433 research outputs found

    Tourism Development in Łódź in 2000-2014: Directions and Character of Change

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    The primary aim of the article is to present the scope and character of tourism in Łódź, between 2000 and 2014. The author will show both the overall changes in numbers of registered tourists during those 15 years, its distribution within the city in the last year, and the number and specificity of foreign arrivals (non-residents). Based on surveys in 2009-12, the author will discuss the structure of tourism in Łódź, taking into consideration one-day visitors and tourists, tourism consumption and distribution within the city space

    Tourism Trends Among Generation Y in Poland

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    On the basis of empirical studies and available sources, the author presents tourism as undertaken by young Poles from Generation Y, with reference to demographic, and above all generational changes. She focuses on presenting tourism preferences and typical behaviour. The analysis shows that their behaviour is similar to those observed by Generation Y globally. The similarities are also visible in tourism - new, post-modernist trends, such as gap year and internet couch surfing portals, as forms of independent travel organization, are becoming more and more popular. On the other hand, the consumptionist habits of Generation Y (preferences for comfort and entertainment), as well as an orientation towards family and friends, frequently travelling companions, can also be observe

    Compressed Informativeness in Polish Legal Text

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    The present paper focuses on one of the main features of legal communication, namely informativeness. The article presents the informativeness of Polish legislative documents as an inherent but not always clearly understood socially feature of legal discourse, which has been regarded as a distinctive characteristic of normative acts. The study includes several levels of approximate semiotisation in relation to the cognitive criterion. The corpus comprises the most important Polish normative texts, namely the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Criminal Code, Civil Code, and the Code of Civil Procedure. The analysis also included rulings of Polish common courts. Pragmatic and semantic criterion has been applied as the methodological basis for the analysis. The factor related to the use of legislative metaphors in executive and judicial practice was applied as an additional criterion. The aim of the paper was to determine the form of informativeness of the Polish legal texts and its extra-textual usefulness. Two levels of informativeness of legal texts, surface level and deep level, were established in the analysis. In legal discourse, informativeness took the form of a specific phenomenon. It referred not only to surface structures, but also to the elements of the content, requiring reconstruction from their meaning

    Приговор как функциональный жанр административной коммуникации

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    This article analyses the function of a sentence as a representative genre of administrative discourse, which has the ability to form and transform legally relevant facts. Functional and pragmatic nature of the sentence, as a document, lies in the ability to mandatory oblige all recipients of the discourse. The aim of the article is to identify the main features and descriptions of the sentence as an administrative discourse genre, which in essence is the main way of interpretation, evaluation and qualification of social behaviour. The study analysis includes the sentence analysis, taking into account three criteria: ontological, causal and pragmatic. This publication also provides a method of qualification of legally relevant facts and the examples of its verbalisation. It is shown that under formal communications, the studied genre of the text is the main instrument of the imperative regulation of social relations. The author indicates that the sentence is a subjective and prescriptive type of administrative document. The sentence is a final explicit act. Fundamental pragmatics of the sentence is focused on identifying and revealing the will of the authorities and influencing the participants of discourse.Статья посвящена анализу приговора как функционального репрезентанта административного дискурса, способного императивным образом формировать и преображать юридически релевантные факты. Функционально-прагматическая сущность приговора заключается в его способности по определению обязывать всех адресатов. Анализ приговора охватывал исследования с учетом трех критериев: онтологического, каузального и прагматического. Целью статьи является выявление и дескрипция основных особенностей приговора как жанра административного дискурса, который по сути своей является основным способом интерпретации, оценки и квалификации общественного поведения. В настоящей публикации рассмотрен также способ квалификации юридически релевантного факта и указаны примеры его вербализации. Показывается, что в рамках официально-правовой коммуникации изучаемый жанр текста является главным инструментом императивного регулирования общественных отношений. Отмечается, что приговор является видомадминистративного документа, которому свойствены субъектность и директивность, а его основная прагматика сосредоточена на выявлении воли органа власти и оказании воздействия на участников дискурса

    Milczenie jako specyficzna forma komunikatu w dyskursie prawnym

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    The article is devoted to the description of modifying reality through non-verbal speech acts. The subject of the study are non-verbal signs referring to the category of legal communication. This study included acts of legal communication that are expressed or can be expressed using various forms of silence. The first aim of the study was to determine whether silence can be classified as a speech act in the strict sense. The secondary aim was to determine the usefulness of silence in legal communication. The methodological basis of the analysis was the assumptions of pragmatism in the approach of W. James and the concept of performative acts of speech by J. L. Austin.Artykuł został poświęcony opisowi modyfikowania rzeczywistości społecznej poprzez wykorzystywanie niewerbalnych aktów komunikowania. Przedmiotem badań uczyniono znaki niewerbalne odnoszące się do obszaru interakcji prawnych. Zakres opracowania obejmował te komunikaty, które w ramach dyskursu prawnego są (lub mogą być) wyrażane za pomocą różnych form milczenia. Prymarnym celem badania było ustalenie, czy milczenie można zakwalifikować jako akt mowy sensu stricto. Celem sekundarnym stało się określenie przydatności kategorii milczenie w komunikacji prawnej. Metodologiczną podstawę prowadzonej analizy stanowiły założenia pragmatyzmu w podejściu W. Jamesa oraz koncepcja performatywnych aktów mowy J. L. Austina

    Venice syndrome. Dysfunctions of contemporary tourism in historic cities

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    Materiały z II Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej, która odbyła się na Wydziale Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w 2013 roku.Artykuł przedstawia „syndrom wenecki” (SW) – schemat interpretacyjny, który identyfikuje i pozwala zrozumieć negatywne skutki rozwoju turystyki w miastach dziedzictwa. Na omówiony syndrom wenecki składają się cechy, prawidłowości i właściwości związane z funkcjonowaniem miasta historycznego na różnych płaszczyznach: społecznej, ekonomicznej (gospodarka i zarządzanie miastem), przestrzennej.The article presents an interpretative scheme that identifies and allows to understand the negative effects of tourism development in the historic cities. Their choice is based mainly on the example of Venice, but also other European cities – including (among other) Kraków using available publications and research results. The dysfunctions of the tourism development in a heritage city conventionally named by the author “Venice syndrome” consist of features, regularities and characteristics visible in the various levels of functioning of a historic city: social (residents, tourists), economic (economy and city management), spatial and others (e.g. ecological)