334 research outputs found

    Optimality of contraction-driven crawling

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    We study a model of cell motility where the condition of optimal trade-off between performance and metabolic cost can be made precise. In this model a steadily crawling fragment is represented by a layer of active gel placed on a frictional surface and driven by contraction only. We find analytically the distribution of contractile elements (pullers) ensuring that the efficiency of self-propulsion is maximal. We then show that natural assumptions about advection and diffusion of pullers produce a distribution that is remarkably close to the optimal one and is qualitatively similar to the one observed in experiments on fish keratocytes

    Dissipation in Dynamics of a Moving Contact Line

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    The dynamics of the deformations of a moving contact line is studied assuming two different dissipation mechanisms. It is shown that the characteristic relaxation time for a deformation of wavelength 2π/∣k∣2\pi/|k| of a contact line moving with velocity vv is given as τ−1(k)=c(v)∣k∣\tau^{-1}(k)=c(v) |k|. The velocity dependence of c(v)c(v) is shown to drastically depend on the dissipation mechanism: we find c(v)=c(v=0)−2vc(v)=c(v=0)-2 v for the case when the dynamics is governed by microscopic jumps of single molecules at the tip (Blake mechanism), and c(v)≃c(v=0)−4vc(v)\simeq c(v=0)-4 v when viscous hydrodynamic losses inside the moving liquid wedge dominate (de Gennes mechanism). We thus suggest that the debated dominant dissipation mechanism can be experimentally determined using relaxation measurements similar to the Ondarcuhu-Veyssie experiment [T. Ondarcuhu and M. Veyssie, Nature {\bf 352}, 418 (1991)].Comment: REVTEX 8 pages, 9 PS figure

    Post-Tanner spreading of nematic droplets

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    The quasistationary spreading of a circular liquid drop on a solid substrate typically obeys the so-called Tanner law, with the instantaneous base radius R(t) growing with time as R ~ t^{1/10} -- an effect of the dominant role of capillary forces for a small-sized droplet. However, for droplets of nematic liquid crystals, a faster spreading law sets in at long times, so that R ~ t^alpha with alpha significantly larger than the Tanner exponent 1/10. In the framework of the thin film model (or lubrication approximation), we describe this "acceleration" as a transition to a qualitatively different spreading regime driven by a strong substrate-liquid interaction specific to nematics (antagonistic anchoring at the interfaces). The numerical solution of the thin film equation agrees well with the available experimental data for nematics, even though the non-Newtonian rheology has yet to be taken into account. Thus we complement the theory of spreading with a post-Tanner stage, noting that the spreading process can be expected to cross over from the usual capillarity-dominated stage to a regime where the whole reservoir becomes a diffusive film in the sense of Derjaguin.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted in JPCM special issu

    Polarity patterns of stress fibers

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    Stress fibers are contractile actomyosin bundles commonly observed in the cytoskeleton of metazoan cells. The spatial profile of the polarity of actin filaments inside contractile actomyosin bundles is either monotonic (graded) or periodic (alternating). In the framework of linear irreversible thermodynamics, we write the constitutive equations for a polar, active, elastic one-dimensional medium. An analysis of the resulting equations for the dynamics of polarity shows that the transition from graded to alternating polarity patterns is a nonequilibrium Lifshitz point. Active contractility is a necessary condition for the emergence of sarcomeric, alternating polarity patterns.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanical Instabilities of Biological Tubes

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    We study theoretically the shapes of biological tubes affected by various pathologies. When epithelial cells grow at an uncontrolled rate, the negative tension produced by their division provokes a buckling instability. Several shapes are investigated : varicose, enlarged, sinusoidal or sausage-like, all of which are found in pathologies of tracheal, renal tubes or arteries. The final shape depends crucially on the mechanical parameters of the tissues : Young modulus, wall-to-lumen ratio, homeostatic pressure. We argue that since tissues must be in quasistatic mechanical equilibrium, abnormal shapes convey information as to what causes the pathology. We calculate a phase diagram of tubular instabilities which could be a helpful guide for investigating the underlying genetic regulation

    Active-to-absorbing state phase transition in the presence of fluctuating environments: Weak and strong dynamic scaling

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    We investigate the scaling properties of phase transitions between survival and extinction (active-to-absorbing state phase transition, AAPT) in a model, that by itself belongs to the directed percolation (DP) universality class, interacting with a spatio-temporally fluctuating environment having its own non-trivial dynamics. We model the environment by (i) a randomly stirred fluid, governed by the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation, and (ii) a fluctuating surface, described either by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) or the Edward-Wilkinson (EW) equations. We show, by using a one-loop perturbative field theoretic set up, that depending upon the spatial scaling of the variance of the external forces that drive the environment (i.e., the NS, KPZ or EW equations), the system may show {\em weak} or {\em strong dynamic scaling} at the critical point of active to absorbing state phase transitions. In the former case AAPT displays scaling belonging to the DP universality class, whereas in the latter case the universal behavior is different.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, accepted in PR

    Dynamics of Spreading of Small Droplets of Chainlike Molecules on Surfaces

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    Dynamics of spreading of small droplets on surfaces has been studied by the molecular dynamics method. Simulations have been performed for mixtures of solvent and dimer, and solvent and tetramer droplets. For solvent particles and dimers, layering occurs leading to stepped droplet shapes. For tetramers such shapes occur for relatively deep and strong surface potentials only. For wider and more shallow potentials, more rapid spreading and rounded droplet shapes occur. These results are in accordance with experimental data on small non - volatile polymer droplets. PACS numbers: 68.10Gw, 05.70.Ln, 61.20.Ja, 68.45GdComment: to appear in Europhys. Letters (1994), Latex, 12 page

    Deviations from the mean field predictions for the phase behaviour of random copolymers melts

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    We investigate the phase behaviour of random copolymers melts via large scale Monte Carlo simulations. We observe macrophase separation into A and B--rich phases as predicted by mean field theory only for systems with a very large correlation lambda of blocks along the polymer chains, far away from the Lifshitz point. For smaller values of lambda, we find that a locally segregated, disordered microemulsion--like structure gradually forms as the temperature decreases. As we increase the number of blocks in the polymers, the region of macrophase separation further shrinks. The results of our Monte Carlo simulation are in agreement with a Ginzburg criterium, which suggests that mean field theory becomes worse as the number of blocks in polymers increases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Fluctuations of a driven membrane in an electrolyte

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    We develop a model for a driven cell- or artificial membrane in an electrolyte. The system is kept far from equilibrium by the application of a DC electric field or by concentration gradients, which causes ions to flow through specific ion-conducting units (representing pumps, channels or natural pores). We consider the case of planar geometry and Debye-H\"{u}ckel regime, and obtain the membrane equation of motion within Stokes hydrodynamics. At steady state, the applied field causes an accumulation of charges close to the membrane, which, similarly to the equilibrium case, can be described with renormalized membrane tension and bending modulus. However, as opposed to the equilibrium situation, we find new terms in the membrane equation of motion, which arise specifically in the out-of-equilibrium case. We show that these terms lead in certain conditions to instabilities.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. submitted to Europhys. Let
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