41 research outputs found

    Direct observation of topological surface states in the layered kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry

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    Magnetic topological quantum materials display a diverse range of fascinating physical properties which arise from their intrinsic magnetism and the breaking of time-reversal symmetry. However, so far, few examples of intrinsic magnetic topological materials have been confirmed experimentally, which significantly hinder our comprehensive understanding of the abundant physical properties in this system. The kagome lattices, which host diversity of electronic structure signatures such as Dirac nodes, flat bands, and saddle points, provide an alternative and promising platform for in-depth investigations into correlations and band topology. In this article, drawing inspiration from the stacking configuration of MnBi2_2Te4_4, we conceive and then synthesize a high-quality single crystal EuTi3_3Bi4_4, which is a unique natural heterostructure consisting of both topological kagome layers and magnetic interlayers. We investigate the electronic structure of EuTi3_3Bi4_4 and uncover distinct features of anisotropic multiple Van Hove singularitie (VHS) that might prevent Fermi surface nesting, leading to the absence of a charge density wave (CDW). In addition, we identify the topological nontrivial surface states that serve as connections between different saddle bands in the vicinity of the Fermi level. Combined with calculations, we establish that, the effective time-reversal symmetry S=θ\thetaτ1/2\tau_{1/2} play a crucial role in the antiferromagnetic ground state of EuTi3_3Bi4_4, which ensures the stability of the topological surface states and gives rise to their intriguing topological nature. Therefore, EuTi3_3Bi4_4 offers the rare opportunity to investigate correlated topological states in magnetic kagome materials.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of the effects of rumen-protected and unprotected L-leucine on fermentation parameters, bacterial composition, and amino acids metabolism in in vitro rumen batch cultures

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    This study was conducted to compare the effects of rumen-protected (RP-Leu) and unprotected L-leucine (RU-Leu) on the fermentation parameters, bacterial composition, and amino acid metabolism in vitro rumen batch incubation. The 5.00 g RP-Leu or RU-Leu products were incubated in situ in the rumen of four beef cattle (Bos taurus) and removed after 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 16, and 24 h to determine the rumen protection rate. In in vitro incubation, both RP-Leu and RU-Leu were supplemented 1.5 mmol/bottle (L-leucine HCl), and incubated after 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 h to measure gas production (GP), nutrient degradability, fermentation parameters, bacterial composition, and amino acids metabolism. Results from both in vitro and in situ experiments confirmed that the rumen protection rate was greater (p < 0.01) in RP-Leu than in RU-Leu, whereas the latter was slow (p < 0.05) degraded within incubation 8 h. Free leucine from RP-Leu and RU-Leu reached a peak at incubation 6 h (p < 0.01). RU-Leu supplementation increased (p < 0.05) gas production, microbial crude protein, branched-chain AAs, propionate and branched-chain VFAs concentrations, and Shannon and Sobs index in comparison to the control and RP-Leu supplementation. RU-Leu and RP-Leu supplementation decreased (p < 0.05) the relative abundance of Bacteroidota, which Firmicutes increased (p < 0.05). Correlation analysis indicated that there are 5 bacteria at the genus level that may be positively correlated with MCP and propionate (p < 0.05). Based on the result, we found that RP-Leu was more stable than RU-Leu in rumen fluid, but RU-Leu also does not exhibit rapid degradation by ruminal microbes for a short time. The RU-Leu was more beneficial in terms of regulating rumen fermentation pattern, microbial crude protein synthesis, and branched-chain VFAs production than RP-Leu in vitro rumen conditions

    The bracteatus pineapple genome and domestication of clonally propagated crops

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    Domestication of clonally propagated crops such as pineapple from South America was hypothesized to be a 'one-step operation'. We sequenced the genome of Ananas comosus var. bracteatus CB5 and assembled 513 Mb into 25 chromosomes with 29,412 genes. Comparison of the genomes of CB5, F153 and MD2 elucidated the genomic basis of fiber production, color formation, sugar accumulation and fruit maturation. We also resequenced 89 Ananas genomes. Cultivars 'Smooth Cayenne' and 'Queen' exhibited ancient and recent admixture, while 'Singapore Spanish' supported a one-step operation of domestication. We identified 25 selective sweeps, including a strong sweep containing a pair of tandemly duplicated bromelain inhibitors. Four candidate genes for self-incompatibility were linked in F153, but were not functional in self-compatible CB5. Our findings support the coexistence of sexual recombination and a one-step operation in the domestication of clonally propagated crops. This work guides the exploration of sexual and asexual domestication trajectories in other clonally propagated crops

    Precipitation behaviors of multi-scale precipitation strengthened Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Zn alloys controlled by Mg content

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    In this paper, the effect of the Mg content and the precipitation behaviors in Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Zn alloys is reported. Also, the low strength of 6xxx aluminum alloys is improved by high alloying degree, in which the Mg and Si contents exceed the range of 6xxx aluminum alloys. As a result, the strengths of the alloys are higher than that of 6xxx aluminum alloys. Compared with peak-aged 6016 aluminum alloy, the yield strength and tensile strength of the Al-1.63Mg-1.20Si-0.20Cu-3.00Zn (wt.%) alloy were increased by 112.6 and 97.2 MPa, respectively, due to micron/nanoscale multi-particle strengthening effects. The microscale phase was Mg2Si, and the nano-scale phases were β'' and Q′ phases. The alloy also exhibited excellent properties when aged at a higher temperature (185 °C), so it is expected to significantly harden during actual baking processes. This was revealed by the APT analysis in which elements were clamped to each other at a low temperature, while they precipitated more easily at a high temperature. Precipitation kinetics calculations showed that the activation energy of the β'' phase decreased upon increasing the Mg content, which promoted precipitation strengthening

    PLXNC1 interference alleviates the inflammatory injury, apoptosis and extracellular matrix degradation of IL-1β-exposed chondrocytes via suppressing GRP78 expression

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    Abstract Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is a frequently encountered debilitating joint disorder. Whether plexin C1 (PLXNC1) is implicated in OA is far from being investigated despite its well-documented pro-inflammatory property in human diseases. The goal of this study is to expound the specific role of PLXNC1 in OA and elaborate the probable action mechanism. Methods Firstly, PLXNC1 expression in the cartilage tissues of patients with OA was examined with GEO database. In interleukin-1beta (IL-1β)-induced OA cell model, RT-qPCR and western blotting tested the expression of PLXNC1, glucose-regulating protein 78 (GRP78) and extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation-related factors. Cell viability and inflammation were respectively judged by CCK-8 assay and RT-qPCR. TUNEL and western blotting estimated cell apoptosis. The potential binding between PLXNC1 and GRP78 was corroborated by Co-IP assay. Western blotting also tested the expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS)-associated proteins. Results As it turned out, PLXNC1 expression was elevated in the cartilage tissues of patients with OA and IL-1β-treated chondrocytes. When PLXNC1 was depleted, the viability injury, inflammation, apoptosis and ECM degradation of chondrocytes exposed to IL-1β were obstructed. Besides, GRP78 bond to PLXNC1 in IL-1β-treated chondrocytes. The ascending GRP78 expression in the chondrocytes exposed to IL-1β was depleted after PLXNC1 was silenced. Meanwhile, the impacts of PLXNC1 deficiency on the viability, inflammatory response, apoptosis, ECM degradation as well as ERS in IL-1β-exposed chondrocytes were abolished by GRP78 up-regulation. Conclusion In summary, PLXNC1 silencing might interact with and down-regulate GRP78 to mitigate the apoptosis, inflammation, and ECM degradation of IL-1β-insulted chondrocytes in OA

    Genesis and hydrocarbon significance of vesicular welded tuffs: A case study from the Fengcheng Formation, Wu-Xia area, Junggar Basin, NW China

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    On the basis of a large number of core and thin-section observations, the petrologic and pore evolution characteristics of welded tuffs in the Fengcheng Formation in the Wu-Xia area, Junggar Basin, are evaluated, and the genesis of vesicular welded tuffs and the formation mechanism of vesicles are analyzed. Volcanic activity in the Fengcheng Formation is characterized by welded pyroclastic rocks. There are predominant plastic shards with rounded edges and obvious devitrification in the rocks. Plastic debris (fiamme) is commonly deformed and wrinkled, and crystal fragments are usually corroded. A lot of lithophysae occur in the welded tuffs, and the welded texture is obscured due to the occurrence of these lithophysae features. Vesicles are the cavities of lithophysae, which are formed by solidification contraction. They have little or no late filling cement because the volatile constituent and water vapour in the bubbles have escaped with the help of devitrification. Lithophysae distribution within a cooling unit are characterized by vertical zonation: increasing upwards but decreasing gradually later. The cavities of lithophysae have greatly improved the reservoir quality of welded tuffs. Influenced by the intensive welding process, lithophysae are not subject to collapse or damage. In the study area, deeply buried vesicular welded tuffs are important hydrocarbon reservoir rocks, and the vesicular welded tuff has good petroliferous properties. Key words: welded tuffs, vesicle, lithophysa, pyroclastic flow, Fengcheng Formation, Wu-Xia area, Junggar Basi