7 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento embrionário e transição alimentar de alimento vivo para inerte na larvicultura de tainha (Mugil liza)

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura, Florianópolis, 2022.Um dos maiores entraves para o desenvolvimento da piscicultura marinha no Brasil se encontra na fase de obtenção de formas jovens para a engorda. Visando o aumento da eficiência nesta fase de produção, este trabalho teve como objetivo definir para a tainha (Mugil liza) a idade em que a transição alimentar para alimento inerte demonstre o melhor desempenho zootécnico dentre as testadas e caracterizar/comparar os eventos do desenvolvimento embrionário da tainha em diferentes temperaturas. Para o primeiro experimento (capítulo 1), uma transição alimentar foi testada em triplicata aos 28, 31, 34 e 37 dias após a eclosão. 270 juvenis foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nas unidades experimentais e foram alimentados com metanáuplio de Artemia sp até a transição, sendo oferecida ração comercial 6 vezes ao dia. Mortalidade, fator de condição e coeficiente de variação do comprimento não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Os ganhos de peso e comprimento foram significativamente maiores após os 31 dias de idade, diferindo apenas do tratamento iniciado aos 28 dias. O coeficiente de variação de peso apresentou uma maior variação entre as larvas de 28 dias, indicando maior heterogeneidade entre os animais. Na histologia, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para altura e largura das pregas. Já no segundo experimento (capítulo 2) foi testado diferentes temperaturas de incubação (18, 22, 26 e 30 ºC) e foi observado que com o aumento da temperatura os eventos embrionários foram acelerados, ao contrário nas temperaturas mais baixas, além de malformação e mortalidade dos embriões antes da eclosão para 18 e 30 ºC.Abstract: One of the biggest obstacles to the development of marine fish farming in Brazil is in the stage of obtaining young forms for fattening. Aiming at increasing efficiency in this production phase, this work aimed to define for the mullet (Mugil liza) the age at which the food transition to inert food demonstrates the best zootechnical performance among those tested and to characterize/compare the events of embryonic development of mullet at different temperatures. For the first experiment (chapter 1), a feed transition was tested in triplicate at 28, 31, 34 and 37 days after hatching. 270 juveniles were randomly distributed in the experimental units and were fed with Artemia sp. metanauplius until transition, being offered commercial food 6 times a day. Mortality, condition factor and length variation coefficient didn't show significant differences (p>0.05) between treatments. Weight and length gains were significantly greater after 31 days of age, differing only from treatment started at 28 days. The weight variation coefficient showed a greater variation among the 28-dayold larvae, indicating greater heterogeneity among the animals. In the histology, significant differences were observed between treatments for height and width of the folds. The second experiment (chapter 2) was tested at different incubation temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 30 ºC) and it was observed that with increasing temperature the embryonic events were accelerated, unlike at lower temperatures, in addition to malformation and embryo mortality before hatching at 18 and 30 ºC

    Efeito do extrato de própolis no desempenho de larvas e transporte de acará bandeira

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    This study aimed to evaluate the influence propolis extract inclusion to the feed mixture for juvenile angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) on larval performance and transport. Levels of propolis extract inclusion consisted of 0, 300, 600, 900, and 1200 mg.kg-1 of feed. After 14 days of hatching, unmetamorphosed larvae with a total length of 18.4 mm and 0.11 g initial weight were used. Six-hundred larvae were divided into 20 experimental units, totalizing 30 larvae each. Experimental units consisted of polythene containers with independent water input and output and a level controller. Each unit was controlled for maintenance of 40 L water within a recirculation system. After offering feed containing propolis extract, five fish from each experimental unit were packed in bags for transportation only with atmospheric air, without pure oxygen addition. The bags were filled with 300 mL water on a 2:1 basis of air and water respectively. The total transport time was considered until the death of the third fish in package. At the end of the experiment, data underwent statistical analysis through Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2001). Results showed there was no significant difference (P < 0.05) neither for any of the studied zootechnical variables (standard length, total length, height, and weight) nor for the transport of juveniles. In conclusion, propolis extract addition to angelfish feed was ineffective for larval performance and for transportation of juveniles, at the levels tested here.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da inclusão de extrato de própolis na mistura de ração para juvenis de acará bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare) no desempenho larval e transporte. Os níveis de inclusão de extrato de própolis consistiam em 0, 300, 600, 900 e 1200 mg.kg-1 de alimento. Após 14 dias de incubação, utilizaram-se larvas não metamorfoseadas com um comprimento total de 18,4 mm e 0,11 g de peso inicial. Seiscentas larvas foram divididas em 20 unidades experimentais, totalizando 30 larvas cada. As unidades experimentais consistiram em recipientes de polietileno com entrada e saída independentes de água e um controlador de nível. Cada unidade foi controlada mantendo-se o volume de 40 L de água, compondo um sistema de recirculação. Após a oferta de alimento contendo extrato de própolis, cinco peixes de cada unidade experimental foram acondicionados em sacos para transporte somente com ar atmosférico, sem adição de oxigênio puro. Os sacos foram cheios com 300 ml de água na proporção 2:1 de ar e água, respectivamente. O tempo total de transporte foi considerado até a morte do terceiro peixe na embalagem. No final do experimento, os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística através do Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2001). Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa (P < 0,05) nem para nenhuma das variáveis zootécnicas estudadas (comprimento padrão, comprimento total, altura e peso) nem para o transporte de juvenis. Em conclusão, a adição de extrato de própolis para a alimentação de acará bandeira foi ineficaz para o desempenho larval e para o transporte de juvenis, nos níveis aqui testados

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country's or the state's Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country’s or the state’s Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome

    Floristic survey of vascular plants of a poorly known area in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Flona do Rio Preto, Espírito Santo)

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    The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened biomes in the world. Despite that, this biome still includes many areas that are poorly known floristically, including several protected areas, such as the "Floresta Nacional do Rio Preto" ("Flona do Rio Preto"), located in the Brazilian State of Espírito Santo. This study used a published vascular plant species list for this protected area from the "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil" as the basis to synthesise the species richness, endemism, conservation and new species occurrences found in the "Flona do Rio Preto".The published list of vascular plants was based on field expeditions conducted between 2018 and 2020 and data obtained from herbarium collections available in online databases. Overall, 722 species were documented for the "Flona do Rio Preto", 711 of which are native to Brazil and 349 are endemic to the Atlantic Forest. In addition, 60 species are geographically disjunct between the Atlantic and the Amazon Forests. Most of the documented species are woody and more than 50% of these are trees. Twenty-three species are threatened (CR, EN and VU), while five are Data Deficient (DD). Thirty-two species are new records for the State of Espírito Santo. Our results expand the knowledge of the flora of the Atlantic Forest and provide support for the development of new conservation policies for this protected area