97 research outputs found

    Pseudogap behavior in charge density wave kagome material ScV6_6Sn6_6 revealed by magnetotransport measurements

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    Over the last few years, significant attention has been devoted to studying the kagome materials AV3_3Sb5_5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) due to their unconventional superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) ordering. Recently ScV6_6Sn6_6 was found to host a CDW below \approx90K, and, like AV3_3Sb5_5, it contains a kagome lattice comprised only of V ions. Here we present a comprehensive magnetotransport study on ScV6_6Sn6_6. We discovered several anomalous transport phenomena above the CDW ordering temperature, including insulating behavior in interlayer resistivity, a strongly temperature-dependent Hall coefficient, and violation of Kohler's rule. All these anomalies can be consistently explained by a progressive decrease in carrier densities with decreasing temperature, suggesting the formation of a pseudogap. Our findings suggest that high-temperature CDW fluctuations play a significant role in determining the normal state electronic properties of ScV6_6Sn6_6

    High ambient-contrast-ratio display using tandem reflective liquid crystal display and organic light-emitting device

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    A high ambient-contrast-ratio (A-CR) and large aperture-ratio display is conceptually demonstrated and experimentally validated by stacking a normally black reflective liquid crystal display (NB-RLCD) and an organic light-emitting device (OLED). Such a tandem device can be switched between the NB-RLCD mode and the OLED mode under bright and dark ambient light, respectively. The normally black characteristic of the RLCD also helps to boost the A-CR under OLED-mode operation. To obtain a better image quality in the RLCD mode, a bumpy and transmissive structure is used to eliminate the specular reflection and to increase the viewing angle performance that results in CR \u3e 2:1 over 55 degrees viewing cone. Besides, such a structure can also increase the external quantum efficiency of the OLED by 49.4%. In our experiments, regardless of the ambient intensity the A-CR is kept higher than 100:1

    Quantum Oscillations Measurement of the Heavy Electron Mass near the van Hove Singularity in a Kagome Metal

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    Kagome metals with the Fermi energy tuned near the van Hove singularities (vHss) have shown to host exotic phases including unconventional superconductivity and a chiral flux phase arising from a charge density wave. However, most quantum oscillations studies of the electronic structure of kagome metals focus on compounds which electronically or magnetically order, obscuring the unperturbed vHs. Here we present quantum oscillation measurements of YV6_6Sn6_6 which contains a pristine kagome lattice free from long range order. We discovered quantum oscillations corresponding to a large orbit (\approx70% of the Brillouin Zone area) with the heaviest mass ever observed in vanadium based kagome metals (3.3me\approx3.3 m_e), consistent with a Fermi pocket whose Fermi level is near the vHs. Comparing with first principles calculations suggests that the effective mass of this pocket is highly sensitive to the position of Fermi level. Our study establishes the enhanced density of states associated with a vHs in a kagome metal, allowing further insight into a potential driving mechanism for the unconventional electronic orderings in this class of materials

    Improvement in Device Performance and Reliability of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes through Deposition Rate Control

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    We demonstrated a fabrication technique to reduce the driving voltage, increase the current efficiency, and extend the operating lifetime of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) by simply controlling the deposition rate of bis(10-hydroxybenzo[h]qinolinato) beryllium (Bebq 2 ) used as the emitting layer and the electron-transport layer. In our optimized device, 55 nm of Bebq 2 was first deposited at a faster deposition rate of 1.3 nm/s, followed by the deposition of a thin Bebq 2 (5 nm) layer at a slower rate of 0.03 nm/s. The Bebq 2 layer with the faster deposition rate exhibited higher photoluminescence efficiency and was suitable for use in light emission. The thin Bebq 2 layer with the slower deposition rate was used to modify the interface between the Bebq 2 and cathode and hence improve the injection efficiency and lower the driving voltage. The operating lifetime of such a two-step deposition OLED was 1.92 and 4.6 times longer than that of devices with a single deposition rate, that is, 1.3 and 0.03 nm/s cases, respectively

    Absence of Weyl nodes in EuCd2_2As2_2 revealed by the carrier density dependence of the anomalous Hall effect

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    The antiferromagnetic layered compound EuCd2_2As2_2 is widely considered as a leading candidate of ideal Weyl semimetal, featuring a single pair of Weyl nodes in its field-induced ferromagnetic (FM) state. Nevertheless, this view has recently been challenged by an optical spectroscopy study, which suggests that it is a magnetic semiconductor. In this study, we have successfully synthesized highly insulating EuCd2_2As2_2 crystals with carrier density reaching as low as 2×10152\times 10^{15} cm3\text{cm}^{-3}. The magneto-transport measurements revealed a progressive decrease of the anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC) by several orders of magnitude as the carrier density decreases. This behavior contradicts with what is expected from the intrinsic AHC generated by the Weyl points, which is independent of carrier density as the Fermi level approaches the charge neutrality point. In contrast, the scaling relationship between AHC and longitudinal conductivity aligns with the characteristics of variable range hopping insulators. Our results suggest that EuCd2_2As2_2 is a magnetic semiconductor rather than a topological Weyl semimetal

    Uniaxial ferromagnetism in the kagome metal TbV6{_6}Sn6{_6}

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    The synthesis and characterization of the vanadium-based kagome metal TbV6{_6}Sn6{_6} is presented. X-ray measurements confirm this material forms with the same crystal structure type as the recently investigated kagome metals GdV6_6Sn6_6 and YV6_6Sn6_6, with space group symmetry P6/mmm. A signature of a phase transition at 4.1K is observed in heat capacity, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility measurements, and both resistivity and magnetization measurements exhibit hysteresis in magnetic field. Furthermore, a strikingly large anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility was observed, with the c-axis susceptibility nearly 100 times the ab plane susceptibility at 2K. This is highly suggestive of uniaxial ferromagnetism, and the large size of 9.4μb\mu_b/f.u. indicates the Tb3+^{3+} 4f4f electronic moments cooperatively align perpendicular to the V kagome lattice plane. The entropy at the phase transition is nearly Rln(2), indicating that the CEF ground state of the Tb3+^{3+} ion is a doublet, and therefore the sublattice of 4f4f electrons in this material can be shown to map at low temperatures to the Ising model in a D6h_{6h} symmetry environment. Hall measurements at temperatures from 300K to 1.7K can be described by two-band carrier transport at temperatures below around 150K, with a large increase in both hole and electron mobilities, similar to YV6_6Sn6_6, and an anomalous Hall effect is seen below the ordering temperature. Angle-resolved photoemission measurements above the magnetic ordering temperature reveal typical kagome dispersions. Our study presents TbV6{_6}Sn6{_6} as an ideal system to study the interplay between Ising ferromagnetism and non-trivial electronic states emerging from a kagome lattice

    Two-dimensional Dirac fermions in a topological insulator: transport in the quantum limit

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    Pulsed magnetic fields of up to 55T are used to investigate the transport properties of the topological insulator Bi_2Se_3 in the extreme quantum limit. For samples with a bulk carrier density of n = 2.9\times10^16cm^-3, the lowest Landau level of the bulk 3D Fermi surface is reached by a field of 4T. For fields well beyond this limit, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations arising from quantization of the 2D surface state are observed, with the \nu =1 Landau level attained by a field of 35T. These measurements reveal the presence of additional oscillations which occur at fields corresponding to simple rational fractions of the integer Landau indices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Emission Characteristics of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes and Organic Thin-Films with Planar and Corrugated Structures

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    In this paper, we review the emission characteristics from organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic molecular thin films with planar and corrugated structures. In a planar thin film structure, light emission from OLEDs was strongly influenced by the interference effect. With suitable design of microcavity structure and layer thicknesses adjustment, optical characteristics can be engineered to achieve high optical intensity, suitable emission wavelength, and broad viewing angles. To increase the extraction efficiency from OLEDs and organic thin-films, corrugated structure with micro- and nano-scale were applied. Microstructures can effectively redirects the waveguiding light in the substrate outside the device. For nanostructures, it is also possible to couple out the organic and plasmonic modes, not only the substrate mode

    Nanoscale visualization and spectral fingerprints of the charge order in ScV6Sn6 distinct from other kagome metals

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    Charge density waves (CDWs) have been tied to a number of unusual phenomena in kagome metals, including rotation symmetry breaking, time-reversal symmetry breaking and superconductivity. The majority of the experiments thus far have focused on the CDW states in AV3Sb5 and FeGe, characterized by the 2a0 by 2a0 period. Recently, a bulk CDW phase (T* ~ 92 K) with a different wave length and orientation has been reported in ScV6Sn6, as the first realization of a CDW state in the broad RM6X6 structure. Here, using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we reveal the microscopic structure and the spectroscopic signatures of this charge ordering phase in ScV6Sn6. Differential conductance dI/dV spectra show a partial gap opening in the density-of-states of about 20 meV at the Fermi level. This is much smaller than the spectral gaps observed in AV3Sb5 and FeGe despite the comparable T* temperatures in these systems, suggesting substantially weaker coupling strength in ScV6Sn6. Surprisingly, despite the three-dimensional bulk nature of the charge order, we find that the charge modulation is only observed on the kagome termination. Temperature-dependent band structure evolution suggests a modulation of the surface states as a consequence of the emergent charge order, with an abrupt spectral weight shift below T* consistent with the first-order phase transition. The similarity of the electronic band structures of ScV6Sn6 and TbV6Sn6 (where charge ordering is absent), together with the first-principle calculations, suggests that charge ordering in ScV6Sn6 may not be primarily electronically driven. Interestingly, in contrast to the CDW state of cousin AV3Sb5, we find no evidence supporting rotation symmetry breaking. Our results reveal a distinctive nature of the charge ordering phase in ScV6Sn6 in comparison to other kagome metals