3 research outputs found


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    This paper introduces new dynamic quantile models called the Dynamic Additive Quantile (DAQ) model and Quantile Factor Model (QFM) for univariate time series and panel data, respectively. The Dynamic Additive Quantile (DAQ) model is suitable for applications to financial data such as univariate returns, and can be used for computation and updating of the Value-at-Risk. The Quantile Factor Mode (QFM) is a multivariate model that can represent the dynamics of cross-sectional distributions of returns, individual incomes, and corporate ratings. The estimation method proposed in the paper relies on an optimization criterion based on the inverse KLIC measure. Goodness of fit tests and diagnostic tools for fit assessment are also provided. For illustration, the models are estimated on stock return data form the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).Value-at-Risk, Factor Model, Information Criterion, Income Inequality, Panel Data, Loss-Given-Default

    The Ordered Qualitative Model For Credit Rating Transitions

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    Information on the expected changes in credit quality of obligors is contained in credit migration matrices which trace out the movements of firms across ratings categories in a given period of time and in a given group of bond issuers. The rating matrices provided by Moody’s, Standard &Poor’s and Fitch became crucial inputs to many applications, including the assessment of risk on corporate credit portfolios (CreditVar) and credit derivatives pricing. We propose a factor probit model for modeling and prediction of credit rating matrices that are assumed to be stochastic and driven by a latent factor. The filtered latent factor path reveals the effect of the economic cycle on corporate credit ratings, and provides evidence in support of the PIT (point-in-time) rating philosophy. The factor probit model also yields the estimates of cross-sectional correlations in rating transitions that are documented empirically but not fully accounted for in the literature and in the regulatory rules established by the Basle Committee.Credit Rating, Migration, Migration Correlation, Credit Risk, Probit Model, Latent Factor, Business Cycle.

    The Wishart Autoregressive Process of Multivariate Stochastic Volatility

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    The Wishart Autoregressive (WAR) process is a multivariate process of stochastic positive definite matrices. The WAR is proposed in this paper as a dynamic model for stochastic volatility matrices. It yields simple nonlinear forecasts at any horizon and has factor representation, which separates white noise directions from those that contain all information about the past. For illustration, the WAR is applied to a sequence of intraday realized volatility covolatility matrices.Stochastic Volatility, Car Process, Factor Analysis, Reduced Rank, Realized Volatility