69 research outputs found

    No relationship between baseline salivary alpha-amylase and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Score in drug-naïve patients with short-illness-duration first episode major depressive disorder : an exploratory study

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    Salivary ?-amylase (sAA) activity alternations are observed in major depressive disorder (MDD) being associated with depression severity and its specific psychopathological dimensions with anxiety being attributed to distress. No data is available on sAA in MDD according to Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The exploratory study examines whether and to what extent baseline sAA level is interrelated to the psychopathological features including severity of symptoms and specific psychopathological dimensions. The basal, non-stimulated sAA activity was studied in 20 non-late-life adult, treatment-naïve MDD patients with short-illness-duration and in 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls along with psychometric assessments with Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Significantly lower (p=0.011) sAA activity was observed in MDD as compared to controls. No significant correlations were observed between sAA activity and the total HAMD-17 score as well as with regard to the specific core depression, insomnia, anxiety and somatic HAM-D psychopathological dimensions. No significant correlations were also found between sAA and STAIX-1 and STAIX-2 scores. Low baseline sAA levels in MDD with no correlations between sAA and psychopathological features including severity of symptoms and specific psychopathological dimensions was found

    Associations between adipocytokines and metabolic disturbances in obese adolescents - preliminary results

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    Wstęp Celem prezentowanych badań była ocena zależności między obecnością składowych zespołu metabolicznego u otyłych nastolatków a występowaniem insulinooporności, z uwzględnieniem roli wybranych adipocytokin. Materiał i metody Badaniem objęto 99 nastolatków w wieku 10-18 lat (średnia wieku 14,3 ± 1,8 roku) diagnozowanych w Klinice Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Wieku Rozwojowego we Wrocławiu z powodu otyłości. U pacjentów określono: wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI), obwód talii, zmierzono ciśnienie tętnicze, wykonano krzywą cukrową (OGTT) z insuliną, wyliczono HOMA-IR, oceniono gospodarkę tłuszczową, zbadano stężenie leptyny, adiponektyny i rezystyny. Insulinooporność rozpoznano, gdy: HOMA-IR było większe od 2,5; zespół metaboliczny ustalono według kryteriów IDF. Wyniki W grupie badanej zespół metaboliczny rozpoznano u 36,36% pacjentów. Insulinooporność stwierdzono u 67,67% badanych, wśród pacjentów z rozpoznanym zespołem metabolicznym u 86,11%, bez zespołu metabolicznego u 55,5%. W grupie pacjentów z ZM stwierdzono istotnie statystycznie niższe stężenie adiponektyny w stosunku do grupy pacjentów bez tych zaburzeń. Wnioski 1. U otyłych nastolatków obserwuje się insulinooporność, częściej u dzieci, które spełniają kryteria zespołu metabolicznego. 2. Adiponektyna jest czułym markerem insulinooporności i zespołu metabolicznego.Background The purpose of our study was to evaluate associations between metabolic syndrome’s components, insulin resistance and adipocytokines in obese teenagers. Material and methods We examined 99 overweight and obese children, aged 10-18 years (mean 14.3 ± 1.8) diagnosed and treated in Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology, Medical University of Wrocław. BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, OGTT with insulin levels, HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides levels were taken into account. Moreover adiponectin and resistin were estimated. Insulin resistance was diagnosed if HOMA-IR > 2.5. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) was diagnosed according to IDF. Results MetS was diagnosed in 36.36% of children. Insulin resistance was diagnosed in 67.67% of children: in 86.11% children with MetS and 55.5% children without MetS. In the MetS group lower concentration of adiponectin was observed. Conclusions 1. Insulin resistance is observed in obese adolescents, more frequently in patients with metabolic syndrome. 2. Adiponectin is a sensitive marker for insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

    The cytotoxic effect of copper (II) complexes with halogenated 1,3-disubstituted arylthioureas on cancer and bacterial cells

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    A series of eight copper (II) complexes with 3-(4-chloro-3-nitrophenyl)thiourea were designed and synthesized. The cytotoxic activity of all compounds was assessed in three human cancer cell lines (SW480, SW620, PC3) and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT). The complexes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 were cytotoxic to the studied tumor cells in the low micromolar range, without affecting the normal cells. The complexes 1, 3, 7 and 8 induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in all cancer cell lines, but not in the HaCaT cells. They provoked early apoptosis in pathological cells, especially in SW480 and PC3 cells. The ability of compounds 1, 3, 7 and 8 to diminish interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentration in a cell was established. For the first time, the influence of the most promising Cu (II) complexes on intensities of detoxifying and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging the enzymes of tumor cells was studied. The cytotoxic effect of all copper (II) conjugates against standard and hospital bacterial strains was also proved

    Polimorfizm rs2200733 na chromosomie 4q25 jest czynnikiem ryzyka udaru sercowozatorowego związanego z migotaniem przedsionków w populacji polskiej

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    Background and purpose A few single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 4q25, associated with atrial fibrillation (AF), are risk factors for ischaemic stroke. We studied the significance of the SNP rs2200733 on chromosome 4q25 in different types of cardioembolic (CE) stroke. Material and methods: We genotyped 428 controls and 301 CE stroke patients, among whom 197 (65.4%) presented with high risk sources of embolism (CE stroke related to AF) and 104 with medium risk sources (CE stroke unrelated to AF). The SNP rs2200733 was analysed using real-time polymorphism chain reaction. Results Both univariate and multivariate regression analyses showed that the studied variant affected risk of all CE strokes or CE strokes related to AF in recessive and additive models. The two types of CE stroke differed significantly in demographics and distribution of vascular risk factors. Conclusions The SNP rs2200733 on chromosome 4q25 is a risk factor for CE stroke related to AF only

    Polimorfizm rs2200733 na chromosomie 4q25 jest czynnikiem ryzyka udaru sercowozatorowego związanego z migotaniem przedsionków w populacji polskiej

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    Background and purpose A few single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 4q25, associated with atrial fibrillation (AF), are risk factors for ischaemic stroke. We studied the significance of the SNP rs2200733 on chromosome 4q25 in different types of cardioembolic (CE) stroke. Material and methods: We genotyped 428 controls and 301 CE stroke patients, among whom 197 (65.4%) presented with high risk sources of embolism (CE stroke related to AF) and 104 with medium risk sources (CE stroke unrelated to AF). The SNP rs2200733 was analysed using real-time polymorphism chain reaction. Results Both univariate and multivariate regression analyses showed that the studied variant affected risk of all CE strokes or CE strokes related to AF in recessive and additive models. The two types of CE stroke differed significantly in demographics and distribution of vascular risk factors. Conclusions The SNP rs2200733 on chromosome 4q25 is a risk factor for CE stroke related to AF only.Wstęp i cel pracy Kilka polimorfizmów na chromosomie 4q25, związanych z migotaniem przedsionków, jest czynnikami ryzyka udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu. Przeanalizowano znaczenie polimorfizmu rs2200733 na chromosomie 4q25 w różnych typach udaru sercowozatorowego. Materiał i metody Badany polimorfizm oznaczono u 428 osób tworzących grupę kontrolną oraz u 301 chorych na udar sercowozatorowy, spośród których 197 (65,4%) miało źródło zatorowości o dużym ryzyku (udar sercowozatorowy związany z migotaniem przedsionków), a 104 o pośrednim ryzyku (udar sercowozatorowy niezwiązany z migotaniem przedsionków). Do analizy polimorfizmu rs2200733 wykorzystano reakcję łańcuchową polimerazy DNA z analizą ilości produktu w czasie rzeczywistym. Wyniki Zarówno jedno-, jak i wieloczynnikowa analiza regresji logistycznej wykazały, że badany wariant wpływał na ryzyko wystąpienia wszystkich udarów sercowozatorowych oraz tych związanych z migotaniem przedsionków w modelach recesywnym i addytywnym. Dwa typy udaru sercowozatorowego różniły się w zakresie czynników demograficznych oraz rozkładu naczyniowych czynników ryzyka. Wnioski Polimorfizm rs2200733 na chromosomie 4q25 jest czynnikiem ryzyka jedynie udaru sercowozatorowego związanego z migotaniem przedsionków

    Polimorfizm –455G/A genu β-fibrynogenu a ryzyko udaru niedokrwiennego w populacji polskiej

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    Background and purpose Ischaemic stroke is considered to be multifactorial and interactions between environmental and genetic factors play an important role. Although vascular risk factors are well known, the genetic ones are still undiscovered. In the present study, we assessed the significance of the β-fibrinogen –455G/A gene polymorphism and the risk of ischaemic stroke in a Polish population. Material and methods 426 ischaemic stroke patients classified according to stroke aetiologies (small vessel disease, large vessel disease or cardioembolic stroke) and 234 controls were included in the study. The association of the β-fibrinogen genotypes with ischaemic stroke was tested using logistic regression analysis under dominant, recessive or additive models of inheritance. Results The allele and genotype distributions of the β-fibrinogen –455G/A gene polymorphism did not differ significantly between patients and controls (patients: G – 75%, GG – 56.6%, GA – 36.8%, AA – 6.6%; controls: G – 73.7%, GG – 57.3%, GA – 32.9%, AA – 9.8%; p > 0.05, χ2). In addition, logistic regression analysis adjusted for the known risk factors, i.e. hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes mellitus and smoking, did not show a role of the studied polymorphism in ischaemic stroke. Conclusions The β-fibrinogen –455G/A gene polymorphism is not a risk factor for ischaemic stroke in a Polish population.Wstęp i cel pracy Etiologia udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu jest wieloczynnikowa. Istotną rolę odgrywają w niej interakcje pomiędzy czynnikami środowiskowymi i genetycznymi. Naczyniowe czynniki ryzyka udaru mózgu są dość dobrze poznane, natomiast rola czynników genetycznych pozostaje wciąż niejasna. W prezentowanym badaniu oceniano znaczenie polimorfizmu –455G/A genu β-fibrynogenu w kontekście ryzyka wystąpienia udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu w populacji polskiej. Materiał i metody Do badania włączono 426 chorych na udar niedokrwienny mózgu sklasyfikowanych zgodnie z etiologią udaru (choroba małych naczyń, choroba dużych naczyń lub udar sercowozatorowy) oraz 234 osoby z grupy kontrolnej. Związek pomiędzy badanym polimorfizmem a udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu został zbadany przy użyciu regresji logistycznej w dominującym, recesywnym i addytywnym modelu dziedziczenia. Wyniki Nie stwierdzono istotnej różnicy w rozkładzie alleli i genotypów polimorfizmu –455G/A genu β-fibrynogenu pomiędzy pacjentami a osobami z grupy kontrolnej (pacjenci: G – 75%, GG – 56,6%, GA – 36,8%, AA – 6,6%; grupa kontrolna: G – 73,7%, GG – 57,3%, GA – 32,9%, AA – 9,8 %; p > 0,05, test χ2). Ponadto w modelu regresji logistycznej uwzględniającym wpływ znanych czynników ryzyka, takich jak: nadciśnienie tętnicze, choroba niedokrwienna serca, zawał mięśnia sercowego, hipercholesterolemia, cukrzyca i palenie tytoniu, nie wykazano roli badanego polimorfizmu w udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu. Wnioski Polimorfizm –455G/A genu β-fibrynogenu nie jest czynnikiem ryzyka udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu w populacji polskiej

    Polimorfizm –455G/A genu β-fibrynogenu a ryzyko udaru niedokrwiennego w populacji polskiej

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    Background and purpose: Ischaemic stroke is considered to be multifactorial and interactions between environmental and genetic factors play an important role. Although vascular risk factors are well known, the genetic ones are still undiscover - ed. In the present study, we assessed the significance of the β-fibrinogen –455G/A gene polymorphism and the risk of ischaemic stroke in a Polish population. Material and methods: 426 ischaemic stroke patients classified according to stroke aetiologies (small vessel disease, large vessel disease or cardioembolic stroke) and 234 controls were included in the study. The association of the β-fibrinogen genotypes with ischaemic stroke was tested using logistic regression analysis under dominant, recessive or additive models of inheritance. Results: The allele and genotype distributions of the β-fibri - nogen –455G/A gene polymorphism did not differ significantly between patients and controls (patients: G – 75%, GG – 56.6%, GA – 36.8%, AA – 6.6%; controls: G – 73.7%, GG – 57.3%, GA – 32.9%, AA – 9.8%; p > 0.05, χ2). In addition, logistic regression analysis adjusted for the known risk factors, i.e. hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes mellitus and smoking, did not show a role of the studied polymorphism in ischaemic stroke. Conclusions: The β-fibrinogen –455G/A gene polymorphism is not a risk factor for ischaemic stroke in a Polish population

    The importance of radiotherapy in paediatric atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour of the brain

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    BackgroundAtypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours (ATRT) are very rare children's cancers. Approximately 200 cases of ATRT located in the central nervous system have been described in the literature up till now.AimThe aim of this report was to analyze the results of treatment of 8 children with these very rare neoplasms of the central nervous system, who were treated according to the Polish Paediatric Brain Tumour Group protocol.Material and MethodsEight children aged from 4 months to 22 years, 5 girls, 3 boys with ATRT of the central nervous system are presented. All children have been operated on and received multidrug chemotherapy; 5 children received radiotherapy as well. In all craniospinal irradiation was applied, in doses of 35 Gy to the whole axis and 55 Gy to tumour boost.ResultsFive patients died and 3 children are still alive. The progression-free survival of all 8 patients was 3 to 73 months. The overall survival was 5 to 73 months. All living children received radiotherapy. Two of them had total surgical resection and one partial.ConclusionsWe conclude that radiotherapy prolonged survival in ATRT and should be incorporated in all treatment protocols for patients with this diagnosis