734 research outputs found

    Foundation Giving in California: A Snapshot of Overall Giving, Asset Distribution and Regional Disparities Among Private and Community Foundations

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    Provides details on the composition, concentration, and distribution of private and community foundation funding in California, and regional snapshots of philanthropic capacity and activity for 2003

    Karl Barth ante la Iglesia del Vaticano II

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    El vaciamiento conceptual de las disciplinas humanísticas por el abuso del prefijo meta-

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    In this publication, as well as in others on the same subject published in Boletán de Filologia and in the Boletín de la Academia Colornbiana, I have obsewed the great abuse made of the prefix meta-, to such an extent that certain concepts formed sn the basis of this prefix will eventudly become devoid of their meaning. In order to illustrate its use, relevant examples are provided in Spanish, English, Gennan, and Russian.    En este artículo, y en otros sobre el mismo tema publicados en el Boletín de Filología y el Boletín de la Academia Colombiana, he advertido sobre el abuso que se ha hecho común por doquier al utilizar el prefijo mera-, de modo que va a dejar sin contenido a conceptos empleados en diversas disciplinas. A modo de ilustración, en este trabajo se muestran ejemplos de tal uso en español, inglés, alemán y ruso.  


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    FARC Terrorism in Colombia: A Clustering Analysis

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    This paper applies clustering analysis to the Colombian armed conflict. Indeed, when applied to a FARC terrorist act database, this statistical procedure finds a natural clustering of the diferent FARC units according to the diferent types of terrorist acts they commit and identities the military hard core of the FARC. The facts revealed in this paper should be useful not only for future military strategies, but also to determine a better priorization and geographical allocation of the scarce military resources.Clustering Analysis,


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    FARC TERRORISM IN COLOMBIA A Clustering Analysis

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    This paper applies clustering analysis to the Colombian armed conflict. Indeed, when applied to a FARC terrorist act database, this statistical procedure finds a natural clustering of the different FARC units according to the different types of terrorist acts they commit and identifies the military hard core of the FARC. The facts revealed in this paper should be useful not only for future military strategies, but also to determine a better priorization and geographical allocation of the scarce military resources.Clustering analysis