyakit. Banyak informasi yang akan dibahas pada tulisan ini sebagai pengantar untuk memahami penyakit karang di antaranya tentang faktor penyebab, jenis, dan dampak penyakit, penelitian di Indonesia, dan manajemen serta pengelolaan yang perlu dilakukan apabila terjadi serangan penyakit di suatu ekosistem terumbu karang
The reef coral <i>Coscinaraea marshae</i> is not a high-latitude endemic
The ‘temperate’ reef coral Coscinaraea marshae Wells, 1962, is reported from Siberut Island (West Sumatra, Indonesia), a near-equatorial locality, 3375 km away from its northernmost range limit in Western Australia, where it is considered a high-latitude endemic. This tropical record suggests that the latitudinal distributions of poorly recorded reef corals may not yet be fully understood, which might be relevant in the light of progressing seawater warming
Prevalence and Incidence of Black Band Disease of Scleractinian Corals in the Kepulauan Seribu Region of Indonesia
Black band disease (BBD) is the oldest recognised disease associated with scleractinian corals. However, despite this, few BBD surveys have been conducted in the Indonesian archipelago, one of the world’s hot spots for coral diversity. In this study, we show that BBD was recorded in the reefs of Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia, at the time of surveying. The disease was found to mainly infect corals of the genus Montipora. In some instances, upwards of 177 colonies (31.64%) were found to be infected at specific sites. Prevalence of the disease ranged from 0.31% to 31.64% of Montipora sp. colonies throughout the archipelago. Although BBD was found at all sites, lower frequencies were associated with sites closest to the mainland (17.99 km), as well as those that were furthest away (63.65 km). Despite there being no linear relationship between distance from major population centers and BBD incidence, high incidences of this disease were associated with sites characterized by higher levels of light intensity. Furthermore, surveys revealed that outbreaks peaked during the transitional period between the dry and rainy seasons. Therefore, we suggest that future surveys for disease prevalence in this region of Indonesia should focus on these transitory periods
Coral disease surveys were conducted in Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Province. The purpose was to identify the abundance of corals showing signs of Yellow Syndrome (YS) disease and to describe similar pathological signs to that of AYBD throughout Bintan District. Three belt transects (2 m x 50 m in size) were set up to determine the abundance of coral reef attacked by YS disease. Line intercept transects were used to determine the percentage of live corals in the surveyed areas. The survey showed that the YS disease syndrome attacked 8 different genera i.e. Acropora, Montipora, Porites, Pavona, Turbinaria, Favia, Platygyra, and Favites. The highest attack happened at Mapur Island (0.06 kol/m2) on Porites lutea, Turbinaria peltata, T. mesenterina, Acropora bruggemanni, and Pavona frondifera. The survey also indicated that there may have been at least two types of YS i.e. the first type caused by a boring and/or over-growing sponge species and the second type caused by a kind of pathogenic microbe. Regardless the causal agent of YS, the severity of YS attack on coral urged immediate action to be undertaken and should include initial microscopic and histology examinations. Based on this initial microscopic and histology examinations it was found out that YS bears a close resemblance to the Arabian Yellow Band Disease. This study, however, argued that the word “disease” may have been incorrectly used without identifying a specific causal agent
Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs Degradation at West Lombok, Indonesia
Coral reefs are one of the ecosystems that provide economic and environmental benefits to coastal communities in Indonesia. However, coral reef ecosystems are also one of the ecosystems threatened by climate change at the local scale. The waters of North Sekotong, West Lombok, Indonesia, are a tropical coastal system with beautiful coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Coral reef damage has been widespread in this area due to increased water temperatures. Increased water temperature results in coral reef degradation. Field surveys were conducted on May 23-28, 2016, in collaboration with the Marine and Coastal Resources Research and Development Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and coral reef mapping using Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 during 2002 - 2016 as well as processing monthly sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AquaModis and Oi SST V2 satellites and daily SST data from the NOAA Coral Reef Watch satellite. Changes in coral cover area were compared with temperature changes due to climate change. The increase in temperature creates a hotspot phenomenon in the coral reef ecosystem, resulting in coral reef degradation. The results showed that coral reefs in this area have degraded by 17.55% or 78.21 Ha from 455.68 Ha (2002) to 367.46 Ha (2016), with a degradation rate of 2.8 Ha/year in 2002 - 2014; 8.1 Ha/year (2014 - 2014) and 36 Ha/year (2015 - 2016) caused by an increase in SST which caused a hotspot phenomenon with a high enough intensity that there was an increase in temperature in 2016 which reached 9.77oC
Survai keramba jaring tancap ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) menjadi suatu studi yang menarik dibandingkan dengan daerah lain karena kegiatan dilakukan di muara sungai yang mengalami perkembangan sangat cepat, dimana pada awalnya bermula dengan 2 keramba sebagai percobaan, ternyata dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan sudah menutupi semua areal sungai sepanjang sekitar 4 km dengan 310 buah keramba. Kegiatan ini perlu menjadi perhatian Pemda setempat karena pada satu sisi kegiatan ini jelas akan meningkatkan produksi ikan dan meningkatkan pendapatan nelayan namun di lain hal kecepatan pertambahan jumlah keramba di luar batas daya dukung perairan, akan mendatangkan suatu risiko yang tinggi bagi keberhasilan kegiatan tersebut, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian total seperti yang sudah terjadi pada daerah-daerah lain, seperti di Waduk Cirata, Danau Maninjau, dan daerah lainnya
Karang polip besar cukup tinggi permintaan sebagai karang hias dari Indonesia sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian budidayanya. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada tahun 2016 untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan budidayanya dengan adaptasi pada dua sistem yang berbeda yaitu di alam pada kedalaman yang berbeda 5 m, 10 m, dan 15 m dengan tiga jenis karang uji (Plerogyra sp. Physogyra sp., dan Nemenzophyllia sp.) dan sistem resirkulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan hidup karang. Pengamatan meliputi tingkat kematian, perubahan warna karang sebagai indikasi stres karang dan kelimpahan zooxanthellae. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh karang Physogyra sp. mengalami fluktuasi perubahan warna meskipun kembali membaik, sementara dua jenis lain Plerogyra sp. dan Nemenzophyllia sp. mengalami perubahan warna ke arah kondisi baik pada farm dengan sistem resirkulasi. Pengamatan perubahan warna di alam mengalami stres ditandai dengan perubahan warna ke arah putih baik di kedalaman 5 m, 10 m, dan 15 m. Pengamatan tingkat kematian setelah 33 hari diperoleh tingkat kematian 100% pada kedalaman 5 m, 10 m untuk semua jenis, namun pada kedalaman 15 m karang Nemenzophyllia sp. mengalami kematian 100% dan karang yang dapat bertahan Physogyra sp. dan Plerogyra sp. dengan tingkat kematian berturut-turut adalah 71,4% dan 50,0%. Kematian dan pemutihan yang tinggi berhubungan erat dengan kondisi suhu dan intensitas cahaya pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2017 dan parameter lain TDS dan DO. Budidaya karang berhasil pada sistem resirkulasi dengan tingkat kematian 0%.Large polyp coral are quite high in demand as an ornamental coral from Indonesia so it needs to do research propagation. This research has been conducted in 2016 to see the success rate of propagation with adaptation on two different systems that is in nature at three different depths 5 m, 10 , and 15 m with three species of corals (Plerogyra sp., Physogyra sp., and Nemenzophyllia sp.) and recirculation system. This study aims to see the success rate of coral life. Observations included mortality rates, coral color changes as an indication of coral stress and zooxanthellae abundance. Based on the research results obtained Physogyra sp. coral experience fluctuation of color change although again improved, while two other species Plerogyra sp. and Nemenzophyllia sp. experience color change towards good condition at farm with recirculation system. Observations of color changes in nature experience stress characterized by changes in color towards the white well at depths of 5 m, 10 m, and 15 m. Observation of mortality rate after 33 days was obtained 100% mortality rate at depth 5 m, 10 m for all species, but at 15 m depth Nemenzophyllia sp. suffered 100% mortality and coral that survived Phygogyra sp. and Plerogyra sp. with successive mortality rate was 71.4% and 50.0%. High mortality and bleaching are closely related to conditions of temperature and light intensity in July-August 2017 and other parameters of TDS and DO. Coral propagation was successful in the recirculation system with 0% mortality rate until the research end
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