354 research outputs found


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    The Permo- Carboniferous Itararé Group crops out in the Mafra area, represented by Campo do Tenente, Mafra and Rio do Sul formations; they correspond in subsurface to Lagoa Azul, Campo Mourão and Taciba formations. A composite sampling of the Group was performed through drilling of six wells, which average 60 m in depth; three of them cored the depositional sequence here designated as Upper Mafra\Lower Rio do Sul. The Upper Mafra Formation were sampled by TC-4 and BR-5 wells, and it consists of three units: the lower two are sandy, glacial-deltaic and fluvial-deltaic in origin, corresponding to a lowstand tract. The last unit is composed of two dirtyingupward successions of sandstone, diamictite and rhythmite, interpreted as deglaciation/transgressive events, and well represented in BR- 5 drilling. The Lower-Rio do Sul Formation (“Lontras Shale”) is formed by two marine units: the lower one is represented by shale and bioturbated siltstone which culminate the previous deglaciation, transgressive succession, while the upper one, sampled by SL-2 well, is formed by shale and thin, turbidite sandstone, attributed to a highstand tract.O Grupo Itararé (Permocarbonífero) aflora na região de Mafra (SC), onde é representado pelas formações Campo do Tenente, Mafra e Rio do Sul; em cada uma destas duas últimas unidades foram reconhecidos três intervalos cronoestratigráficos, designados Mafra inferior, médio e superior, e Rio do Sul inferior, médio e superior. Tais unidades correspondem, em subsuperfície, aos ciclos/formações Lagoa Azul, Campo Mourão e Taciba. Uma amostragem composta do grupo foi obtida por seis sondagens testemunhadas, que alcançaram em média 60 m de profundidade; três dessas sondagens amostraram a seqüência deposicional designada Mafra superior/ Rio do Sul inferior, e que é objeto do presente trabalho. A Formação Mafra superior, investigada pelos poços TC-4 e BR-5, compreende duas unidades deposicionais, de origem deltaica-glacial e fluvial-deltaica, correspondendo a um trato de mar baixo; sucedem outras duas unidades, com argilosidade crescente, formadas por arenito, diamictito e ritmito, representando eventos de deglaciação de um trato transgressivo. A Formação Rio do Sul inferior compreende duas unidades, uma de folhelho fossilífero e siltito bioturbado, e a segunda de folhelho e arenito síltico (turbidito), sendo esta testemunhada no poço SL-2; tais unidades marinhas constituem, respectivamente, a culminância transgressiva do processo de deglaciação e o trato de mar alto


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    The objective of this study is the geometric characterization of a fluvial system, exemplified by the Itaquaquecetuba Formation. The studied area is a quarry located in Itaquaquecetuba, distant 35 km from the city of São Paulo, which is inserted in the context of São Paulo Basin. Fluvial systems are important hydrocarbon reservoirs, and this study may contribute with an analogue for ancient reservoirs. It was elaborated ten facies logs along a distance of 200 m (log spacing of 20 m), with a vertical column (thickness) of 40 m for each log. Eight facies cycles, and its lateral chrono-correlation allowed to map the potential reservoir and non-reservoir facies within each cycle. Regarding the depositional model for the studied section, it is assumed an alluvial fan system composed of meandering and ribbon-type fluvial channelsO presente trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização geométrica de um sistema fluvial, exemplificado pela Formação Itaquaquecetuba. O local de estudo é uma pedreira na cidade de Itaquaquecetuba, a 35 km da cidade de São Paulo, e que está inserida no contexto geológico da Bacia de São Paulo. Sistemas fluviais constituem importantes reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos e aqui se busca a caracterização de um análogo para outros reservatórios fluviais do passado. Foram elaborados dez perfis faciológicos verticais em um lance de 200 m (espaçamento de 20 m entre os perfis), com uma altura média de 40 m para cada perfil (espessura). Foram identificados oito ciclos de fácies e a correlação dos perfis possibilitou mapear a distribuição das fácies reservatório e não-reservatório de cada ciclo. Quanto ao sistema deposicional da referida unidade, chegou-se um ambiente fluvial meandrante associado a canais do tipo ribbon, implantados em um sistema de leque aluvial


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    The Rio da Batateira e Santana formations, the latter with Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo members (Alagoas Stage, Aptian), were studied in four cored and logged wells from the eastern portion of Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. The investigated section is 230 m-thick, and PS-14 well is the most representative, because it is the only one which sampled the evaporites of Ipubi Member. Nine facies cycles were identified, being formed by siliciclastics (estuarine, deltaic and lacustrine), mixed lithologies (lacustrine), carbonates, black shales and marls (lacustrine), and gypsum-anhydrite (lacustrine evaporite). The ordering of facies cycles furnished six depositional sequences. They were formed by siliciclastic, regressive-transgressive R-T cycles (S1 and S4, corresponding to Rio da Batateira Formation and to Santana Formation/Romualdo Member), by siliciclastics and carbonates, R-T cycles (S2, S3.1 and S3.2, corresponding to Crato Member), and by siliciclastic-carbonate, R-T cycles followed by evaporitic cycles (S3.3, referred to Ipubi Member). The last cycles correspond to concentration-dilution, C-D cycles of marine brines, which precipitated gypsum in the restricted lacustrine basin.As formações Rio da Batateira e Santana, esta com os membros Crato, Ipubi e Romualdo (Andar Alagoas, Aptiano), são objeto deste trabalho, que se baseia em quatro poços testemunhados e perfilados, localizados na porção leste da Bacia do Araripe, Nordeste do Brasil. O intervalo analisado tem cerca de 230 m de espessura, e o poço PS-14 é o mais representativo, inclusive por ser o único que amostrou os evaporitos do Membro Ipubi. Foram identificados nove ciclos de fácies, sendo três de natureza siliciclástica (flúvio-estuarino, deltaico e lacustre), três de natureza mista (lacustre), dois de natureza orgânica-bioquímica (folhelho betuminoso e calcilutito laminado ou marga, lacustres), e um de origem química (anidrita, lacustre evaporítico). Por meio do ordenamento dos ciclos de fácies, foram caracterizadas seis seqüências deposicionais, formadas por ciclos siliciclásticos regressivo-transgressivos, R-T (seqüências S1 e S4, correspondendo às formações Rio da Batateira e Santana/Membro Romualdo), por ciclos siliciclásticos e carbonáticos R-T (seqüências S2, S3.1 e S3.2, correspondendo ao Membro Crato), e por ciclos mistos, carbonáticos e evaporíticos (seqüência S3.3, Membro Ipubi), estes correspondendo a ciclos R-T semelhantes ao anterior e mais ciclos de concentração-diluição C-D de salmouras marinhas que tiveram acesso à bacia lacustre

    Multidifferential study of identified charged hadron distributions in ZZ-tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at s=\sqrt{s}=13 TeV

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    Jet fragmentation functions are measured for the first time in proton-proton collisions for charged pions, kaons, and protons within jets recoiling against a ZZ boson. The charged-hadron distributions are studied longitudinally and transversely to the jet direction for jets with transverse momentum 20 <pT<100< p_{\textrm{T}} < 100 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range 2.5<η<42.5 < \eta < 4. The data sample was collected with the LHCb experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.64 fb1^{-1}. Triple differential distributions as a function of the hadron longitudinal momentum fraction, hadron transverse momentum, and jet transverse momentum are also measured for the first time. This helps constrain transverse-momentum-dependent fragmentation functions. Differences in the shapes and magnitudes of the measured distributions for the different hadron species provide insights into the hadronization process for jets predominantly initiated by light quarks.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-013.html (LHCb public pages

    Study of the BΛc+ΛˉcKB^{-} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} \bar{\Lambda}_{c}^{-} K^{-} decay

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    The decay BΛc+ΛˉcKB^{-} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} \bar{\Lambda}_{c}^{-} K^{-} is studied in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb1\mathrm{fb}^{-1} collected by the LHCb experiment. In the Λc+K\Lambda_{c}^+ K^{-} system, the Ξc(2930)0\Xi_{c}(2930)^{0} state observed at the BaBar and Belle experiments is resolved into two narrower states, Ξc(2923)0\Xi_{c}(2923)^{0} and Ξc(2939)0\Xi_{c}(2939)^{0}, whose masses and widths are measured to be m(Ξc(2923)0)=2924.5±0.4±1.1MeV,m(Ξc(2939)0)=2938.5±0.9±2.3MeV,Γ(Ξc(2923)0)=0004.8±0.9±1.5MeV,Γ(Ξc(2939)0)=0011.0±1.9±7.5MeV, m(\Xi_{c}(2923)^{0}) = 2924.5 \pm 0.4 \pm 1.1 \,\mathrm{MeV}, \\ m(\Xi_{c}(2939)^{0}) = 2938.5 \pm 0.9 \pm 2.3 \,\mathrm{MeV}, \\ \Gamma(\Xi_{c}(2923)^{0}) = \phantom{000}4.8 \pm 0.9 \pm 1.5 \,\mathrm{MeV},\\ \Gamma(\Xi_{c}(2939)^{0}) = \phantom{00}11.0 \pm 1.9 \pm 7.5 \,\mathrm{MeV}, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. The results are consistent with a previous LHCb measurement using a prompt Λc+K\Lambda_{c}^{+} K^{-} sample. Evidence of a new Ξc(2880)0\Xi_{c}(2880)^{0} state is found with a local significance of 3.8σ3.8\,\sigma, whose mass and width are measured to be 2881.8±3.1±8.5MeV2881.8 \pm 3.1 \pm 8.5\,\mathrm{MeV} and 12.4±5.3±5.8MeV12.4 \pm 5.3 \pm 5.8 \,\mathrm{MeV}, respectively. In addition, evidence of a new decay mode Ξc(2790)0Λc+K\Xi_{c}(2790)^{0} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} K^{-} is found with a significance of 3.7σ3.7\,\sigma. The relative branching fraction of BΛc+ΛˉcKB^{-} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} \bar{\Lambda}_{c}^{-} K^{-} with respect to the BD+DKB^{-} \to D^{+} D^{-} K^{-} decay is measured to be 2.36±0.11±0.22±0.252.36 \pm 0.11 \pm 0.22 \pm 0.25, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third originates from the branching fractions of charm hadron decays.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-028.html (LHCb public pages

    Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions R(D)\mathcal{R}(D^{*}) and R(D0)\mathcal{R}(D^{0})

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    The ratios of branching fractions R(D)B(BˉDτνˉτ)/B(BˉDμνˉμ)\mathcal{R}(D^{*})\equiv\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}\to D^{*}\tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})/\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}\to D^{*}\mu^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}) and R(D0)B(BD0τνˉτ)/B(BD0μνˉμ)\mathcal{R}(D^{0})\equiv\mathcal{B}(B^{-}\to D^{0}\tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})/\mathcal{B}(B^{-}\to D^{0}\mu^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}) are measured, assuming isospin symmetry, using a sample of proton-proton collision data corresponding to 3.0 fb1{ }^{-1} of integrated luminosity recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The tau lepton is identified in the decay mode τμντνˉμ\tau^{-}\to\mu^{-}\nu_{\tau}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}. The measured values are R(D)=0.281±0.018±0.024\mathcal{R}(D^{*})=0.281\pm0.018\pm0.024 and R(D0)=0.441±0.060±0.066\mathcal{R}(D^{0})=0.441\pm0.060\pm0.066, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The correlation between these measurements is ρ=0.43\rho=-0.43. Results are consistent with the current average of these quantities and are at a combined 1.9 standard deviations from the predictions based on lepton flavor universality in the Standard Model.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-039.html (LHCb public pages


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    É feita uma análise da evolução dos conhecimentos sobre as coquinas-reservatório da Formação Lagoa Feia, com base em cinco publicações de geologia de desenvolvimento dos campos de Badejo, Linguado e Pampo. Trata-se de uma única acumulação, onde o controle é misto, ou seja, estrutural, estratigráfico e principalmente diagenético. Falhas antitéticas herdadas do rifteamento pós-basáltico exercem um importante papel no controle das coquinas, promovendo crescimento da seção nos blocos baixos, e servindo de conduto para a circulação de água meteórica, relacionada à discordância pós-coquina que promove dissolução e criação de porosidade secundária nas coquinas. A compreensão do modelo de acumulação do óleo é fundamental tendo em vista oportunidades para projetos de recuperação suplementar de óleo.An analysis of the evolution of the knowledge about the coquina-reservoir of the Lagoa Feia Formation is presented, based on five publications about the development geology of the Badejo, Linguado and Pampo oilfields in the Campos Basin. The calcirudite reservoir is a single accumulation, where structural, stratigraphical and mainly diagenetic trapping conditions are recognized. Antithetic faults from the precursor post-basalt rift stage were important in controlling the coquina sedimentation, promoting growth of the low block section. After the coquina deposition, the faults also favor unconformity-related meteoric water circulation, which access the reservoir and promote secondary porosity development. The understanding this complex oil accumulations is essential to support enhanced recovery projects in the coquina reservoir