566 research outputs found

    Review-Driven Multi-Label Music Style Classification by Exploiting Style Correlations

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    This paper explores a new natural language processing task, review-driven multi-label music style classification. This task requires the system to identify multiple styles of music based on its reviews on websites. The biggest challenge lies in the complicated relations of music styles. It has brought failure to many multi-label classification methods. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel deep learning approach to automatically learn and exploit style correlations. The proposed method consists of two parts: a label-graph based neural network, and a soft training mechanism with correlation-based continuous label representation. Experimental results show that our approach achieves large improvements over the baselines on the proposed dataset. Especially, the micro F1 is improved from 53.9 to 64.5, and the one-error is reduced from 30.5 to 22.6. Furthermore, the visualized analysis shows that our approach performs well in capturing style correlations

    Investigation of the Permeability of Soil-rock Mixtures Using Lattice Boltzmann Simulations

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    Based on the discrete element method and the proposed virtual slicing technique for three-dimensional discrete element model, random pore-structural models of soil-rock mixtures are constructed and voxelized. Then, the three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method is introduced to simulate the seepage flow in soil-rock mixtures on the pore scale. Finally, the influences of rock content, rock size, rock shape and rock orientation on the simulated permeability of soil-rock mixtures are comprehensively investigated. The results show that the permeability of soil-rock mixtures remarkably decreases with the increase of rock content. When the other conditions remain unchanged, the permeability of soil-rock mixtures increases with the increase of rock size. The permeability of soil-rock mixtures with bar-shaped rocks is smaller than that of soil-rock mixtures with block-shaped rocks, but larger than that of soil-rock mixtures with slab-shaped rocks. The rock orientation has a certain influence on the permeability of SRMs, and the amount of variation changes with the rock shape: when the rocks are bar-shaped, the permeability is slightly decreased as the major axes of these rocks change from parallel to perpendicular with respect to the direction of main flow; when the rocks are slab-shaped, the permeability decreases more significantly as the slab planes of these rocks change from parallel to perpendicular with respect to the direction of main flow

    Role of District Education Officials in Quality Education in Nanguan and Shikarpur Districts: A Comparative Study Between China and Pakistan

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    The purpose of the study is to understand the role of district educational official(s) in bringing quality in education in schools at district level with respect to the educational objectives at ministry of education level, provincial education department level and at local district level. Two districts; Nanguan district (China) and Shikarpur district (Pakistan) are studied and compared with each other because of the convenience for researcher and good friendship between these two countries. This is comparative study, which adopts descriptive type of research, and qualitative research design. Semi-structured interview and observation report; are used as research tools for data collection. Purposive sampling type is adopted as to make this study possible to complete and having strong relationship of district educational officials’ interventions with quality in education in variety of schools. District educational official(s) and four schools (primary, junior secondary, countryside and city) in each district are visited. Results of the study show that district educational officials of both districts are aware about the educational objectives at these three levels of educational administration. They perceive quality in education differently with respect to their local and contextual environment. Arranging different trainings for school heads and teachers and calling meetings are the only two similar interventions among these two district educational officials that they take to achieve quality in education; rest interventions are totally different. There seems more implication of the interventions of the Nanguan district education bureau official in the schools than the implication of the interventions of Shikarpur district educational officials in schools; as to achieve their perceived quality in education in their respective districts

    Travel Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Road Traffic Behavior: The Multifold Role of Ambiguity Attitude

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    To aggregate commuters’ mode choices to traffic behavior in the presence of travel time uncertainty, we develop a dynamic traffic simulation in terms of an agent-based model, which consists of two sub-models, the mode choice model and the traffic flow simulation model. The modeling framework accommodates the interplay between the two models and their co-evolution over time. We embed an extended list of empirical parameters including ambiguity/risk attitudes and heterogeneity , and time-money trade-offs within a rank-dependent and source-dependent utility framework to imitate commuters’ daily mode choice behaviors. The improved behavioral realism at the micro-level results in an improved understanding of traffic flow in terms of modal split and average speed at equilibrium, compared to a conventional model which assumes risk neutrality and ambiguity neutrality. A novel finding is that ambiguity seeking, a typical behavior in the loss domain but largely ignored in the transport literature, acts as an important driver that shifts commuters from cars to public transport

    Multicluster-Coordination Industrial Internet of Things: The Era of Nonorthogonal Transmission

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    The imminent industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) aims to provide massive device connectivity and support ever-increasing data demands, putting today's production environment on the edge of a new era of innovations and changes. In a multicluster IIoT, devices may suffer severe intercluster interference due to the intensive frequency reuse among adjacent access points (APs), thus deteriorating their quality of service (QoS). To address this issue, conventional multicluster coordination in the IIoT provides orthogonal code-, frequency-, time- or spatial-domain multiple access for interference management, but this results in a waste of resources, especially in the context of the explosively increased number of devices


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    Background: Patients with schizophrenia exhibit a higher mortality rate compared with the general population. This mortality has been attributed predominantly by the high risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the patients. We aimed to assess the inherent risk of glucose metabolism abnormalities in first-episode drug-naĂŻve schizophrenia. Subjects and methods: We searched English database (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library databases) and Chinese database (Wan Fang Data, CBM disc, VIP, and CNKI) from their inception until Jul 2018 for case-control studies examining glucose metabolism abnormalities. Measurements, such as fasting plasma glucose levels, fasting plasma insulin levels, insulin resistance and HbA1c levels in first episode antipsychotic-naive patients were used to test for prediabetes. Standardized/weighted mean differences and 95% confidence intervals were calculated and analyzed. Results: 19 studies (13 in English and 6 in Chinese) consisting of 1065 patients and 873 controls were included. Fasting plasma glucose levels (95% CI; 0.02 to 0.29; P=0.03), 2 h plasma glucose levels after an OGTT (95% CI; 0.63 to 1.2; P<0.00001), fasting plasma insulin levels (95% CI; 0.33 to 0.73; P<0.00001), insulin resistance (95% CI; 0.29 to 0.6; P<0.00001) in patients with firstepisode schizophrenia were significant elevated. There was no significant difference in HbA1c level (95% CI; -0.34 to 0.18; P=0.54) in patients with first-episode schizophrenia compared with controls. Conclusions: This meta-analysis showed that glucose metabolism was impaired in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Higher quality studies with larger samples are warranted to confirm these findings
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