55 research outputs found

    Conformational Flexibility Is a Determinant of Permeability for Cyclosporin

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    Several cyclic peptides have been reported to have unexpectedly high membrane permeability. Of these, cyclosporin A is perhaps the most well-known example, particularly in light of its relatively high molecular weight. Observations that cyclosporin A changes conformation depending on its solvent environment led to the hypothesis that conformational dynamics is a prerequisite for its permeability; however, this hypothesis has been difficult to validate experimentally. Here, we use molecular dynamics simulations to explicitly determine the conformational behavior of cyclosporin A and other related cyclic peptides as they spontaneously transition between different environments, including through a lipid bilayer. These simulations are referenced against simulations in explicit water, chloroform, and cyclohexane and further validated against NMR experiments, measuring conformational exchange, nuclear spin relaxation, and three-dimensional structures in membrane-mimicking environments, such as in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, to build a comprehensive understanding of the role of dynamics. We find that conformational flexibility is a key determinant of the membrane permeability of cyclosporin A and similar membrane-permeable cyclic peptides, as conformationally constrained variants have limited movement into, then through, and finally out of the membrane in silico. We envisage that a better understanding of dynamics might thus provide new opportunities to modulate peptide function and enhance their delivery

    Translational diffusion of cyclic peptides measured using pulsed-field gradient NMR

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    Cyclic peptides are increasingly being recognized as valuable templates for drug discovery or design. To facilitate efforts in the structural characterization of cyclic peptides, we explore the use of pulse-field gradient experiments as a convenient and noninvasive approach for characterizing their diffusion properties in solution. We present diffusion coefficient measurements of five cyclic peptides, including dichC, SFTI-1, cVc1.1, kB1, and kB2. These peptides range in size from six to 29 amino acids and have various therapeutically interesting activities. We explore the use of internal standards, such as dioxane and acetonitrile, to evaluate the hydrodynamic radius from the diffusion coefficient, and show that 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonic acid, a commonly used chemical shift reference, can be used as an internal standard to avoid spectral overlap issues and simplify data analysis. The experimentally measured hydrodynamic radii correlate with increasing molecular weight and in silico predictions. We further applied diffusion measurements to characterize the self-association of kB2 and showed that it forms oligomers in a concentration-dependent manner, which may be relevant to its mechanism of action. Diffusion coefficient measurements appear to have broad utility in cyclic peptide structural biology, allowing for the rapid characterization of their molecular shape in solution

    Truncated glucagon-like peptide-1 and exendin-4 α-conotoxin pl14a peptide chimeras maintain potency and α-helicity and reveal interactions vital for cAMP signaling in vitro

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    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GE P-1) signaling through the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a key regulator of normal glucose metabolism, and exogenous GLP-1R agonist therapy is a promising avenue for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. To date, the development of therapeutic GLP-1R agonists has focused on producing drugs with an extended serum half-life. This has been achieved by engineering synthetic analogs of GLP-1 or the more stable exogenous GLP-1R agonist exendin-4 (Ex-4). These synthetic peptide hormones share the overall structure of GLP-1 and Ex-4, with a C-terminal helical segment and a flexible N-terminal tail. Although numerous studies have investigated the molecular determinants underpinning GLP-1 and Ex-4 binding and signaling through the GLP1R, these have primarily focused on the length and composition of the N-terminal tail or on how to modulate the helicity of the full-length peptides. Here, we investigate the effect of C-terminal truncation in GLP-1 and Ex-4 on the cAMP pathway. To ensure helical C-terminal regions in the truncated peptides, we produced a series of chimeric peptides combining the N-terminal portion of GLP-1 or Ex-4 and the C-terminal segment of the helix-promoting peptide alpha-conotoxin p114a. The helicity and structures of the chimeric peptides were confirmed using circular dichroism and NMR, respectively. We found no direct correlation between the fractional helicity and potency in signaling via the cAMP pathway. Rather, the most important feature for efficient receptor binding and signaling was the C-terminal helical segment (residues 22-27) directing the binding of Phe' into a hydrophobic pocket on the GLP-1R

    Cyclic alpha-conotoxin peptidomimetic chimeras as potent GLP-1R agonists

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) results from compromised pancreatic beta-cell function, reduced insulin production, and lowered insulin sensitivity in target organs resulting in hyperglycemia. The GLP-1 hormone has two biologically active forms, GLP-1-(7-37) and GLP-1-(7-36)amide, which are equipotent at the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R). These peptides are central both to normal glucose metabolism and dysregulation in T2DM. Several structurally modified GLP-1 analogues are now approved drugs, and a number of other analogues are in clinical trials. None of these compounds is orally bioavailable and all require parenteral delivery. Recently, a number of smaller peptidomimetics containing 11-12 natural and unnatural amino acids have been identified that have similar insulin regulating profiles as GLP-1. The alpha-conotoxins are a class of disulfide rich peptide venoms isolated from cone snails, and are known for their highly constrained structures and resistance to enzymatic degradation. In this study, we examined whether 11-residue peptidomimetics incorporated into alpha-conotoxin scaffolds, forming monocyclic or bicyclic compounds constrained by disulfide bonds and/or backbone cyclization, could activate the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R). Several compounds showed potent (nanomolar) agonist activity at GLP-1R, as evaluated via cAMP signaling. In addition, HPLC retention times and in silica calculations suggested that mono- and bicyclic compounds had more favorable n-octanol/water partition coefficients according to the virtual partition coefficient model (vLogP), while maintaining a smaller radius of gyration compared to corresponding uncyclized peptidomimetics. Our findings suggest that cyclic peptidomimetics provide a potential avenue for future design of potent, compact ligands targeting GLP-1R and possessing improved physicochemical properties. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Recent progress towards pharmaceutical applications of disulfide-rich cyclic peptides

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    Cyclotides and conotoxins are two classes of disulfide-rich peptides that occur in plants and animals respectively and are the major focus of study in our laboratory. In the last three years there has been significant progress in studies of these two classes of compounds and in this article we provide an overview of the findings from our laboratory in this period. Highlights include the discovery of cyclotides in the Fabaceae and Solanaceae plant families, members of which are widely used in human nutrition, and the discovery of new classes of cyclotide precursors. These discoveries confirm the widespread distribution of cyclotides in the plant kingdom and the diversity of precursor proteins involved in their biosynthesis. Other studies have delineated the mode of action of naturally occurring cyclotides and have demonstrated the versatility of synthetic cyclotides as stable protein engineering frameworks, with applications in drug design. Conotoxins continue to be a rich source of inspiration for drug design programs, and we summarize here a range of recent studies from our laboratory focusing on the development of novel synthetic strategies and the delineation of structure-activity relationships. A major highlight was the development of an orally active cyclized conotoxin derivative that is highly efficacious in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Overall the studies described herein provide much encouragement for continuing efforts to develop peptides as drugs

    Effects of Cyclization on Peptide Backbone Dynamics

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    Despite the widespread use of cyclization as a structure optimization tool in peptide chemistry, little is known about the effect of cyclization on peptide internal dynamics. In this work, we used a combination of multifield NMR relaxation and molecular dynamics techniques to study both monocyclic and polycyclic peptides that have promising biopharmaceutical properties, namely, VH, SFTI-1, and cVc1.1, and their less constrained analogues to study the effects of backbone cyclization (which forms a macrocycle) and disulfide-bond cyclization (which forms internal cycles). We confirmed that backbone cyclization contributes to the rigidity of the monocyclic VH. Interestingly, however, backbone cyclization of the bicyclic SFTI-1 had a limited effect on rigidity, with changes in internal dynamics localized around the ligation site. This suggests that the disulfide bond, which creates an internal cycle, has an insulating effect, protecting the internal cycle from external motional effects. An insulating effect was also observed for the polycyclic cVc1.1: The rigidity of the core was not enhanced by macrocyclization. Additionally, we found that disulfide bonds provide a greater contribution to overall rigidity than macrocyclization. Overall, our results suggest that, although backbone cyclization can improve rigidity, there is a complex interplay between dynamics and cyclization, particularly for polycyclic systems

    Cyclotides as a basis for drug design

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    Introduction: Cyclotides are plant-made defence proteins with a head-to-tail cyclic backbone combined with a conserved, six cystine knot. They have a range of biological activities, including uterotonic and anti-HIV activity, which have attracted attention to their potential pharmaceutical applications. Furthermore, their unique structures and high stability make them appealing as peptide-based templates for drug design applications. Methods have been developed for their production, including solid phase peptide synthesis as well as recombinant methods

    Binding loop substitutions in the cyclic peptide SFTI-1 generate potent and selective chymase inhibitors

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    Chymase is a serine protease that is predominantly expressed by mast cells and has key roles in immune defense and the cardiovascular system. This enzyme has also emerged as a therapeutic target for cardiovascular disease due to its ability to remodel cardiac tissue and generate angiotensin II. Here, we used the nature-derived cyclic peptide sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1) as a template for designing novel chymase inhibitors. The key binding contacts of SFTI-1 were optimized by combining a peptide substrate library screen with structure-based design, which yielded several variants with potent activity. The lead variant was further modified by replacing the P1 Tyr residue with -substituted Phe derivatives, generating new inhibitors with improved potency ( = 1.8 nM) and higher selectivity over closely related enzymes. Several variants were shown to block angiotensin I cleavage in vitro, highlighting their potential for further development and future evaluation as pharmaceutical leads

    HIV-1 Uncoating and Reverse Transcription Require eEF1A Binding to Surface-Exposed Acidic Residues of the Reverse Transcriptase Thumb Domain

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    Once HIV-1 enters a cell, the viral core is uncoated by a poorly understood mechanism and the HIV-1 genomic RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA. Host cell factors are essential for these processes, although very few reverse transcription complex binding host cell factors have been convincingly shown to affect uncoating or reverse transcription. We previously reported that cellular eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) interacts tightly and directly with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) for more efficient reverse transcription. Here we report that the surface-exposed acidic residues in the HIV-1 RT thumb domain alpha-J helix and flanking regions are important for interaction with eEF1A. Mutation of surface-exposed acidic thumb domain residues D250, E297, E298, and E300 to arginine resulted in various levels of impairment of the interaction between RT and eEF1A. This indicates that this negatively charged region in the RT thumb domain is important for interaction with the positively charged eEF1A protein. The impairment of RT and eEF1A interaction by the RT mutations correlated with the efficiency of reverse transcription, uncoating, and infectivity. The best example of this is the strictly conserved E300 residue, where mutation significantly impaired the interaction of RT with eEF1A and virus replication in CD4T cells without affectingRT catalytic activity, RT heterodimerization, or RNase H activity. This study demonstrated that the interaction between surface-exposed acidic residues of the RT thumb domain and eEF1A is important for HIV-1 uncoating, reverse transcription, and replication.HIV-1, like all viruses, requires host cell proteins for its replication. Understanding the mechanisms behind virus-host interactions can lay the foundation for future novel therapeutic developments. Our lab has identified eEF1A as a key HIV-1 RT binding host protein that is important for the reverse transcription of HIV-1 genomic RNA into DNA. Here we identify the first surface-exposed RT residues that underpin interactions with eEF1A. Mutation of one strictly conserved RT residue (E300R) delayed reverse transcription and viral core uncoating and strongly inhibited HIV-1 replication in CD4T cells. This study advances the structural and mechanistic detail of the key RT-eEF1A interaction in HIV-1 infection and indicates its importance in uncoating for the first time. This provides a further basis for the development of an RT-eEF1A interaction-inhibiting anti-HIV-1 drug and suggests that the surface-exposed acidic patch of the RT thumb domain may be an attractive drug target

    Iterative optimization of the cyclic peptide SFTI-1 yields potent inhibitors of neutrophil proteinase 3

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    Neutrophils produce at least four serine proteases that are packaged within azurophilic granules. These enzymes contribute to antimicrobial defense and inflammation but can be destructive if their activities are not properly regulated. Accordingly, they represent therapeutic targets for several diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. In this study, we focused on proteinase 3 (PR3), a neutrophil protease with elastase-like specificity, and engineered potent PR3 inhibitors based on the cyclic peptide sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1). We used an iterative optimization approach to screen targeted substitutions at the P1, P2, P2', and P4 positions of SFTI-1, and generated several new inhibitors with values in the low nanomolar range. These SFTI-variants show high stability in human serum and are attractive leads for further optimization