24 research outputs found

    Nitrogen allocation to offspring and milk production in a capital breeder

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    Nitrogen (N) is a limiting nutrient for many herbivores, especially when plant availability and N content are low during the period of maternal investment, which is common for arctic ungulates. We used natural abundance of N isotopes to quantify allocation of maternal nitrogen to neonatal calves and milk in wild migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus). We contrasted female-calf pairs from two herds in northern Quebec/Labrador, Canada: Rivière-George herd (RG; low population size with heavy calves) and the Rivière-aux-Feuilles herd (RAF; high population size and small calves). We assessed whether females of both herds relied on body protein or dietary N to produce the neonatal calf and milk at calving and weaning. Female caribou of both herds relied mostly on body N for fetal development. RAF females allocated less body N to calves than did RG females (92% vs. 95% of calf N), which was consistent with the production of calves that were 8% smaller in RAF than in RG. Allocation of body N to milk was also high for both herds, similar at calving for RAF and RG females (88% vs. 91% of milk N, respectively), but lower in RAF than RG females (95% vs. 99% of milk N) at weaning, which was consistent with a small but significantly greater reliance on dietary N supplies to support milk production at weaning. Female caribou used body protein stores to ensure a constant supply of N for fetal growth and milk production that minimized the effects of trophic mismatches on reproduction. The combination of migration and capital investment may therefore allow females to produce calves and attenuate the effects of both temporal and spatial mismatches between vegetation green-up and calf growth, which ultimately would reduce trophic feedbacks on population growth. Our data suggest that small changes in maternal allocation of proteins over the long period of gestation produce significant changes in calf mass as females respond to changes in resources that accompany changes in the size and distribution of the population

    Evidence of migratory coupling between grey wolves and migratory caribou

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    Large‐scale animal migrations influence population and community dynamics along with ecosystem functioning. The migratory coupling concept posits that movement of migrant prey can lead to large‐scale movements of predators. In northern ecosystems, spatial patterns and behavioral responses of grey wolf to spatio‐temporal changes in its primary prey distribution, the migratory caribou, remain poorly documented. We used a long‐term GPS dataset (2011–2021) of 59 wolves and 431 migratory caribou from the declining Rivière‐aux‐Feuilles herd (QC, Canada) to investigate movement patterns and space use of wolves related to caribou seasonal distribution. Wolves home ranges overlapped with areas used by caribou year‐round, especially in May and winter. Wolves exhibited three annual tactics: sedentary (17%), long‐distance migration (> 700 km) between wintering areas and the tundra (36%), and a medium‐distance migration, stopping their northward movement near the treeline (47%). Migratory wolves started spring migration northward earlier than caribou, intercepting their prey on their way to calving grounds, but departed southward for fall migration later than caribou, tracking them on their way back to wintering areas. Wolves near or overlapping areas used by caribou exhibited lower monthly movement rates compared to wolves located further away. Overlap of home range among wolves was higher during migrations and winter but decreased in summer when wolves rear pups and caribou are dispersed on summer grounds. We provide evidence of migratory coupling between grey wolves and migratory caribou, with most wolves adjusting their space use patterns to match their primary prey distribution. Although predation pressure may affect the dynamics of declining caribou herds, the global decline of that prey may in turn impact predators on the long‐term, potentially enhancing intraspecific competition for new resources. Highlighting this migratory coupling is a key step to develop appropriate conservation and management measures for both guilds in the context of large‐scale migratory prey decline

    Caribou herd dynamics : impacts of climate change on traditional and sport harvesting

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    Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are a key species in Arctic ecosystems including northern Québec and Labrador. They play a central role in the ecology of predators and the structure of Arctic plant communities. In addition, caribou provide socioeconomic and cultural benefits from subsistence and sport hunting activities. Changes in the distribution and abundance of caribou due to global climate change would have serious biological, societal, and economic implications. Direct and indirect consequences of climate change on migratory caribou herds may include alteration in habitat use, migration patterns, foraging behaviour and demography. For example, caribou may experience a further northerly shift in distribution due to several factors including longer ice-free periods, increases in snowfall and extreme weather events, alterations in the fire regime, and changes in the distribution of insects and predators. Future research by Caribou Ungava, a research group interested in the ecology of migratory caribou in the context of climate change, will address the factors outlining variations in the population dynamics of caribou, implications for survival and reproduction, as well as the response of caribou habitat to different climate change scenarios. Management efforts focusing on mitigating greenhouse gases to reduce the potential effects of climate change, preserving high quality habitat, limiting anthropogenic landscape disturbances, and managing hunting in a sustainable manner, could alleviate stressors on migratory caribou of the QuébecLabrador peninsula

    Design and validation of a 63K genome-wide SNP-genotyping platform for caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

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    Background Development of large single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays can make genomic data promptly available for conservation problematic. Medium and high-density panels can be designed with sufficient coverage to offer a genome-wide perspective and the generated genotypes can be used to assess different genetic metrics related to population structure, relatedness, or inbreeding. SNP genotyping could also permit sexing samples with unknown associated metadata as it is often the case when using non-invasive sampling methods favored for endangered species. Genome sequencing of wild species provides the necessary information to design such SNP arrays. We report here the development of a SNP-array for endangered Rangifer tarandus using a multi-platform sequencing approach from animals found in diverse populations representing the entire circumpolar distribution of the species. Results From a very large comprehensive catalog of SNPs detected over the entire sample set (N = 894), a total of 63,336 SNPs were selected. SNP selection accounted for SNPs evenly distributed across the entire genome (~ every 50Kb) with known minor alleles across populations world-wide. In addition, a subset of SNPs was selected to represent rare and local alleles found in Eastern Canada which could be used for ecotype and population assignments - information urgently needed for conservation planning. In addition, heterozygosity from SNPs located in the X-chromosome and genotyping call-rate of SNPs located into the SRY gene of the Y-chromosome yielded an accurate and robust sexing assessment. All SNPs were validated using a high-throughput SNP-genotyping chip. Conclusion This design is now integrated into the first genome-wide commercially available genotyping platform for Rangifer tarandus. This platform would pave the way to future genomic investigation of populations for this endangered species, including estimation of genetic diversity parameters, population assignments, as well as animal sexing from genetic SNP data for non-invasive samples

    Condition physique, allocation maternelle et utilisation spatio-temporelle des aires de mise bas du caribou migrateur, rangifer tarandus

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    L'étude de la dynamique des populations animales s'attarde à prime abord aux changements de survie et de reproduction individuelles, mais nécessite aussi d'investiguer les variations, à large échelle de l'aire de répartition d'une population et, à fine échelle de l'allocation des ressources énergétiques individuelles. Chez les populations migratrices, l'utilisation d'habitats saisonniers critiques pour l'accumulation des réserves corporelles des femelles adultes et la croissance juvénile peut contribuer aux fluctuations démographiques observées. Au cours des dernières décennies, deux populations de caribous migrateurs {Rangifer tarandus) du nord du Québec et du Labrador ont présenté des dynamiques contrastées : le troupeau Rivière-George a récemment décliné à un faible effectif alors que le troupeau Rivière-aux-Feuilles est relativement abondant et stable. Le premier volet de cette thèse s'appuie sur plus de 35 ans de suivi télémétrique de femelles caribous adultes et met en évidence des changements substantiels dans l'utilisation spatiotemporelle des aires de mise bas. L'analyse des données télémétriques révèle aussi que la distance de migration et la température printanière sont les principaux facteurs expliquant les variations de la phénologie de la migration printanière et d'utilisation des aires de mise bas des femelles. Le second volet de ma thèse s'attarde aux facteurs influençant la condition physique individuelle et est basé sur l'échantillonnage exhaustif de paires de femelle-faon à la mise bas et au sevrage. Il met en évidence que l'effet du troupeau sur la masse corporelle des faons est plus important au sevrage qu'à la mise bas, suggérant un effet combiné de la taille de population et des conditions d'alimentation estivale sur la croissance des faons. Ce volet démontre aussi un effet positif de la masse de la mère sur la masse du faon tant à la mise bas qu'au sevrage et ce, pour les deux troupeaux. Enfin, l'analyse isotopique des tissus révèle que les femelles utilisent leurs réserves protéiques corporelles pour assurer un apport constant en azote durant la croissance du foetus et pour la production du lait. Cette thèse améliore notre compréhension des facteurs influençant l'utilisation d'habitats saisonniers, la condition physique individuelle et l'allocation maternelle chez des populations de grands ongulés migrateurs. En identifiant ces facteurs, mes résultats contribueront à mieux prédire les effets des changements climatiques globaux et du développement industriel sur les espèces migratrices des milieux nordiques

    Are fecal hormone levels linked to winter progression, diet quality, and social rank in young ungulates? An experiment with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns

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    Hormones play a central role in the physiology and behaviour of animals. The recent development of noninvasive techniques has increased information on physical and social states of individuals through hormone measurements. The relationships among hormones, life history traits and behaviours are, however, still poorly known. For the first time, we evaluated natural winter glucocorticoid and testosterone levels in young ungulates in relation to winter progression, diet quality and social rank. Overwinter, levels of glucocorticoid and testosterone decreased, possibly due to the decline of fawns’ body mass. The relationships between hormone levels and diet quality were surprising: Fawns fed the control diet presented higher glucocorticoid and lower testosterone levels then fawns fed the poor diet, suggesting that control fawns faced a higher nutritional stress than those on the poor diet. Similarly to other studies on social mammals, we found no relationship between faecal glucocorticoid levels and social rank, suggesting that social stress was similar for dominant and subordinate fawns during winter. Testosterone levels were not correlated to social rank as found previously in groups of individuals forming stable social hierarchies and maintaining stable dominance relationships. The simultaneous suppression of glucocorticoid and testosterone levels suggests for the first time that young ungulates present a hormonal strategy to prevent fast depletion of limited proteins and fat resources during winter

    The role of previous social encounters and body mass in determining social rank : an experiment with white-tailed deer

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    The social organization of many vertebrates is based on dominance behaviours occurring between pairs of individuals. Initial encounters between any two individuals can be crucial in determining the dominance relationship that will prevail between them throughout their lifetime. Achieving a high dominance status can be critical when competition for limited resources such as foraging sites is intense. The mechanisms that prevail for the establishment and stability of dominance relationships between individuals are, however, poorly understood. Our study aims to identify factors influencing the establishment of dominance relationships between young individuals, using white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, fawns as a model species, and to evaluate the possibility of long-term individual recognition after temporal separation. We used an experimental approach to test the alternative hypotheses that dominance relationships after temporal separation are explained by (1) the outcome of the previous encounters between opponents or (2) the body mass difference between individuals independently of the outcome of initial encounters. Social rank was established during the first encounters between individuals based on differences in body mass and was maintained afterwards even when the differences in mass between individuals were reversed. Our results suggest that individual long-term recognition may influence the outcome and the stability of dominance relationships after temporal separation of individuals. Dyadic dominance relationships seem to be established early in life and may then endure into adulthood

    Social rank and winter forage quality affect aggressiveness in white-tailed deer fawns

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    Achieving a high social rank may be advantageous for individuals at high population densities, because dominance status may determine the priority of access to limited resources and reduce individual loss of body mass. The establishment of dominance relationships between individuals involves variable levels of aggressiveness that can be influenced by resource availability. The relationship between social rank and aggressiveness and the impacts of resource abundance on aggressiveness are, however, poorly understood, but may be relevant to understand the mechanisms determining dominance relationships between individuals. We experimentally simulated, in seminatural enclosures, a deterioration of winter forage quality induced by a high-density deer population and examined the effects of (1) social dominance and (2) diet quality on aggressiveness, forage intake and body mass loss of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, fawns during two winters. Within diet-quality treatments, fawns were consistently organized into linear hierarchies and showed clear dominance relationships. Dominants initiated more interactions and showed higher aggressiveness than subordinates, but subordinates had higher forage intake than dominants throughout winter. Social rank did not influence cumulative body mass loss of fawns. During both winters, fawns fed the control diet maintained their aggressiveness level, whereas fawns fed the poor-quality diet decreased it. Our experimental approach revealed that white-tailed deer responded to a reduction in winter forage quality by modifying their aggressiveness, indicating that ungulates may show plasticity not only in their foraging behaviour in response to decreased resources but also in their social behaviou

    Nitrogen allocation to offspring and milk production in a capital breeder

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    Abstract. Nitrogen (N) is a limiting nutrient for many herbivores, especially when plant availability and N content are low during the period of maternal investment, which is common for arctic ungulates. We used natural abundance of N isotopes to quantify allocation of maternal nitrogen to neonatal calves and milk in wild migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus). We contrasted female-calf pairs from two herds in northern Quebec/Labrador, Canada: Rivie`re-George herd (RG; low population size with heavy calves) and the Rivie`re-aux-Feuilles herd (RAF; high population size and small calves). We assessed whether females of both herds relied on body protein or dietary N to produce the neonatal calf and milk at calving and weaning. Female caribou of both herds relied mostly on body N for fetal development. RAF females allocated less body N to calves than did RG females (92% vs. 95% of calf N), which was consistent with the production of calves that were 8% smaller in RAF than in RG. Allocation of body N to milk was also high for both herds, similar at calving for RAF and RG females (88% vs. 91% of milk N, respectively), but lower in RAF than RG females (95% vs. 99% of milk N) at weaning, which was consistent with a small but significantly greater reliance on dietary N supplies to support milk production at weaning. Female caribou used body protein stores to ensure a constant supply of N for fetal growth and milk production that minimized the effects of trophic mismatches on reproduction. The combination of migration and capital investment may therefore allow females to produce calves and attenuate the effects of both temporal and spatial mismatches between vegetation green-up and calf growth, which ultimately would reduce trophic feedbacks on population growth. Our data suggest that small changes in maternal allocation of proteins over the long period of gestation produce significant changes in calf mass as females respond to changes in resources that accompany changes in the size and distribution of the population