349 research outputs found

    Elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steels

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    We presented an elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steel based on the plastic endochronic theory (which does not need the yield surface) and experimental stress-strain curves. The key feature of the model is that it can precisely describe the relation of stress and strain under various loading histories, including uniaxial tension, cyclic loading-unloading, cyclic asymmetric-stress axial tension and compression, and cyclic asymmetric-stress axial tension and compression. The effects of both mean stress and amplitude of stress on hysteresis loop based on the elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model were investigated. Compared with the experimental and calculated results, it is demonstrated that there was a good agreement between the model and the experiments. Therefore, the elastic-plastic endochronic constitutive model provides a method for the accurate prediction of mechanical behaviors of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb stainless steel subjected to various loadings

    Population structure of Coilia nasus in the Yangtze River revealed by insertion of short interspersed elements

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    AbstractCoilia nasus is found in the Yangtze River and the coastal waters of China, Korea, and Japan. Two ecotypes (anadromous and freshwater-resident populations) are distributed throughout the Yangtze River basin based on their ecology and behavior, but relatively little is known about the population structure of this species. Analysis of short interspersed element (SINE) insertions, which vary among individuals, has been acknowledged to provide a unique way to study population divergence. SINEs isolated from C. nasus were characterized, and this enabled analysis of the SINE insertion pattern in six populations distributed throughout the Yangtze River basin. In all populations, four SINE loci displayed individual polymorphism, and two SINE loci showed a stochastic loss in all individuals of two resident populations. The correlation between genetic and geographic populations indicated a degree of genetic isolation in this species. In contrast with Coilia grayii and Coilia mystus, two SINE loci appeared only in C. nasus. Sequencing analysis indicated that the high insertion variability of SINEs was attributed mainly to the tails, which contained various repeat copies. The results in this study will be useful for sustainable management of fishery resources and conservation of this species

    Application of a novel phage LPSEYT for biological control of Salmonella in foods

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Salmonella is a leading cause of foodborne diseases, and in recent years, many isolates have exhibited a high level of antibiotic resistance, which has led to huge pressures on public health. Phages are a promising strategy to control food‐borne pathogens. In this study, one of our environmental phage isolates, LPSEYT, was to be able to restrict the growth of zoonotic Salmonella enterica in vitro over a range of multiplicity of infections. Phage LPSEYT exhibited wide‐ranging pH and thermal stability and rapid reproductive activity with a short latent period and a large burst size. Phage LPSEYT demonstrated potential efficiency as a biological control agent against Salmonella in a variety of food matrices, including milk and lettuce. Morphological observation, comparative genomic, and phylogenetic analysis revealed that LPSEYT does not belong to any of the currently identified genera within the Myoviridae family, and we suggest that LPSEYT represents a new genus, the LPSEYTvirus. This study contributes a phage database, develops beneficial phage resources, and sheds light on the potential application value of phages LPSEYT on food safety

    Coherent Dynamics of Charge Carriers in {\gamma}-InSe Revealed by Ultrafast Spectroscopy

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    For highly efficient ultrathin solar cells, layered indium selenide (InSe), a van der Waals solid, has shown a great promise. In this paper, we study the coherent dynamics of charge carriers generation in {\gamma}-InSe single crystals. We employ ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy to examine the dynamics of hot electrons after resonant photoexcitation. To study the effect of excess kinetic energy of electrons after creating A exciton (VB1 to CB transition), we excite the sample with broadband pulses centered at 600, 650, 700 and 750 nm, respectively. We analyze the relaxation and recombination dynamics in {\gamma}-InSe by global fitting approach. Five decay associated spectra with their associated lifetimes are obtained, which have been assigned to intraband vibrational relaxation and interband recombination processes. We extract characteristic carrier thermalization times from 1 to 10 ps. To examine the coherent vibrations accompanying intraband relaxation dynamics, we analyze the kinetics by fitting to exponential functions and the obtained residuals are further processed for vibrational analysis. A few key phonon coherences are resolved and ab-initio quantum calculations reveal the nature of the associated phonons. The wavelet analysis is employed to study the time evolution of the observed coherences, which show that the low-frequency coherences last for more than 5 ps. Associated calculations reveal that the contribution of the intralayer phonon modes is the key determining factor for the scattering between free electrons and lattice. Our results provide fundamental insights into the photophysics in InSe and help to unravel their potential for high-performance optoelectronic devices

    Phylogeography and demographic history of the cyprinid fish Barbodes semifasciolatus: implications for the history of landform changes in south mainland China, Hainan and Taiwan

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    Hainan Island and Taiwan Island are adjacent to the southern margin of mainland China and Vietnam. During glacial periods, global sea levels dropped, allowing that the land bridges connected the continental island and mainland, connecting rivers and providing dispersal opportunities that shaped the origin and diversification of freshwater fishes. Barbodes semifasciolatus is distributed in various water systems of Vietnam, Hainan, Taiwan, and southern mainland China and is restricted to the southern region of the Min River. Our study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and phylogeography of B. semifasciolatus using the mtDNA cyt b gene (1,141 bp). A total of 107 haplotypes were identified from 395 specimens in 23 populations, and high haplotype diversity (1.000) and low nucleotide diversity (0.0134) were detected. Mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis and haplotype network analyses revealed three major lineages according to geographical distribution. Lineage A was mainly distributed in Hainan Island, Vietnam and the southern region of the Pearl River in mainland China. Lineage B was distributed only in southeastern Hainan Island. Lineage C was distributed in the coastal rivers of mainland China and Taiwan. We suggest that the river in the Guangdong region is a colonization route in South Taiwan and that the populations distributed in the Pearl River region moved southward to Hainan Island and Vietnam based on the network and Bayesian binary MCMC (BBM) analysis. Our demographic history results indicated that the populations of B. semifasciolatus experienced a bottleneck event following a recent population expansion (DECINC model) supported by ABC analysis. We suggest that sea-level changes exerted pronounced effects on the demography of B. semifasciolatus on the continental island and in the mainland during the late Pleistocene glacial cycles

    Application of a broad range lytic phage LPST94 for biological control of salmonella in foods

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Salmonella, one of the most common food-borne pathogens, is a significant public health and economic burden worldwide. Lytic phages are viable alternatives to conventional technologies for pathogen biocontrol in food products. In this study, 40 Salmonella phages were isolated from environmentally sourced water samples. We characterized the lytic range against Salmonella and among all isolates, phage LPST94 showed the broadest lytic spectrum and the highest lytic activity. Electron microscopy and genome sequencing indicated that LPST94 belongs to the Ackermannviridae family. Further studies showed this phage is robust, tolerating a wide range of pH (4–12) and temperature (30–60◦C) over 60 min. The efficacy of phage LPST94 as a biological control agent was evaluated in various food products (milk, apple juice, chicken breast, and lettuce) inoculated with non-typhoidal Salmonella species at different temperatures. Interestingly, the anti-Salmonella efficacy of phage LPST94 was greater at 4◦C than 25◦C, although the efficacy varied between different food models. Adding phage LPST94 to Salmonella inoculated milk decreased the Salmonella count by 3 log10 CFU/mL at 4◦C and 0.84 to 2.56 log10 CFU/mL at 25◦C using an MOI of 1000 and 10000, respectively. In apple juice, chicken breast, and lettuce, the Salmonella count was decreased by 3 log10 CFU/mL at both 4◦C and 25◦C after applying phage LPST94 at an MOI of 1000 and 10,000, within a timescale of 48 h. The findings demonstrated that phage LPST94 is a promising candidate for biological control agents against pathogenic Salmonella and has the potential to be applied across different food matrices

    Application of a Phage Cocktail for Control of Salmonella in Foods and Reducing Biofilms

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    Salmonella contamination in foods and their formation of biofilms in food processing facility are the primary bacterial cause of a significant number of foodborne outbreaks and infections. Broad lytic phages are promising alternatives to conventional technologies for pathogen biocontrol in food matrices and reducing biofilms. In this study, 42 Salmonella phages were isolated from environmentally-sourced water samples. We characterized the host range and lytic capacity of phages LPSTLL, LPST94 and LPST153 against Salmonella spp., and all showed a wide host range and broad lytic activity. Electron microscopy analysis indicated that LPSTLL, LPST94, and LPST153 belonged to the family of Siphoviridae, Ackermannviridae and Podoviridae, respectively. We established a phage cocktail containing three phages (LPSTLL, LPST94 and LPST153) that had broad spectrum to lyse diverse Salmonella serovars. A significant decrease was observed in Salmonella with a viable count of 3 log10 CFU in milk and chicken breast at either 25 °C or 4 °C. It was found that treatment with phage cocktail was able to significantly reduced biofilm on a 96-well microplate (44–63%) and on a stainless steel surface (5.23 to 6.42 log10). These findings demonstrated that the phage cocktail described in this study can be potentially used as a biological control agent against Salmonella in food products and also has the effect to reduce Salmonella formed biofilms

    PCR and Magnetic Bead-Mediated Target Capture for the Isolation of Short Interspersed Nucleotide Elements in Fishes

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    Short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs), a type of retrotransposon, are widely distributed in various genomes with multiple copies arranged in different orientations, and cause changes to genes and genomes during evolutionary history. This can provide the basis for determining genome diversity, genetic variation and molecular phylogeny, etc. SINE DNA is transcribed into RNA by polymerase III from an internal promoter, which is composed of two conserved boxes, box A and box B. Here we present an approach to isolate novel SINEs based on these promoter elements. Box A of a SINE is obtained via PCR with only one primer identical to box B (B-PCR). Box B and its downstream sequence are acquired by PCR with one primer corresponding to box A (A-PCR). The SINE clone produced by A-PCR is selected as a template to label a probe with biotin. The full-length SINEs are isolated from the genomic pool through complex capture using the biotinylated probe bound to magnetic particles. Using this approach, a novel SINE family, Cn-SINE, from the genomes of Coilia nasus, was isolated. The members are 180–360 bp long. Sequence homology suggests that Cn-SINEs evolved from a leucine tRNA gene. This is the first report of a tRNALeu-related SINE obtained without the use of a genomic library or inverse PCR. These results provide new insights into the origin of SINEs