12 research outputs found

    Kesejahteraan Spiritual pada Mahasiswa Penghafal Al-Qur’an

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    Nowadays, memorizing the Qur'an is growing and interested in children to adults, including college students. The activity is interesting because in the perspective of Islamic Shari'ah, memorizing the Qur'an is not an obligation. Therefore, in psychological science, it will be useful to find any factors that encourage students to do so. An initial survey found that students had belief associated with the spiritual domain of divinity and felt calm when memorizing the Qur’an. Those factors will be studied in the concept of spiritual well-being by Ellison (1983). This quantitative study was conducted on students at Universitas Padjadjaran. There were 40 students selected with snowball sampling. The result showed that as many as 85% of students had high spiritual well-being. It showed that the majority of students have a harmonious and stable life indicated by the closeness with Allah SWT and life satisfaction

    Teacher and Problem in Student with ADHD in Indonesia : A Case Study

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    Students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often experience academic and social problems at school because of their behavior problems. The teacher becomes one of the main figures who can help students with ADHD in the school. However, research about problem in students with ADHD from teachers’ perspective has limited empirical evidence in Indonesia. In the study, we explored the perception and experiences of teacher towards problem in students with ADHD and how teachers handle the problem in school. We conducted case study using semi-structured interview with purposive sampling technique for 38 elementary school teachers in Indonesia. We found that most teachers still lacking knowledge about ADHD. Students with ADHD had several problems including problem with themselves, problem in social relation, problem in academic, negative behavior problem, negative label from the surroundings problem. The teacher’s intervention in dealing student with ADHD were using learning strategies, cooperation with parent and expert, arise awareness to the surrounding about ADHD and suggestion for doing treatment. Our study seeds light that teachers need to improve their knowledge and awareness by finding information about ADHD, understanding about problem in student with ADHD and how to handle the problem more appropriate to provide the best service for student with ADHD. Supporting policy from school and government is needed to provide training program for teachers to handle student with ADHD adequately


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    Pengasuhan orang tua harus disesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek pengasuhan yang sesuai untuk anak usia 4-6 tahun menurut perspektif orang tua muda di Jakarta Barat, Indonesia dan praktek pengasuhan yang mereka terapkan kepada anak. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terbuka. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 37 pasang orang tua muda usia 20-40 tahun (37 ibu dan 37 ayah) yang memiliki anak usia 4-6 tahun yang berdomilisi di Jakarta Barat. Data yang diperoleh dikaji menggunakan analisis tematik mengacu pada teori positive parenting dari Rodrigo, Byrne & Rodriguez (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa praktek pengasuhan yang utama pada anak usia 4-6 tahun menurut orang tua adalah memberikan pendidikan karakter (structuring), memberikan dukungan pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan aspek kognitif dan sosialisasi anak (stimulation) dan menunjukkan perasaan cinta, kasih sayang dan perhatian (nurturing). Praktek pengasuhan yang bebas dari kekerasan (free from violence) bukanlah hal yang utama bagi orang tua, bahkan tidak muncul pada praktek pengasuhan ibu dan ayah kepada anaknya. Terdapat perbedaan praktek pengasuhan pada anak usia 4-6 tahun menurut perspektif ayah dan ibu. Perbedaan praktek pengasuhan juga terkait dengan faktor usia dan tingkat pendidikan orang tua. Tidak terdapat perbedaan praktek pengasuhan pada ibu bekerja dan tidak bekerja


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    AbstrakBerdasarkan Lickona (1991), konsep moral merupakan interelasi antara pengetahuan, perasaan, dan tindakan moral. Poeti Joefiani (2013) menemukan keteguhan moral merupakan bagian dari konstruk moral. Nathan dkk (2011) dan Fumagalli (2010) mengungkapkan hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan moral. Oleh karena itu, pada studi ini peneliti bermaksud menganalisa reliabilitas dan validitas model konstruk moral berdasarkan jenis kelamin mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data, dilakukan dengan cross-sectional design. Subjek penelitian mahasiswa berusia 17-23 tahun di UNPAD, terdiri dari 1.200 wanita dan 362 pria yang dijaring berdasarkan multistage cluster sampling. Variabel moral meliputi pengetahuan, perasaan, keteguhan, dan tindakan moral diukur menggunakan self-report questionnaire tiga skenario masalah moral. Analisis statistik menggunakan multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA). Hasil menunjukkan secara umum tidak terdapat perbedaan struktur moral antara pria dan wanita. Reliabilitas dan validitas menunjukkan kesamaan antar pria dan wanita.Kata kunci : pengetahuan moral, perasaan moral, keteguhan moral, tindakan moralAbstractAccording to Lickona (1991), moral is formed by the interrelation of knowledge, feelings and action. Poeti Joefiani (2013) has found that moral firmness is part of the moral constructs. Nathan et al., (2011) and Fumagalli (2010) has revealed relationship between gender and moral. Therefore, in this study researcher intended to analyze the reliability and validity of moral construct models based on gender. The research design of this study was a cross-sectional design. The respondents were 17-23 year- old students from Padjadjaran University, consisted of 1.200 females and 363 males. Sampling technique was a multistage cluster sampling. The research variables were moral knowledge, moral feeling, moral firmness, and moral action which measured by using three moral-related scenarios in social context. Statistical analysis used multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA). In general, results shows that there is no significant difference in moral structure between male and female students. Reliability and validity shows similarities between male and female.Keywords: Moral knowledge, moral feeling, moral firmness, moral actio

    Perancangan dan Uji Coba Pelatihan Moral Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Merokok pada Remaja

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    Merokok berbahaya bagi remaja karena organ tubuh remaja masih berkembang sehingga lebih rentan terpapar nikotin serta lebih beresiko menjadi pencandu dibandingkan perokok di usia dewasa. Namun kenyataannya setiap tahun terjadi peningkatan perokok remaja di Indonesia. Karenaperilaku merokok pada remaja menyangkut kerugian pada diri sendiri dan juga orang lain, maka merokok merupakan salah satu masalah sosial menyangkut moral yang harus menjadi perhatian.Pelatihan ini terdiri dari 6 sesi yang menstimulasi aspek pengetahuan, perasaan dan keteguhan moral akan membentuk tindakan moral ketika remaja dihadapkan pada situasi yang menyangkut merokok atau tidak. Pelatihan tersebut antara lain: 1) Mengenal Aku, (2) Video Bahaya Rokok, (3) Memunculkan Pertimbangan Finansial (4) Menghayati Video Anak Merokok, (5) Alasan Merokok, (6) Bertindak dalam Situasi Kritis : Self Assertive dan Roleplay. Rancangan penelitian merupakan quasi experiment dengan one-group pretest-postest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 14 remaja yang duduk di bangku SMP, usia 12-14 tahun, beresiko menjadi perokok dan belum menjadi perokok regular (occasional smoker). Uji coba dilakukan dengan durasi 2 jam selama 2 hari berturutturut.Hasil pre-test dan post-test diuji beda dengan T-Test Wilcoxon dan analisa deskriptif. Data menunjukkan hasil two-tailed significancy = 0.59 (dengan alfa > 0.05), yang menunjukkan tidak ada peningkatan yang signifikan setelah pelatihan. Berdasarkan analisa deskriptif, 50% menunjukkan peningkatan moral setelah pelatihan. 64% peserta mengalami peningkatan pada pengetahuan dan keteguhan moral, 36% peserta yang mengalami peningkatan perasaan moral, dan 50% peserta menunjukkan peningkatan pada tindakan moral. Kata kunci : Moral, Preventif Merokok, Program Pelatihan, Remaja Pendahulua

    Subjective well being children with ADHD

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    Identifying how subjective well-being is based on the perceptions of children with ADHD itself and to find out what aspects show children with ADHD are feeling their well-being and what aspects show children with ADHD have not developed their well-being its important to be known. The child's voice is important and is the most accurate data in showing what the child feels themselves include about their subjective wellbeing. Case study qualitative research methods by interview with a sample of 44 children comprising 3 females, 41 males (age 8-12). Data analysis was using thematic analysis with NVIVO 12. The results indicate that children with ADHD in general, in their lives, are already having their well-being and some are not. In general the factors that make children with ADHD feel their well-being or not, include about capable do something, when get what they want, and have positive/ negative relationships with the people around them. It is important to pay attention to the subjective well-being children with ADHD, it is hoped that teachers, parents, and government can further optimize their respective roles and collaborate with each other to jointly pay attention to children's well-being with various strategies and policies


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    Well-being adolescents will develop into fully-functioning adults. Research on adolescent’ psychological well-being in Indonesia generally still use concept and measurement conceptualized in western and adult population. This potentially brings bias to the result. The present study aimed to explore psychological well-being concepts based on adolescent perspectives and developing a measurement based on that conceptualization. Exploratory sequential mixed methods were applied; the qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and focused group discussion techniques, followed by quantitative study to develop the measurement. The result showed that psychological well-being on adolescents aged 12-15 years consists of ten dimensions, namely; positive affect, negative affect, self-confidence, positive relationship, future orientation, self-growth, negative-emotion management, responsibility, problem-solving skill, and harmony. Those results in line with recent development on well-being, which contains elements of hedonic well-being and elements of eudaimonic well-being simultaneously. The influence of developmental characteristics, collectivist and religious culture were found on the dimensions of psychological well-being, showed that psycho-social-contextual aspects could not be neglected. The measurement developed based on the conceptualization consists of 38 items, meet the validity and reliability requirements to be used to measure the psychological well-being of adolescents aged 12-15 years in Indonesia