48 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad de suelo de Tabasco, México, con métodos convencionales, espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano y quimiometría

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    Se realizó una investigación retrospectiva – prospectiva, para establecer un índice de calidad de los suelos (ICS) de la región de los Ríos (RR) en Tabasco, México y su modelación con la tecnología de infrarrojo cercano (NIR) y la quimiometría. Con la relación MO / (arcilla + limo) se estableció el ICS para evaluar los suelos Cambisoles de la RR. El porcentaje de MO y el ICS fueron comparados para definir el mejor calificador de la calidad de los suelos. Con base en el ICS, el 58% de los suelos de la RR presentan degradación, mientras que, solo el 14% de los suelos indican que presentan baja concentración de MO. Por lo que se concluye que el ICS es más sensible para cuantificar la degradación de los suelos cuando se comparó con la evaluación basada en la MO. Se recomienda un programa de manejo sostenible del suelo y prácticas edafológicas adaptadas a las condiciones locales, ambientales, sociales y económicas, para incrementar la MO y mejorar el ICS. Con el ICS se estableció un modelo de clasificación mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano y quimiometría. Se registraron los espectros de cada muestra de suelo y mediante interpretación quimiométrica se demostró que es posible establecer un modelo de análisis discriminante por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-DA) para predecir el ICS. El modelo cumple con todos los calificadores estadísticos y predice correctamente el ICS en el 100% de los casos. Se concluye que la tecnología NIR genera información suficiente para predecir el ICS; con la ventaja de, eliminar el consumo de reactivos, no se generan residuos de laboratorio, se reduce el tiempo de análisis a minutos y no se destruye la muestra en estudio. Y solo se necesita secar, moler y tamizar las muestras de suelos para evaluar la calidad estructural de suelos


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    Floristic composition and forest structurewere described for the tall evergreentropical forest of the Ejido Niños Heroes,Tenosique, Tabasco (NHT). We selectedfour sampling units (U), each of whichwas set up in a box 50 X 50 m (2 500m2). In each U all trees with a diameterat breast height breast (DBH) ≥ 2.5 cmwere counted and measured for height.Density, frequency, and dominance weredetermined to get importance value,diversity, and similarity indices. A totalof 4 773 individuals, belonging to 112genera and 196 species, were surveyedand identified. The most abundant familieswere Rubiaceae, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae,Moraceae, Annonaceae, and Arecaceae.Three strata were established: lower (1 to10 m), middle (11 to 20 m), and upper (21to 30 m). Rinorea guatemalensis was thespecies with the highest value importance(IVI 33.5). The sampling units showed asimilar diversity: U3 (H’) 3.9, U1 3.6, U23.4, and U4 3.3. The Sorensen SimilarityIndex stated that the units are different inspecies composition. U3 and U4 are mostsimilar to one another. The NHT forestpossesses high abundance, richness, anddiversity of species. Although it has beensubjected to strong degrading changes, it isstill in a state of conservation.Se describió la estructura y composiciónflorística de la selva alta perennifolia delejido Niños Héroes, Tenosique, Tabasco(NHT). Se establecieron cuatro unidades demuestreo (UM) de 50 x 50 m (2500 m2) cadauna, donde se censaron todos los árbolescon diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) ≥2.5 cm, y se midió su altura. Se determinósu densidad, frecuencia y dominancia paraobtener el índice de valor de importancia, elíndice de diversidad, y el índice de similitud.Se censaron un total de 4 773 individuos,pertenecientes a 112 géneros y 196 especiesdeterminadas. Las familias más abundantesfueron Rubiaceae, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae,Moraceae, Annonaceae y Arecaceae. Sereconocieron tres estratos: inferior de 1 a 10m, medio de 11 a 20 m y superior: inferiorde 1 a 10, medio de 11 a 20 y superior de21 a 30 m. Rinorea guatemalensis fue laespecie con mayor valor de importancia(IVI: 33.5). Las unidades de muestreopresentaron una diversidad muy similar:La UM3 (H´) 3.9, la UM1 3.6, la UM43.4 y la UM2 3.3. La semejanza florística(Sorensen) alcanzó sus mayores valoresentre las UM3 y UM4 (54%) y los menoresentre las UM1 y UM2 (40%). La selvade NHT posee alta abundancia, riquezay diversidad de especies. A pesar que laselva ha sido sometida a fuertes cambiosde degradación, todavía se encuentra en unestado de conservación

    Geopedological transects in karst landscapes in Campeche, Mexico

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    Objective: To know the spatial variability of landforms and their relationship in the soil geography of the state of Campeche, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Two transects were made under the geopedological approach, where soil cartographic material and geomorphology at the landscape level were used, which were corrected using geomatics techniques, generating a mapping of the landforms at scale 1:100,000. Soil profiles were made from west to east, taking priority the diversity of landforms, consequently generating the geopedological transects. Results: The results indicate that in plains landscapes such as P and Lf hydromorphic processes occur, the soil is deep and rich in organic sediments, the soil units were classified within the Histosol and Gleysol groups. The transitional EBDe landscape with no apparent dissection presents relatively convex landforms with little inclination and moderately deep and well-developed soils, classified within the Cambisol group. On the other hand, the EBPD landscape presents higher elevation and dissection, the soil is mainly shallow with little or no pedon development and is related to convex landforms, the soil units belong to the Leptosol group. For the elevated plains landforms, a relation with the Luvisol group was obtained. Limitations on study/implications: The understanding of the geomorphology-soil relationships of a certain region provide the basis for establishing soil distribution models, which will facilitate work on soil mapping and spatial planning. Findings/conclusions: Campeche has a great complexity of reliefs at the level of landforms, generating and keeping the terrain cartography updated will help to improve the planning of productive and conservation projects.Objective: Apples cultivated in Mexico generally are smaller and softer than those produced in other geographical latitudes considered as optimal for apple production. The aim of this evaluation was determine the effect of applications with calcium, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), as well as the harvest date on the quality of apple fruits. Methodology ‘Golden Smoothie’ apple trees were treated foliarly with CaCl2 with and without NAA, and with a mixture of N, K, Mg and S or gypsum applied to soil for two years. Apples were harvested at 141 (regular harvest date), 161 (mid-late harvest) and 171 days (late harvest) after full bloom (DAFB) and evaluated for quality at harvest time and during their storage at 0°C for up to 179 days. Results: Foliar applications of CaCl2 significantly increased the calcium content in fruit and leaves, but fruit quality, including firmness, was not influenced. Fertilization of soil with the mixture of nutrients, including CaSO4, did not influence the fruit quality. Lately harvested fruit was 14.9% heavier but 17.1% softer than fruit picked at the commercial harvest date. Delaying of fruit harvest reduced about 43 d the storability of fruit. Based in these results, the relative softness of apples grown in Mexico is not related with its calcium content, hence unlikely to be overcome with the application of this mineral. Conclusions: Even in the control fruits, both seasons, the stored fruits do not show some physiological disorder as bitter pi

    Degradación química en Acrisoles bajo diferentes usos y pendientes en la sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México

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    Objective: To evaluate the chemical soil degradation caused by nutrients lost in Acrisols from the Savannah of Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The effect of two factors, land use and slope relief, were study. Properties evaluated were soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (Nt), available phosphorus (P), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Results: The content of SOM were considerate rich to very rich, and did not showed any significant differences between factors. Nt was statistically high, and K was statistically low. P, CEC, Ca, Mg and Na showed statistically differences and lower contents. Limitations of study/implications: Soil degradation is a global problem, therefore the necessity of studies to understand the effect of land use over soil fertility and land chemical conditions. Findings/conclusions: The results indicates presence of chemical degradation in Acrisols, mostly by effect of land use and suggest the necessity of conservation strategies.Objetivo: Evaluar la degradación química del suelo por pérdida de nutrientes en Acrisoles de la Sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México. Diseño/Metodología/Aproximación: Se estudió el efecto de dos factores, los usos del suelo y las pendientes del relieve. Las propiedades evaluadas fueron materia orgánica del suelo (MOS), nitrógeno total (Nt), fosforo extraíble (P), Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC), y bases intercambiables (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Resultados: Los contenidos de MOS son considerados de ricos a muy ricos, sin diferencias significativas entre factores. El Nt fue alto y el K intercambiable bajo, mostrando diferencias significativas. El P, CIC, Ca, Mg y Na mostraron diferencias significativas y contenidos bajos. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La degradación del suelo constituye un problema global, es necesario estudiar el efecto que tiene el uso del suelo sobre la fertilidad y condiciones químicas de la tierra. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los resultados muestran la existencia de degradación química en Acrisoles del área de estudio principalmente por efecto del uso del suelo, sugiriendo la necesidad de estrategias de conservación

    Evaluation of Suitable Lands for Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Using Geographic Information Systems in the Sierra Region, Tabasco, Mexico

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate the edaphic aptitude of Elaeis guineensis J. at a semi-detailed level (scale 1: 50000) in Plains and Terrazas de Tabasco (PTT). Design/methodology/approach: The edaphic requirements consisted of a semi-detailed soil map. The evaluation of the edaphic aptitude was based on the agroecological zoning methodology proposed by FAO, and the final 1: 50000 scale map was designed with the algebra mapping tool with the ArcGis Geographic Information System. Results: The Gleysols, Fluvisols, Luvisols and Lixisols groups dominate the PTT, with 65.1%, 16.2%, 6.3% and 4% respectively. 79.95% of the soils have zero aptitude towards oil palm. Limitations on study/implications: In the economy of the Mexican Southeast, oil palm is the eighth most important perennial crop above cocoa, in this scenario it is possible the expansion of plantations in the country, therefore, it is important to comply with internal regulations and carry. Findings/conclusions: The limiting factor to establish Elaeis guineensis plantations in the plains and terraces of Tabasco, Mexico, is the internal drainage of the Gleysols soils.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the edaphic suitability of Elaeis guineensis at a semi-detailed scale (1:50000), in the Plains and Terraces of Tabasco, Mexico (PTT). Design/Methodology/Approach: The edaphic requirements consisted of a semi-detailed soil map. The evaluation of the edaphic suitability was based on the agroecological zoning methodology proposed by FAO and the final 1:50000 scale map was developed using the algebra mapping tool with the ArcGis® Geographic Information System. Results: The Gleysols, Fluvisols, Luvisols, and Lixisols groups dominate the PTT, with 65.1, 16.2, 6.3, and 4%, respectively. Most of the soils (79.95%) have zero suitability for oil palm. Study Limitations/Implications: Oil palm is the eighth most important perennial crop (over cocoa) for the economy of southeastern Mexico. In this scenario, the expansion of plantations in the country is a possibility; therefore, complying with internal regulations and carry is important. Findings/Conclusions: The internal drainage of Gleysols soils limits the establishment of E. guineensis plantations in the plains and terraces of Tabasco, Mexico

    Quality of a Cambisol at different times of agricultural use in the region of Los Ríos, Tabasco, Mexico.

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Assessing the quality of a Cambisol soil with different times of agricultural use in the Los Ríos region (RR), Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Four agricultural uses were selected in a Cambisol (CM): rainfed crops (CT), annual crops (CA), pasture (Pa) and secondary vegetation (VS), established in three stages (1984, 2000 and 2019), with four repetitions. Soil samples were collected from all surveyed sites with an auger at a depth of 0-30 cm. The following physico-chemical properties were determined in the soil samples: texture (T), bulk density (DA), aggregate stability (EA), pH, electrical conductivity (CE), organic matter (MO), total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). An analysis of variance of the factorial experiment was performed (significance level p=0.05). The variables that presented a significant effect were subjected to Tukey's multiple comparison of means test (significance level p=0.05). Results: Statistically significant differences (p≤0.05) were obtained in the MO, P and K contents and in DA. High OM content in CM with VS at any time of establishment, shows better soil quality compared to CM with CT and CA. The high DA recorded in CM with Pa since 1984, indicates a degradation of soil quality due to compaction, as a result of grazing by extensive livestock. Limitations on study/implications: Sustainable management practices are required to recover degraded CM. Findings/conclusions: OM and DA contents were the best indicators of CM soil quality, affected by agricultural use change and time of use in the RR, Tabasco.    Objective: To evaluate the quality of a Cambisol at different times of agricultural use in the Los Ríos region (RR), Tabasco, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: Four agricultural uses were selected on a Cambisol (CM): rainfed crop (RC), annual crop (AC), pasture (Pa), and secondary vegetation (SV). These were established at three different times (1984, 2000, and 2019) with four replications. Soil was collected using an auger at a depth of 0-30 cm. The physicochemical properties of the soil—such as texture (T), bulk density (BD), aggregate stability (AS), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)—were determined. A factorial analysis of variance was performed (significance level p=0.05). Variables that showed a statistically significant effect were subjected to Tukey's multiple comparison test (significance level p=0.05). Results: Statistically significant differences (p≤0.05) were obtained for OM, P, K, and BD contents. The high OM content present in CM with SV in all years shows a better soil quality compared to CM with RC and AC. The high BD recorded in CM with Pa since 1984 shows soil quality degradation by compaction resulting from grazing due to extensive livestock farming. Study limitations/Implications: Sustainable management practices are required to recover degraded CM. Findings/Conclusions: OM and BD contents were the best quality indicators for the CM affected by the change in agricultural use and time of use in RR, Tabasco

    Integrated system for recommending fertilization rates in pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) crop

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    In recent years much attention has focused on the impacts of agriculture on climate change, due to this stage specialists in plant nutrition and soil fertility have achieved the task of generating adequate fertilization doses for pineapple to reduce effects on environment. A methodology for Integrated System for Recommending Fertilizer Dose (ISRFD) was used. As a result, seven Thiessen polygons of the average annual rainfall, where rainfall ranged from 1640 to 2841 mm was correlated. Therefore, three major soil groups were defined and classified as subunit level. Likewise, eight doses of fertilizers were generated as follows: N, P2O5 and K2O, with a fertilizer dose, a map is generated according to the cultivar: 230-138-300 for Creole pineapple in Acrisol Cutanic (Chromic, Ferric); 460-161-480 for Cayenne and MD2 in Acrisol Cutanic (Endoclayic, Ferric); 345-161-450 for Cayenne and MD2, 253-138-450 for Creole in Acrisol Cutanic (Endoclayic, Hyperdystric, Ferric); 391-161-450 for Cayenne and MD2 in Acrisol Umbric Cutanic (Endoclayic, Hyperdystric) and Acrisol Umbric Cutanic (Endoclayic, Hyperdystric, Ferric); 207-138-300 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Cutanic (Endoclayic, Hyperdystric); 253-138-300 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Cutanic (Endoclayic,Hyperdystric, Ferric); 253-138-360 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Gleyic (Hyperdystric, Ferric); and 391-161-360 in Cambisol Endogleyic (Clayic, Eutric). These fertilizer doses were supplemented with micronutrients to obtain the expected results.In recent years much attention has focused on the impacts of agriculture on climate change, due to this stage specialists in plant nutrition and soil fertility have achieved the task of generating adequate fertilization doses for pineapple. A methodology for Integrated System for Recommending Fertilizer Dose, was used. As a result, seven Thiessen polygons, where rainfall ranged from 1640 to 2841 mm was correlated. Therefore, three major soil groups were defined and classified as subunit level. Likewise, eight doses of fertilizers were generated as follows: N, P2O5 and K2O, with a fertilizer dose, a map is generated according to the cultivar: 230-138-300 for Creole pineapple Acrisol Cutánico (Chromic, Ferric); 460-161-480 for Cayenne and MD2 in Acrisol Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Ferric); 345-161-450 for Cayenne and MD2 and Creole in Acrisol 253-138-450 for Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Hyperdystric, Ferric); 391-161-450 for Cayenne and MD2 in Acrisol Umbric Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Hyperdystric) and Acrisol Umbric Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Hyperdystric, Ferric); 207-138-300 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Hyperdystric); 253-138-300 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Cutánico (Endoarcíllico, Hyperdystric, Ferric); 253-138-360 for Creole in Acrisol Umbric Gleyic (Hyperdystric, Ferric); and 391-161-360 in Endogleyic Cambisol (Clayic, Eutric). These fertilizer doses were supplemented with micronutrients to obtain the expected results

    Programa de fertilización sustentable para plantaciones de cítricos en Tabasco, México / Sustainable fertilization program for plantations of citrus in Tabasco, Mexico

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    Se utilizó el Sistema Integrado para Recomendar Dosis de Fertilización (SIRDF) para generar un programa de fertilización sustentable en plantaciones de cítricos de la Sabana de Huimanguilo, Tabasco, México. Para aplicar el SIRDF, se obtuvieron datos climáticos locales, determinaron las propiedades físicas y químicas de los suelos, y la demanda de nutrientes del limón Persa y naranja Valencia se estimó para 10 nutrientes en función del potencial de rendimiento. La tasa de fertilización para N, P y K se determinó para cada subunidad de suelo. Los resultados muestran que las temperaturas de la región son adecuadas para los cítricos, pero la escasa precipitación registrada de febrero a mayo limita la producción de estos cultivos. Se determinaron dos grupos de suelos: Acrisoles y Cambisoles, ambos con suministro restringido de nutrientes para el cultivo. De acuerdo con el SIRDF las dosis de fertilización de N, P2O5 y K2O para limón persa son: 207-69-240 para Acrisoles Distri-Hiperférricos; 207-69-300 para Acrisoles Ferri-Plínticos; 184-69-240 para Acrisoles Humi-Plínticos, Acrisoles Humi-Úmbricos y Acrisoles Umbri-Plínticos; 230- 92-300 para Acrisoles Umbri-Gléyicos. Mientras que en el cultivo de naranja Valenciana se generaron las siguientes dosis de fertilización: 115-46-120 para Acrisoles Distri-Hiperférricos; 138-46-180 para Acrisoles Ferri-Plínticos, Acrisol Humi-Plíntico y Acrisol Humi-Úmbrico; 138-46-150 para Acrisoles Ferri-Úmbricos y Acrisoles Umbri-Gléyicos; 115-46- 180 para Acrisoles Gleyi-Plínticos; y 115-46-150 para Acrisoles Umbri-Plínticos

    Vibrio fischeri Bioassay for determination of toxicity in petroleum contaminated soils from Tropical Southeast Mexico

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    Using the Microtox bioassay toxicity was determined in 16 areas located in eight sites: In contaminated areas, in areas with natural recovery, after bioremediation and phytoremediation projects and in control areas (uncontaminated). These areas correspond to the following ecosystems: mangrove, fresh water swamp (Pachira aquatica), marsh and pasture (in the coastal plain and Pliocene-Pleistocene terraces). A significant toxicity was detected in uncontaminated organic soils (22.2-49.1 toxicity units (TU)) which were comparable to levels found in hydrocarbon contaminated areas (22.3- 42.0 TU). Generally, the toxicity in organic soils was much higher than that found in mineral soils (which was from below quantification levels to 9.3 TU). In an area restored by phytoremediation, the simple method used by Petróleos Mexicanos achieved recovery and superficial detoxification in the treated plot, exhibiting a toxicity reduction of 2.4 times with respect to untreated soil and a toxicity even slightly lower than the uncontaminated control in the same ecosystem (22.2 TU). Likewise, a bioremediation project in pasture resulted in a toxicity reduction down to levels comparable to uncontaminated soil (from below quantification levels to 7.9 TU). A tendency to decrease toxicity in organic soils during the rainy season was observed, toxicity drop in 80% of the areas sampled. Based on these findings, recommendations are presented for use of this test method in regional diagnostic studies

    Observación de la cigüeña jabirú (Jabiru mycteria) en un humedal del oeste del estado de Tabasco, México

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    La cigüeña jabirú (Jabiru mycteria) es una especie en peligro de extinción en México. En febrero de 2009 observamos dos individuos en un humedal localizado en la parte oeste del estado de Tabasco, México, correspondiente al municipio de Huimanguillo (18º01’05.7”N, 93º50’04.7”O; 6 msnm). Esta observación constituye el primer registro de dicha ave fuera de su área de distribución conocida para Tabasco y el primero reportado desde 1988