134 research outputs found


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    阿波力士 三ッノ海茂八の軌跡をたどる

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    Postischemic Anhedonia Associated with Neurodegenerative Changes in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of Rats

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    Poststroke depression is one of the major symptoms observed in the chronic stage of brain stroke such as cerebral ischemia. Its pathophysiological mechanisms, however, are not well understood. Using the transient right middle cerebral artery occlusion- (MCAO-, 90 min) operated rats as an ischemia model in this study, we first observed that aggravation of anhedonia spontaneously occurred especially after 20 weeks of MCAO, and it was prevented by chronic antidepressants treatment (imipramine or fluvoxamine). The anhedonia specifically associated with loss of the granular neurons in the ipsilateral side of hippocampal dentate gyrus and was also prevented by an antidepressant imipramine. Immunohistochemical analysis showed increased apoptosis inside the granular cell layer prior to and associated with the neuronal loss, and imipramine seemed to recover the survival signal rather than suppressing the death signal to prevent neurons from apoptosis. Proliferation and development of the neural stem cells were increased transiently in the subgranular zone of both ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus within one week after MCAO and then decreased and almost ceased after 6 weeks of MCAO, while chronic imipramine treatment prevented them partially. Overall, our study suggests new insights for the mechanistic correlation between poststroke depression and the delayed neurodegenerative changes in the hippocampal dentate gyrus with effective use of antidepressants on them

    Intrastriatal Memantine Infusion

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    Although the administration of dopamine precursor levodopa remains as the mainstay for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, long-term exposure to levodopa often causes a disabling complication, referred to as levodopa-induced dyskinesias. Therefore, the development of new therapeutic interventions to dampen levodopa-induced dyskinesias and parkinsonian motor deficits is needed in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Intracerebral brain infusion has the merit of being able to specifically deliver any drug into any brain part. By using an intracerebral infusion system equipped with implantable, programmable, and refillable pumps, we show herein that continuous intrastriatal administration of memantine (MMT), which is a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, attenuates levodopa-induced dyskinesias and parkinsonian signs in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned hemiparkinsonian mice that received daily levodopa treatment. Corroborating the general thought that overactivation of the striatal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function might generate levodopa-induced dyskinesias and parkinsonism, our results suggest that a continuous intrastriatal MMT infusion can be beneficial for the management of Parkinson’s disease with levodopa-induced dyskinesias. Our study also provides indications for the prototypic use of pharmacological deep-brain modulation through intracerebral infusion systems for treating medically intractable movement disorders

    Video-based assessments of the hind limb stepping in a mouse model of hemi-parkinsonism

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    Unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is commonly used to generate a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Although motor deficits of the lower extremities represent one of the major clinical symptoms in PD patients, validated tests for assessing motor impairments of the hind limb in 6-OHDA mice are currently unavailable. We here report the video-based assessments of the asymmetric use of hind limbs in 6-OHDA mice. A significantly decreased number of spontaneous hind limb stepping was observed in the contralateral-to-lesioned side, and was dose dependently reversed by levodopa, suggesting that it could be utilized for screening PD therapeutics

    Nilotinib exerts antiparkinsonian actions

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    Abnormal motor behaviors in Parkinson’s disease (PD) result from striatal dysfunction due to an imbalance between dopamine and glutamate transmissions that are integrated by dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa (DARPP-32). c-Abelson tyrosine kinase (c-Abl) phosphorylates cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) at Tyr15 to increase the activity of Cdk5, which reduces the efficacy of dopaminergic signaling by phosphorylating DARPP-32 at Thr75 in the striatum. Here, we report that in the mouse striatum, a novel c-Abl inhibitor, nilotinib (AMN107), inhibits phosphorylation of both Cdk5 at Tyr15 and DARPP-32 at Thr75, which is negatively regulated by dopamine receptor activation through a D2 receptor-mediated mechanism. Like a D2-agonist, nilotinib synergizes with a D1-agonist for inducing striatal c-Fos expression. Moreover, systemic administration of nilotinib normalizes striatal motor behaviors in a mouse model of PD induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. These findings suggest that nilotinib could possibly serve as a new and alternative agent for treating PD motor symptoms

    Visualization of the non-steady state oblique detonation wave phenomena around hypersonic spherical projectile

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    We studied experimentally the shock waves and combustion waves generated by a hypersonic spherical projectile in an explosive mixture. An acetylene/oxygen mixture diluted with argon (2C2H2 + 5O2 + 7Ar) was used with various initial pressures (detonation cell sizes) to observe optically with a shadowgraph imaging system a shock-induced combustion (SIC), a stable oblique detonation wave (ODW), and a wave called a Straw Hat type consisting of a strong SIC and ODW. The criticality of stabilizing an ODW around a projectile is expressed by the ratio of the projectile diameter, d, to the cell size, λ, as d/λ = 3.63–4.84. Although the Straw Hat type wave in the vicinity of criticality is an unstable phenomena, it has been mainly observed by a single frame picture to date, so that it is difficult to discuss the time history of its wave structure. In this study, it was remarkable to directly carry out continuous optical observations using a high speed video camera which can continuously film 100 pictures with a 1 μs frame speed so as to allow an investigation of the sustaining mechanism of the unstable wave structure. Our results allowed the identification of an increase in unsteadiness in the relative distance between the projectile fronts and the transition points to an ODW as the time increased. They also showed local explosions in the SIC region near transition point transformed the ODW front upstream

    c-Abl Inhibition Exerts Antiparkinsonian Effects

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is caused by a progressive degeneration of nigral dopaminergic cells leading to striatal dopamine deficiency. From the perspective of antiparkinsonian drug mechanisms, pharmacologic treatment of PD can be divided into symptomatic and disease-modifying (neuroprotective) therapies. An increase in the level and activity of the Abelson non-receptor tyrosine kinase (c-Abl) has been identified in both human and mouse brains under PD conditions. In the last decade, it has been observed that the inhibition of c-Abl activity holds promise for protection against the degeneration of nigral dopaminergic cells in PD and thereby exerts antiparkinsonian effects. Accordingly, c-Abl inhibitors have been applied clinically as a disease-modifying therapeutic strategy for PD treatment. Moreover, in a series of studies, including that presented here, experimental evidence suggests that in a mouse model of parkinsonism induced by N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, c-Abl inhibition exerts an immediate effect improving motor impairments by normalizing altered activity in striatal postsynaptic signaling pathways mediated by Cdk5 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5) and DARPP-32 (dopamine- and cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein 32 kDa). Based on this, we suggest that c-Abl inhibitors represent an ideal antiparkinsonian agent that has both disease-modifying and symptomatic effects. Future research is required to carefully evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and clinical challenges associated with applying c-Abl inhibitors to the treatment of PD

    Thrust Measurement of a Multicycle Partially Filled Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine

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    In the present research, we experimentally verified the partial-fill effect in a multicycle pulse detonation rocketengine. The intermittent thrust of a pulse detonation rocket engine was measured by using a spring-dampermechanism that smoothed this intermittent thrust in the time direction. The intermittent mass flow rates wereassessed by gas cylinder pressure or mass difference measurement. The maximum specific impulse was 305 9 s atan ethylene and oxygen propellant fill fraction of 0:130 0:004. When the fill fraction was greater than 0.130, thespecific impulse was increased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. When the fill fraction was less than 0.130, thespecific impulse was sharply decreased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. This decrease was due to diffusionbetween propellant and purge gases and the short length of the transition from deflagration to detonation. Themulticycle pulse detonation rocket engine had a partial-fill effect that may have been mainly due to the suctioned airand was consistent with the single-cycle partial-fill model of Endo et al