13 research outputs found

    Representación y reconstrucción de la cultura hispánica en los libros de texto de español localizados en China: Una perspectiva del discurso multimodal

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    This study examines how Hispanic cultures are represented and reconstructed in localized Spanish textbooks in China. A multimodal discourse perspective was applied to the textbook data to identify the texts, images, audios, and teaching videos that depict Hispanic cultures, and to analyze their reconstructions. Our findings show that despite a large number of Hispanic big “C” and small “c” cultures included in the textbooks, there is an unbalanced contribution of sub-cultures and a lack of depth in teaching. Based on the analysis of textbook data and teaching video, the study also reveals several main strategies employed by textbook writers and users (teachers) in reconstructing culture, including translation, superficialization, symbolization, comparison, localization and globalization. This study is helpful in promoting the development of Spanish language education and textbooks and in global and local contexts, and also in better understanding language teachers’ agency in teaching foreign culture. Keywords: Spanish as a foreign language, textbook analysis, culture representation and reconstruction, multimodal discourse analysisEste artículo se enfoca en cómo se representan y se reconstruyen las culturas hispánicas en los libros de texto chinos de ELE en China. Para analizar las reconstrucciones de las culturas hispánicas, se aplica una perspectiva del discurso multimodal en el estudio de datos sobre los libros de texto a través de la identificación de los textos verbales, las imágenes visuales, los audios y los vídeos de enseñanza que presentan esas culturas. El resultado indica que, a pesar de que los libros de texto contienen un gran número de culturas hispánicas de las “C” grandes y “c” pequeñas, existen una combinación de aportaciones desequilibrada de subculturas y una carencia de profundidad en la enseñanza de las culturas. Basado en el análisis de los datos de libros de texto y los vídeos de enseñanza, el estudio también indica varias estrategias principales que emplean sus autores y usuarios (profesores) a la hora de reconstruir culturas, que incluyen la traducción, la superficialización, la simbolización, la comparación, la localización y la globalización. Esta investigación es beneficiosa en promover el desarrollo de los libros de texto localizados de ELE en China y la enseñanza del español en los contextos tanto global como local, así como una mejor comprensión sobre el papel que empeña el profesor de lenguas durante la enseñanza de culturas extranjeras

    Representación y reconstrucción de la cultura hispánica en los libros de texto de español localizados en China: Una perspectiva del discurso multimodal

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    This study examines how Hispanic cultures are represented and reconstructed in localized Spanish textbooks in China. A multimodal discourse perspective was applied to the textbook data to identify the texts, images, audios, and teaching videos that depict Hispanic cultures, and to analyze their reconstructions. Our findings show that despite a large number of Hispanic big “C” and small “c” cultures included in the textbooks, there is an unbalanced contribution of sub-cultures and a lack of depth in teaching. Based on the analysis of textbook data and teaching video, the study also reveals several main strategies employed by textbook writers and users (teachers) in reconstructing culture, including translation, superficialization, symbolization, comparison, localization and globalization. This study is helpful in promoting the development of Spanish language education and textbooks and in global and local contexts, and also in better understanding language teachers’ agency in teaching foreign culture. FUNDING INFORMATION. This paper was funded by China’s National Social Science Fund of Education (BGA210059), project led by the corresponding author Geng Zhi.Este artículo se enfoca en cómo se representan y se reconstruyen las culturas hispánicas en los libros de texto chinos de ELE en China. Para analizar las reconstrucciones de las culturas hispánicas, se aplica una perspectiva del discurso multimodal en el estudio de datos sobre los libros de texto a través de la identificación de los textos verbales, las imágenes visuales, los audios y los vídeos de enseñanza que presentan esas culturas. El resultado indica que, a pesar de que los libros de texto contienen un gran número de culturas hispánicas de las “C” grandes y “c” pequeñas, existen una combinación de aportaciones desequilibrada de subculturas y una carencia de profundidad en la enseñanza de las culturas. Basado en el análisis de los datos de libros de texto y los vídeos de enseñanza, el estudio también indica varias estrategias principales que emplean sus autores y usuarios (profesores) a la hora de reconstruir culturas, que incluyen la traducción, la superficialización, la simbolización, la comparación, la localización y la globalización. Esta investigación es beneficiosa en promover el desarrollo de los libros de texto localizados de ELE en China y la enseñanza del español en los contextos tanto global como local

    Magnetic and Pressure Effects on E-H Mode Transition Power and Electron Energy Distribution in Helical Antenna-Coupled RF Plasma

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    We used helical antenna-coupled radio frequency (RF) plasmas to study the evolution of the mode transition power and electron kinetics under different applied magnetic fields and argon pressures. Langmuir probe and emission spectrum data indicate that the discharge mode changes from the capacitive coupling E mode to the inductive coupling H mode through a strong mixed mode (E + H). One reason for this strongly mixed ionization is the antenna structure, which increases the capacitive coupling. Furthermore, the E -> H transition threshold power decreases with increasing pressure regardless of whether there is a magnetic field, and the presence of the magnetic field significantly increases the transition power. The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) curve has a Druyvesteyn shape at low RF power (E mode). The presence of a magnetic field increases the electron energy range, and the binding of the electrons by the magnetic field causes the EEDF to deviate significantly from the Maxwellian shape. As RF power increases, the EEDF tends toward the Maxwellian shape during the transition from the E mode to the H mode. The magnetic field appears to act like a drag on this process, particularly at very low pressures

    Recent trend of industrial emissions in developing countries

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    © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrial sectors are increasing, particularly in the developing world where pursuing industrialization has been highly addressed. This calls for further studies to learn and share experiences for developing countries. In order to fill in such a research gap, this special issue focuses on examining the recent trend of industrial emissions in developing countries. Among the manuscripts submitted to the Special Issue, twelve papers have been accepted after review, covering assessment indicators, tools and methods, and policies. Key industrial sectors, including cement, lime, aluminum, coal, mining, glass, soda ash, etc, have been investigated. Valuable policy insights have been raised, including wide scale upgrading, replacement and deployment of best available technologies, integrated information platforms, cross-cutting technologies and measures, a shift to low carbon electricity, radical product innovations, carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), demand on new and replacement products, systematic approaches and collaboration among different industries. These useful suggestions could be shared or learned by industrial policy makers or managers in the developing world so that the overall GHG emissions from their industrial sectors can be mitigated by considering the local realities


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    A modelling study is performed to compare the plasma flow and heat transfer characteristics of low-power arc-heated thrusters (arcjets) for three different propellants: hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. The all-speed SIMPLE algorithm is employed to solve the governing equations, which take into account the effects of compressibility, Lorentz force and Joule heating, as well as the temperature- and pressure-dependence of the gas properties. The temperature, velocity and Mach number distributions calculated within the thruster nozzle obtained with different propellant gases are compared for the same thruster structure, dimensions, inlet-gas stagnant pressure and arc currents. The temperature distributions in the solid region of the anode-nozzle wall are also given. It is found that the flow and energy conversion processes in the thruster nozzle show many similar features for all three propellants. For example, the propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, with the highest plasma temperature appearing near the cathode tip; the flow transition from the subsonic to supersonic regime occurs within the constrictor region; the highest axial velocity appears inside the nozzle; and most of the input propellant flows towards the thruster exit through the cooler gas region near the anode-nozzle wall. However, since the properties of hydrogen, nitrogen and argon, especially their molecular weights, specific enthalpies and thermal conductivities, are different, there are appreciable differences in arcjet performance. For example, compared to the other two propellants, the hydrogen arcjet thruster shows a higher plasma temperature in the arc region, and higher axial velocity but lower temperature at the thruster exit. Correspondingly, the hydrogen arcjet thruster has the highest specific impulse and arc voltage for the same inlet stagnant pressure and arc current. The predictions of the modelling are compared favourably with available experimental results

    Magnetic and Pressure Effects on E-H Mode Transition Power and Electron Energy Distribution in Helical Antenna-Coupled RF Plasma

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    We used helical antenna-coupled radio frequency (RF) plasmas to study the evolution of the mode transition power and electron kinetics under different applied magnetic fields and argon pressures. Langmuir probe and emission spectrum data indicate that the discharge mode changes from the capacitive coupling E mode to the inductive coupling H mode through a strong mixed mode (E + H). One reason for this strongly mixed ionization is the antenna structure, which increases the capacitive coupling. Furthermore, the E -> H transition threshold power decreases with increasing pressure regardless of whether there is a magnetic field, and the presence of the magnetic field significantly increases the transition power. The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) curve has a Druyvesteyn shape at low RF power (E mode). The presence of a magnetic field increases the electron energy range, and the binding of the electrons by the magnetic field causes the EEDF to deviate significantly from the Maxwellian shape. As RF power increases, the EEDF tends toward the Maxwellian shape during the transition from the E mode to the H mode. The magnetic field appears to act like a drag on this process, particularly at very low pressures

    Recent progress in research on micro-cathode arc thrusters

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    Micro-cathode arc thrusters have been widely used in micro-nanosatellites owing to their high specific impact, long lifetime, repeatable startup, low thrust and high control precision. Micro-cathode arc thrusters and their derivatives are currently being developed and optimized. The micro-cathode arc thruster can generate plasma stably and efficiently, and form a thrust force under a magnetic field with very low power in pulsed operation mode. This paper reviews the last 20 years of literature on micro-cathode arc thrusters, with a focus on papers published in this field in the last 5 years. In light of the development of the micro-cathode arc thruster and the latest research, the direction of future development and the application of key technologies are reviewed. Future micro-cathode arc propulsion systems are expected to exhibit higher reliability, longer lifetimes, higher specific impact, greater integration and higher thrust and to be operated in various modes