39 research outputs found

    Activity of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Leaves Under the Cadmium Stress

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    The development of civilisation, urbanisation and industrialisation cause to ever increasing contamination of the natural environment. Cadmium belongs to this group of chemical elements, which represent a serious threat, not only for the proper development of plants but also for the health of humans and animals. Hence, the interest of scientists in the toxic effects of this kind chemical elements on the various life functions of organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cadmium nitrate aqueous solutions on photosynthetic activity and degree of disorganisation of cell membranes in leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘Laurina’). A fully formed second leaves were wetted with cadmium solutions nitrate (Cd(NO3)2) at concentrations of 5 and 10 mM. With the increasing of cadmium concentration and time of its application (20, 40, 60 min and 24 h), the changes in the fluorescence of bean leaves were observed. Under the influence of cadmium ions, damage occurred both on the edge and the central part of the leaves, and then the whole surface. The highest changes of the chlorophyll fluorescence values were observed after 24 h of application the aqueous cadmium solutions. Use of SPAD chlorophyll Meter, the reduction of chlorophyll content was noticed over time. The flow of electrolytes from the bean leaves was increased with the time and concentration of applied cadmium compounds

    Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Sticky Willy (Galium aparine L.) on the Growth of Seedlings of Selected Maize Varieties (Zea mays L.)

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    In the environment plants are competing for water, nutrients and light, and other components. Their competition is not only based on shading but on the allelopathic interactions as well. Sticky willy (Galium aparine L.) is a nitrophilous weed growing in thickets, crop fields and on ruderal areas. Its sticky and strongly branching stems are connecting together stalks of grain make it difficult to harvest. G. aparine wraps around plants and limits their access to the light. It may to secrete allelopathic substances to the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aqueous extracts from shoots G. aparine L. concentrations of 1, 3, and 5% on growth seedlings of Zea mays L. in two varieties: ‘Lokata’ F2, ‘Wilga’ F1 and F2. The seeds were placed on Petri dishes (100 units) and watered extracts from shoots G. aparine, and distilled water (control). The ability of seed germination was higher on extracts of concentration 1% for the variety ‘Wilga’ F1 and F2, and less for the ‘Lokata’ F2. Biometric analysis of seedling roots showed the stimulatory effect of 1% and 3% extracts, and the inhibitory for 5%. The fresh weight of maize seedlings was significantly higher on 1% extract, as compared to other and the control. The values of the dry weight of ‘Lokata’ F2 each concentration was lower in comparison to the control. The water contents in seedlings of the ‘Wilga’ F1 and ‘Lokata’ F2 varieties were significantly increased of each extracts, in comparison to control

    The Influence of Aqueous Extracts from Stellaria media L. on the Growth of Zea mays L. Cultivars

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    Plants introduce chemicals into the environment that can be toxic, both for themselves and for other species. Weed infestation of crops is a competition for environmental resources, but at the same time is a source of chemical substances released into the soil, often reducing yield potential. The paper attempts to investigate the allelopathic interaction of aquatic extracts from dry shoots of chickweed Stellaria media L. on germination and development of maize Zea mays L. seedlings of ‘San’, ‘Kidemos’ and ‘DKC 3441’ cultivars. Along with the increase in the concentration of allelopathic substances, a decrease in the germination activity of all tested maize cultivars was observed. Germination percentage as like percentage of control was the highest for seeds germinating on substrates with 1% chickweed extracts and the lowest for seeds watered with 5% extracts. Biometric measurements of seedlings showed that the most sensitive cultivar of maize was ‘DKC 3441’, and the resistant cultivar ‘San’. The relative water content was the highest for seedlings grown on the 5% extracts. Significant differences in the amount of fresh and dry masses of maize seedlings were demonstrated at the highest concentrations of extracts compared to the control. A significant increase in electrolyte leakage compared to the control sample was found in the ‘Kidemos’ cultivar. The lowest differences in the destabilization of the ionic transport through cell membranes for the ‘DKC 3441’ cultivar were demonstrated

    Impact of Drought Exerted during Spike Development on Tillering, Yield Parameters and Grain Chemical Composition in Semi-Dwarf Barley Mutants Deficient in the Brassinosteroid Metabolism

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    Drought is a major factor limiting plant development and negatively aïŹ€ecting crop yield. It was reported that mutants defective in the brassinosteroid (BR) metabolism from several species, including barley (Hordeum vulgare), show improved tolerance to drought during the vegetative phase of growth. Hence, semi-dwarf barley mutants defective in the BR metabolism may be regarded as an alternative in breeding programs. Occurrence of drought during spike development has a profound eïŹ€ect on yield. Thus, determining reaction of the semi-dwarf, BR-deficient barley mutants to drought during the reproductive phase is crucial. This study was conducted on barley Near-Isogenic Lines defective in the BR metabolism and the reference ‘Bowman’ cultivar. The experiments were performed under laboratory (optimal watering and drought) and field conditions. The following yield-related parameters were analyzed: total tillering, productive tillering, average grain weight per plant and per spike, as well as weight of 1000 seeds. Additionally, an analysis of chemical composition of grain was performed. The BR-insensitive BW312 line showed the highest values of the productive tillering and grain weight per plant under the drought conditions. Perturbations in the BR metabolism did not have any significant deteriorating eïŹ€ect on the contents of grain chemical ingredients

    Ruxolitinib as a primary treatment for multiple myeloma in a patient with primary myelofibrosis? A case report and the review of the literature

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    An 80-year-old female with a history of primary myelofibrosis was admitted to the hospital due to worsening symptoms of the primary disease. A secondary tumor — multiple myeloma (MM) — was revealed during the diagnostic process. Monotherapy with a JAK inhibitor (ruxolitinib) was administered, and the severity of both malignancies was alleviated. This article includes a short review of secondary malignancies correlated with PMF and the state of knowledge on using JAK inhibitors, mainly ruxolitinib, in treating MM