4 research outputs found

    Inteligencja emocjonalna i powodzenie szkolne

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    Emotional inteligence and school achievmentAccording to popular opinion emotional intelligence (EI) predicts success at school, at work and in relationships as well or better than IQ. However, little research exists to support or refute that claim. This article examines the role of EI in school achievement. The subjects were 58 pupils (25 females and 33 males). School achievement was operationalized in two ways: firstly, as academic success and, secondly, as sociometric measurements of the ability to empathize with others and understand one’s own emotions. Sociometric nominations were completed by schoolmates. EI was measured with a Polish version (Jaworowska, Matczak, 2001) of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS: Schutte, Malouff,  Hall, Haggerty, Cooper,  Golden, Dornheim, 1998) and a Polish version (Szczygieł, Kolańczyk, 2001) of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS: Lane, Quinlan, Schwartz, Walker, Zeitlin, 1990). The SEIS is a measure of perceived EI in terms of individuals’ beliefs about their own emotional abilities. The LEAS is a verbal measure of emotional awareness. General intelligence and personality dimensions were controlled. The results of the study indicated that EI accounts for variance in academic success, and emotional awareness accounts for the number of sociometric nominations concerning empathy and ability to understand one’s own emotions. The research confirmed incremental validity of measures of EI above the level attributable to personality traits. 

    The Guide for youngsters stepping out into the world by Wanda from Szymański Reichsteinowa. Edition and elaboration

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    Praca zawiera nowe wydanie pierwszej części „Poradnika dla młodych osób w świat wstępujących” Wandy Reichsteinowej poprzedzone wstępem popularnonaukowym dotyczącym sytuacji rynkowej poradników, polityczno-obyczajowej, a także życiorysu autorki. We wstępie znalazła się również nota edytorska, zgodnie z którą opracowano tekst główny podręcznika. Został on również opatrzony w komentarz w postaci przypisów dolnych. Celem pracy jest ponowna edycja dziewiętnastowiecznego poradnika Reichsteinowej i przybliżenie czytelnikowi tła obyczajowego czasów, w których on powstał.The paper includes a new edition of the first part of Wanda Reichstein's "The Guide for youngsters stepping out into the world", preceded by a popular science introduction of the guidebook market, political and custom situation as well as the author's biography. The introduction also contains an editorial note, according to which the main text of the guide was compiled. The text of the guide has been commented in the footnotes. The aim of the work is to re-edit the nineteenth-century Reichstein’s guide and to show the reader the background of the time in which it was made