31 research outputs found

    Blood parasite genus and strains.

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    <p>Different blood parasite genus and strains found in this study with their data deposition in GenBank (GB), accession numbers, references and additional comments. Note that strains are identified for <i>Plasmodium</i> and <i>Haemoproteus</i> genus with a Cyt-b lenght fragment of 478 bp, and for <i>Leucocytozoon</i> genus with a length fragment of 467 bp (but for NEHUM01 with 476 bp length). Lineages labeled with (*) have the same nucleotide sequence in GB, but their descriptive names and accession numbers are different.</p

    Relationships between migration time and blood parasite prevalence and richness.

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    <p>Results of the general linear models testing the relationships between ringing dates (as dependent variable) and intestinal parasite load and richness. Sex was included as an independent factor. Data from variables in the final model are presented in bold. For variables not in the final model the significance when added to the model is given.</p

    Sexual differences in timing of migration.

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    <p>Number of males (barred bars) and females (empty bars) Garden Warblers captured in each of the seven weeks of the study period.</p

    Changes in intestinal parasite richness.

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    <p>Mean and 95% confidence interval for intestinal parasite richness in the seven weeks of the study period.</p

    Relationships between migration time and blood parasite prevalence and richness.

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    <p>Results of the general linear models testing the relationships between ringing dates (as dependent variable) and blood parasite prevalence and richness. Sex was included as an independent factor. Data from variables in the final model are presented in bold. For variables not in the final model the significance when added to the model is given.</p

    Genetic distances between Artemia franciscana populations

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    genetic distances between populations estimated from the sample loadings of a Principal Components Analysis calculated on FST values using Kimura 2-Parameter as the evolutionary model for COI data and formatted for its use in Canoco. Localities are coded according to Table 1 of the paper

    File with environmental variables (introductions and flyways). b

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    envBirdlife is a text file in Canoco format coding for the inclusion of each locality in the Pacific flyway (first column), Central flyway (second column), Atlantic flyway (third column) and the native or introduced status of each population (fourth column). The localities were assigned to flyways according to Birdlife International (extracted from http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/userfiles/file/sowb/flyways/. Localities are coded according to Table 1 of the paper

    Geographic coordinates for each studied locality.

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    geofdist is a text file in Canoco format with the latitude and longitude information for each studied locality. Localities are coded according to Table 1 of the paper

    Population flyway assignation according to Birdlife International

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    flyBirdlife is a text file in Canoco format coding for the inclusion of each locality in the Pacific flyway (first column), Central flyway (second column) and Atlantic flyway (third column). The localities were assigned to flyways according to Birdlife International (extracted from http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/userfiles/file/sowb/flyways/. Localities are coded according to Table 1 of the paper

    Artemia franciscana population status (native vs introduced)coding

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    intro is a text file in Canoco format coding the native (0) introduced (1) status of each population studied. Localities are coded according to Table 1 of the paper