477 research outputs found

    Pairing in few-fermion systems with attractive interactions

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    We have studied quasi one-dimensional few-particle systems consisting of one to six ultracold fermionic atoms in two different spin states with attractive interactions. We probe the system by deforming the trapping potential and by observing the tunneling of particles out of the trap. For even particle numbers we observe a tunneling behavior which deviates from uncorrelated single-particle tunneling indicating the existence of pair correlations in the system. From the tunneling timescales we infer the differences in interaction energies of systems with different number of particles which show a strong odd-even effect, similar to the one observed for neutron separation experiments in nuclei.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    From Few to Many: Observing the Formation of a Fermi Sea One Atom at a Time

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    Knowing when a physical system has reached sufficient size for its macroscopic properties to be well described by many-body theory is difficult. We investigate the crossover from few to many-body physics by studying quasi one-dimensional systems of ultracold atoms consisting of a single impurity interacting with an increasing number of identical fermions. We measure the interaction energy of such a system as a function of the number of majority atoms for different strengths of the interparticle interaction. As we increase the number of majority atoms one by one we observe the fast convergence of the normalized interaction energy towards a many-body limit calculated for a single impurity immersed in a Fermi sea of majority particles.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent molecule formation in anharmonic potentials near confinement-induced resonances

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    We perform a theoretical and experimental study of a system of two ultracold atoms with tunable interaction in an elongated trapping potential. We show that the coupling of center-of-mass and relative motion due to an anharmonicity of the trapping potential leads to a coherent coupling of a state of an unbound atom pair and a molecule with a center of mass excitation. By performing the experiment with exactly two particles we exclude three-body losses and can therefore directly observe coherent molecule formation. We find quantitative agreement between our theory of inelastic confinement-induced resonances and the experimental results. This shows that the effects of center-of-mass to relative motion coupling can have a significant impact on the physics of quasi-1D quantum systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of the Pairing Gap in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We study fermionic pairing in an ultracold two-component gas of 6^6Li atoms by observing an energy gap in the radio-frequency excitation spectra. With control of the two-body interactions via a Feshbach resonance we demonstrate the dependence of the pairing gap on coupling strength, temperature, and Fermi energy. The appearance of an energy gap with moderate evaporative cooling suggests that our full evaporation brings the strongly interacting system deep into a superfluid state.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic field control of elastic scattering in a cold gas of fermionic lithium atoms

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    We study elastic collisions in an optically trapped spin mixture of fermionic lithium atoms in the presence of magnetic fields up to 1.5kG by measuring evaporative loss. Our experiments confirm the expected magnetic tunability of the scattering length by showing the main features of elastic scattering according to recent calculations. We measure the zero crossing of the scattering length that is associated with a predicted Feshbach resonance at 530(3)G. Beyond the resonance we observe the expected large cross section in the triplet scattering regime

    Exploring the BEC-BCS Crossover with an Ultracold Gas of 6^6Li Atoms

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    We present an overview of our recent measurements on the crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecules to a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid. The experiments are performed on a two-component spin-mixture of 6^6Li atoms, where a Fesh\-bach resonance serves as the experimental key to tune the s-wave scattering length and thus to explore the various interaction regimes. In the BEC-BCS crossover, we have characterized the interaction energy by measuring the size of the trapped gas, we have studied collective excitation modes, and we have observed the pairing gap. Our observations provide strong evidence for superfluidity in the strongly interacting Fermi gas.Comment: Proceedings of ICAP-2004 (Rio de Janeiro). Review on Innsbruck BEC-BCS crossover experiments with updated Feshbach resonance positio

    Collisional stability of a three-component degenerate Fermi gas

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    We report on the creation of a degenerate Fermi gas consisting of a balanced mixture of atoms in three different hyperfine states of 6^6Li. This new system consists of three distinguishable Fermions with different and tunable interparticle scattering lengths a12a_{12}, a13a_{13} and a23a_{23}. We are able to prepare samples containing 5⋅1045 \cdot 10^4 atoms in each state at a temperature of about 215215 nK, which corresponds to T/TF≈0.37T/T_F \approx 0.37. We investigated the collisional stability of the gas for magnetic fields between 0 and 600 G and found a prominent loss feature at 130 G. From lifetime measurements we determined three-body loss coefficients, which vary over nearly three orders of magnitude
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