4 research outputs found

    Ice-Cover and Jamming Effects on Inline Structures and Upstream Water Levels

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    River ice cover is a reoccurring phenomenon in the Northern United States every year. Sheets and layers of ice result in a rise of water surface elevation and may lead to ice jams in a river. This research explains the modeling of a river reach through Northern Illinois containing a structural weir and how the water profile is effected during ice cover and ice jam events. The Hydraulic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System was used in conjunction with Esri ArcMap software to model a portion of the river for analysis. The study area of the Rock River flowing through Oregon, IL is known to freeze and ice over during the winter months in Northern Illinois. Data from the United States Geological Survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were utilized to obtain cross-section and discharge measurements. The impacts of an ice jam occurring upstream of the weir and downstream of the weir were studied. The effects of the ice jam on the upstream water levels were also evaluated to observe if any flooding may occur inside the town or even farther upstream. Results of the ice cover and ice jam data were then compared to those of the Rock River under normal open flow conditions thus observing the change in water level, Froude number, and flow velocity. Results from this study help to point out the significance of ice jam occurrences and their effects on inline structures and future flooding concerns in the surrounding area


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    Growing populations and industrialized agriculture practices have eradicated much of the United States wetlands along river floodplains. One program available for the restoration of floodplains is the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The current research explores the effects CRP land change has on flooding zones, utilizing Flood Modeller and HEC-RAS. Modelling in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional approaches were tested and analyzed for the same river reach. Flood Modeller is proven a viable tool for flood modeling within the United States when compared to HEC-RAS. Application of the software is used in the Nodaway River system located in the western halves of Iowa and Missouri, to model the effects of introducing new forest areas within the region. Flood stage during the conversion first decreases in the early years, before rising to produce greater heights. Flow velocities where CRP land is present are reduced for long-term scopes. Velocity reduction occurs as the Manning’s roughness values increase due to tree diameter and brush density. Flood zones become more widespread with the implementation of CRP. Comparing one-dimensional and two-dimensional flood mapping zones, the two-dimensional model shows less inundation. CRP land cover effects evolve over time, with the greatest impact appearing at the end of the contract

    Regulated necrosis: disease relevance and therapeutic opportunities

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    The discovery of regulated cell death presents tantalizing possibilities for gaining control over the life-death decisions made by cells in disease. Although apoptosis has been the focus of drug discovery for many years, recent research has identified regulatory mechanisms and signalling pathways for previously unrecognized, regulated necrotic cell death routines. Distinct critical nodes have been characterized for some of these alternative cell death routines, whereas other cell death routines are just beginning to be unravelled. In this Review, we describe forms of regulated necrotic cell death, including necroptosis, the emerging cell death modality of ferroptosis (and the related oxytosis) and the less well comprehended parthanatos and cyclophilin D-mediated necrosis. We focus on small molecules, proteins and pathways that can induce and inhibit these non-apoptotic forms of cell death, and discuss strategies for translating this understanding into new therapeutics for certain disease contexts

    Regulated necrosis: disease relevance and therapeutic opportunities

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