3,886 research outputs found

    Variants of the low oxygen sensors EGLN1 and HIF-1AN associated with acute mountain sickness.

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    Two low oxygen sensors, Egl nine homolog 1 (EGLN1) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α inhibitor (HIF-1AN), play pivotal roles in the regulation of HIF-1α, and high altitude adaption may be involved in the pathology of acute mountain sickness (AMS). Here, we aimed to analyze single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the untranslated regions of the EGLN1 and HIF-1AN genes and SNPs chosen from a genome-wide adaptation study of the Han Chinese population. To assess the association between EGLN1 and HIF-1AN SNPs and AMS in a Han Chinese population, a case-control study was performed including 190 patients and 190 controls. In total, thirteen SNPs were genotyped using the MassARRAY® MALDI-TOF system. Multiple genetic models were tested; The Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) values indicated that the dominant model may serve as the best-fit model for rs12406290 and rs2153364 of significant difference. However, these data were not significant after Bonferroni correction. No significant association was noted between AMS and rs12757362, rs1339894, rs1361384, rs2009873, rs2739513 or rs2486729 before and after Bonferroni correction. Further haplotype analyses indicated the presence of two blocks in EGLN1; one block consists of rs12406290-rs2153364, located upstream of the EGLN1 gene. Carriers of the "GG" haplotype of rs12406290-rs2153364 exhibited an increased risk of AMS after adjustments for age and smoking status. However, no significant association was observed among HIF-1AN 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) polymorphisms, haplotype and AMS. Our study indicates that variants in the EGLN1 5'-UTR influence the susceptibility to AMS in a Han Chinese population

    The electromagnetic and gravitational-wave radiations of X-ray transient CDF-S XT2

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    Binary neutron star (NS) mergers may result in remnants of supra-massive or even stable NS, which have been supported indirectly by observed X-ray plateau of some gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) afterglow. Recently, Xue et al. (2019) discovered a X-ray transient CDF-S XT2 that is powered by a magnetar from merger of double NS via X-ray plateau and following stepper phase. However, the decay slope after the plateau emission is a little bit larger than the theoretical value of spin-down in electromagnetic (EM) dominated by losing its rotation energy. In this paper, we assume that the feature of X-ray emission is caused by a supra-massive magnetar central engine for surviving thousands of seconds to collapse black hole. Within this scenario, we present the comparisons of the X-ray plateau luminosity, break time, and the parameters of magnetar between CDF-S XT2 and other short GRBs with internal plateau samples. By adopting the collapse time to constrain the equation of state (EOS), we find that three EOSs (GM1, DD2, and DDME2) are consistent with the observational data. On the other hand, if the most released rotation energy of magnetar is dominated by GW radiation, we also constrain the upper limit of ellipticity of NS for given EOS, and it is range in [0.32−1.3]×10−3[0.32-1.3]\times 10^{-3}. Its GW signal can not be detected by aLIGO or even for more sensitive Einstein Telescope in the future.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures,1 table. Accepted for publication by Research in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Interaction between Granulation and Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Observed by Hinode

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    We study the relationship between granular development and magnetic field evolution in the quiet Sun. 6 typical cases are displayed to exhibit interaction between granules and magnetic elements, and we have obtained the following results. (1) A granule develops centrosymmetrically when no magnetic flux emerges within the granular cell. (2) A granule develops and splits noncentrosymmetrically while flux emerges at an outer part of the granular cell. (3) Magnetic flux emergence as a cluster of mixed polarities is detected at the position of a granule as soon as the granule breaks up. (4) A dipole emerges accompanying with the development of a granule, and the two elements of the dipole root in the adjacent intergranular lanes and face each other across the granule. Advected by the horizontal granular motion, the positive element of the dipole then cancels with pre-existing negative flux. (5) Flux cancellation also takes place between a positive element, which is advected by granular flow, and its surrounding negative flux. (6) While magnetic flux cancellation takes place at a granular cell, the granule shrinks and then disappears. (7) Horizontal magnetic fields enhance at the places where dipoles emerge and where opposite polarities cancel with each other, but only the horizontal fields between the dipolar elements point orderly from the positive element to the negative one. Our results reveal that granules and small-scale magnetic flux influence each other. Granular flow advects magnetic flux, and magnetic flux evolution suppresses granular development. There exist extremely large Doppler blue-shifts at the site of one cancelling magnetic element. This phenomenon may be caused by the upward flow produced by magnetic reconnection below the photosphere.Comment: 8 figures, 13 pages. RAA, in pres
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