52 research outputs found

    Mass distribution for single-lined hot subdwarf stars in LAMOST

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    Masses for 664 single-lined hot subdwarf stars identified in LAMOST were calculated by comparing synthetic fluxes from spectral energy distribution (SED) with observed fluxes from virtual observatory service. Three groups of hot subdwarf stars were selected from the whole sample according to their parallax precision to study the mass distributions. We found, that He-poor sdB/sdOB stars present a wide mass distribution from 0.1 to 1.0 M⊙\mathrm{M}_{\odot} with a sharp mass peak around at 0.46 M⊙\rm{M}_{\odot}, which is consistent with canonical binary model prediction. He-rich sdB/sdOB/sdO stars present a much flatter mass distribution than He-poor sdB/sdOB stars and with a mass peak around 0.42 M⊙\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. By comparing the observed mass distributions to the predictions of different formation scenarios, we concluded that the binary merger channel, including two helium white dwarfs (He-WDs) and He-WD + main sequence (MS) merger, cannot be the only main formation channel for He-rich hot subdwarfs, and other formation channels such as the surviving companions from type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) could also make impacts on producing this special population, especially for He-rich hot subdwarfs with masses less than 0.44 M⊙\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. He-poor sdO stars also present a flatter mass distribution with an inconspicuous peak mass at 0.18 M⊙\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. The similar mass - ΔRVmax\Delta RV_\mathrm{max} distribution between He-poor sdB/sdOB and sdO stars supports the scenario that He-poor sdO stars could be the subsequent evolution stage of He-poor sdB/sdOB stars.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hot subdwarf stars identified in LAMOST DR8 with single-lined and composite spectra

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    222 hot subdwarf stars were identified with LAMOST DR8 spectra, among which 131 stars show composite spectra and have been decomposed, while 91 stars present single-lined spectra. Atmospheric parameters of all sample stars were obtained by fitting Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) line profiles with synthetic spectra. Two long-period composite sdB binaries were newly discovered by combining our sample with the non-single star data from Gaia DR3. One of the new systems presents the highest eccentricity (i.e., 0.5 +/- 0.09) among known wide sdB binaries, which is beyond model predictions. 15 composite sdB stars fall in the high probability binary region of RUWE-AEN plane, and deserve priority follow-up observations to further study their binary nature. A distinct gap is clearly presented among temperatures of cool companions for our composite-spectra sample. But we could not come to a conclusion whether this feature is connected to the formation history of hot subdwarf stars before their binary natures are confirmed.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Th17 i IL-17 osiągają wyższe stężenia w przebiegu martwicy głowy kości udowej i są dodatnio skorelowane z nasileniem bólu

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    Objective: Synovitis associated with osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is responsible for several clinical symptoms. However, the mechanisms underlying synovitis and the inflammatory environment remain unclear. This study analyzed the proinflammatory mediation expression of IL-17 and Th17, which perform key functions in regulating inflammatory processes in the inflamed synovium and peripheral blood in ONFH. Methods: Synovial fluid from the hips of 23 patients and 5 controls was collected during surgery, and peripheral blood samples were obtained from 34 patients and 9 controls. The expression of IL-17 in the synovium was detected by immunohistochemistry, and the levels of Th17 and IL-17 in the blood were measured by flow cytometry and ELISA. Pain assessment was performed for all the patients and controls. Results: An inflamed synovium was characterized by increased leukocyte infiltration and IL-17 expression in comparison with the control. Preoperative levels of Th17 and IL-17 were significantly higher in the peripheral blood of the ONFH group than those in the controls. The symptoms were also positively correlated with the Th17 levels of the ONFH patients. Conclusion: Th17 cells were recruited to an inflamed synovium, and inflammatory cytokine IL-17 was expressed at an increased level in the hip synovium of ONFH patients, which possibly contributed to clinical syndrome development. Overall, this study will help in identifying new therapeutic strategies for ONFH, especially the targeting of IL-17 to decrease inflammation and pain. Wstęp: Zapalenie błony maziowej związane z martwicą głowy kości udowej (osteonecrosis of the femoral head; ONFH) odpowiada za kilka objawów klinicznych, jednak mechanizmy leżące u podstaw zapalenia błony maziowej oraz środowisko zapalne pozostają niejasne. W niniejszym badaniu poddano analizie ekspresję mediatora zapalenia IL-17 na limfocytach Th17, które pełnią kluczową rolę w regulowaniu procesów zapalnych w objętej stanem zapalnym błonie maziowej i krwi obwodowej w przebiegu ONFH. Materiał i metody: Podczas zabiegów operacyjnych pobrano maź stawową ze stawów biodrowych 23 pacjentów i 5 osób z grupy kon­trolnej, natomiast próbki krwi obwodowej uzyskano od 34 pacjentów i 9 osób z grupy kontrolnej. Ekspresję IL-17 w błonie maziowej wykrywano za pomocą metody immunohistochemicznej, a stężenie Th17 i IL-17 we krwi mierzono metodą cytometrii przepływowej i metodą ELISA. U wszystkich pacjentów i osób z grupy kontrolnej oceniono parametr bólu. Wyniki: Cechą charakterystyczną objętej stanem zapalnym błony maziowej był wzrost nacieczenia limfocytarnego i ekspresji IL-17 w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stężenie Th17 i IL-17 przed wykonaniem zabiegów operacyjnych było znacząco wyższe we krwi obwodowej pacjentów z martwicą głowy kości udowej niż grupy kontrolnej. Również objawy były u tych pacjentów dodatnio skorelowane z poziomem Th17. Wnioski: Limfocyty Th17 były rekrutowane do objętej stanem zapalnym błony maziowej, a cytokina zapalna IL-17 ulegała ekspresji na zwiększonym poziomie w błonie maziowej stawu biodrowego pacjentów z martwicą głowy kości udowej, co prawdopodobnie przyczyniło się do rozwoju zespołu objawów klinicznych. Uogólniając, niniejsze badanie może pomóc zidentyfikować nowe strategie terapeutyczne w martwicy głowy kości udowej, w szczególności ukierunkowane na IL-17 w celu zmniejszenia stanu zapalnego i bólu

    Small intestinal submucosa promotes angiogenesis via the Hippo pathway to improve vaginal repair

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    Vaginal reconstruction has incorporated the use of gastrointestinal segments for decades, but the technique is inevitably associated with complications. Tissue-engineering techniques, however, have brought great hope for vaginal reconstruction. This study aimed to evaluate the utility of small intestinal submucosa (SIS) in reconstructing clinically significant large vaginal defects in a porcine model and to investigate the role of the Hippo pathway in the vascular remodeling process. The composition and mechanical properties of SIS were characterized. Full-thickness vaginal defects were established in 10 minipig donors, with 4 cm lengths removed and replaced by an equal sized SIS scaffolds. The neovaginas were subjected to macroscopic, histological, immunohistochemical and molecular evaluations at 4 and 12 weeks after the surgery. Four weeks after the operation, extracellular matrix reorganization and complete coverage of the surface of the luminal matrix by vaginal epithelium were observed, accompanied by the formation of a microvascular network and the regeneration of smooth muscles, albeit disorderly arranged. Twelve weeks after implantation, enhancements were seen in the formation of the multi-layered squamous epithelium, angiogenesis, and large muscle bundle formation in the vagina. Additionally, the expression levels of angiogenesis-related proteins, proliferation-related proteins and Hippo pathway-related proteins in the neovagina were significantly increased. These results indicate that SIS could be used to reconstruct large vaginal defects and that the vascular remodeling process is potentially regulated by the Hippo pathway

    The dependence of new particle formation rates on the interaction between cluster growth, evaporation, and condensation sink

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    New particle formation (NPF) is one of the major contributors to atmospheric aerosol number concentrations. The initial step of NPF includes the formation and growth of small clusters, their evaporation and loss to pre-existing particles (characterized by the condensation sink, CS). In the polluted atmospheric boundary layer, the high environmental CS suppresses NPF and it can work synergistically with evaporation to further reduce the NPF rates. In this study, to quantitatively include CS into NPF analysis, we make simplifications to the cluster balance equations and develop approximate equations for the NPF rates in the presence of pre-existing particles, which are applicable to nucleation mechanisms that can be represented by a nonbranched nucleation pathway. The developed equations show that the proportion of clusters that finally lead to new particle formation is given by the cluster-specific ratio of growth rate/CS | evaporation rate | growth rate. As a result, the cumulative product of this ratio for all clusters in the nucleation pathway determines the NPF rates. By comparing with benchmark cluster dynamics simulations of sulfuric acid-dimethylamine and sulfuric acid-ammonia nucleation systems, the developed equations were confirmed to give good estimates of the NPF rates and approximately capture the dependency of NPF rates on CS and nucleating vapor concentrations. The CS dependency predicted by the developed equations shows larger deviations from the simulations when the cluster evaporation rates are high, i.e., when the underlying assumptions of the equations are not satisfied. The equations were also found to be in good agreement with atmospheric NPF rates measured in long-term field observations in urban Beijing.Peer reviewe

    Variable white dwarfs in TMTS: Asteroseismological analysis of a ZZ Ceti star, TMTS J17184064+2524314

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    The Tsinghua University-Ma Huateng Telescope for Survey (TMTS) has been constantly monitoring the northern sky since 2020 in search of rapidly variable stars. To find variable white dwarfs (WDs), the TMTS catalog is cross-matched with the WD catalog of Gaia EDR3, resulting in over 3000 light curves of WD candidates. The WD TMTS J17184064+2524314 (hereafter J1718) is the second ZZ~Ceti star discovered among these common sources. Based on the light curves from TMTS, follow-up photometric observations, and TESS, 10 periods and 3 combination periods are detected. A rotation period of 25.12±0.1825.12\pm0.18 hr is derived, according to the identified rotational splitting. Our spectroscopic observation indicates that this WD belongs to DA type with Teff=11,670±604T_{\rm eff}=11,670\pm604 K, log g=8.16±0.36g=8.16\pm0.36, M=0.70±0.23M = 0.70\pm0.23 M⊙_{\odot}, and age=0.51±0.340.51\pm0.34 Gyr. Based on core-parameterized asteroseismological model grids (⩾\geqslant 14 million), we derive a best-fit solution of Teff=11,640±20T_{\rm eff}=11,640\pm20 K, log g=8.267±0.008g=8.267\pm0.008, and M=0.750±0.005M = 0.750\pm0.005 M⊙_{\odot} for J1718, consistent with the spectral fitting results. For this WD, the corresponding carbon and oxygen abundances in the core are 0.43 and 0.57, respectively. The distance derived from the intrinsic luminosity given by asteroseismology is 64±1564\pm15 pc, in accord with the distance of 70.1±0.270.1\pm0.2 pc from Gaia DR3 within the uncertainties.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.1158

    Properties and Asteroseismological analysis of a new ZZ ceti discovered by TMTS

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    Tsinghua university-Ma Huateng Telescope for Survey (TMTS) aims to discover rapidly evolving transients by monitoring the northern sky. The TMTS catalog is cross-matched with the white dwarf (WD) catalog of Gaia EDR3, and light curves of more than a thousand WD candidates are obtained so far. Among them, the WD TMTS J23450729+5813146 (hereafter J2345) is one interesting common source. Based on the light curves from the TMTS and follow-up photometric observations, periods of 967.113 s, 973.734 s, 881.525 s, 843.458 s, 806.916 s and 678.273 s are identified. In addition, the TESS observations suggest a 3.39 h period but this can be attributed to the rotation of a comoving M dwarf located within 3". The spectroscopic observation indicates that this WD is DA type with Teff = 11778+/-617K,log g = 8.38+/-0.31,mass=0.84+/-0.20Msun and age=0.704+/-0.377 Gyrs. Asteroseismological analysis reveals a global best-fit solution of Teff =12110+/-10K and mass=0.760+/-0.005Msun,consistent with the spectral fitting results, and Oxygen and Carbon abundances in the core center are 0.73 and 0.27, respectively. The distance derived from the intrinsic luminosity given by asteroseismology is 93 parsec, which is in agreement with the distance of 98 parsec from Gaia DR3. Additionally, kinematic study shows that this WD is likely a thick disk star. The mass of its zero-age main-sequence mass is estimated to be 3.08 Msun and has a main-sequence plus cooling age of roughly 900 Myrs.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Research on the Impact of Atmospheric Self-Purification Capacity on Environmental Pollution: Based on the Threshold Effect of Environmental Regulation

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    In China, Hebei Province and Guangdong Province have many pollution-intensive industries; yet Hebei suffers more serious atmospheric or environmental pollution than Guangdong. To explain the phenomenon, this paper chooses the statistical data of 286 prefecture-level cities in the Chinese mainland from 2005 to 2018 and empirically tests the spatial effect and threshold characteristics of atmospheric self-purification capacity on environmental pollution by using the spatial autoregression model (SAR), spatial Durbin model (SDM), and panel threshold model. As evinced, the local atmospheric self-purification capacity has a significant inhibitory effect on environmental pollution, and the absolute value of the direct effect coefficient reaches 1.337. Simultaneously, atmospheric self-purification capacity has a threshold effect on environmental pollution. The threshold value of environmental regulation as a threshold variable is 11.6349. This means that when the level of environmental regulation proves higher than 11.6349, it attenuates the inhibitory effect of the atmospheric self-purification capacity on environmental pollution. As the heterogeneity research unveils, atmospheric self-purification capacities in various regions form a significant correlation with environmental pollution. This paper suggests that local governments should strengthen environmental regulation and construct an inter-regional joint prevention and control system for atmospheric-pollution governance to enhance the atmospheric self-purification capacity

    Selective Flotation Behavior of Dolomite from Fluorapatite Using Hydroxy Ethylene Diphosphonic Acid as High-Efficiency Depressant

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    In the reverse flotation of fluorapatite and dolomite, high-efficiency depressors of fluorapatite have received considerable attention. In this paper, the depression mechanism of hydroxy ethylene diphosphonic acid (HEDP) was studied for the first time as a novel fluorapatite depressant on the surface of fluorapatite. The effect of HEDP on the flotation behavior of the two minerals was studied by single and mixed minerals in flotation tests. HEDP exhibited an excellent depression effect on fluorapatite flotation, whereas its adsorption on dolomite surface was minimal. Fluorapatite and dolomite were effectively separated by applying sodium oleate as a collector and HEDP as a depressant at pH 6.0. The depression mechanism of HEDP on fluorapatite was further analyzed via contact angle measurement, zeta potential and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) analysis. We found that HEDP seriously hindered the adsorption of sodium oleate (NaOL) on the fluorapatite surface and had a minimal effect on the dolomite surface. XPS analysis results indicate that the strong adsorption of HEDP on the fluorapatite surface can be attributed to the strong chelation between the electron-rich groups of HEDP and Ca ions on the fluorapatite surface. Therefore, HEDP is used as a selective depressant of fluorapatite in the fluorapatite–dolomite flotation–separation process
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