52,041 research outputs found

    Analysis of Leptogenesis in Supersymmetric Triplet Seesaw Model

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    We analyze leptogenesis in a supersymmetric triplet seesaw scenario that explains the observed neutrino masses, adopting a phenomenological approach where the decay branching ratios of the triplets and the amount of CP--violation in its different decay channels are assumed as free parameters. We find that the solutions of the relevant Boltzmann equations lead to a rich phenomenology, in particular much more complex compared to the non--supersymmetric case, mainly due to the presence of an additional Higgs doublet. Several unexpected and counter--intuitive behaviors emerge from our analysis: the amount of CP violation in one of the decay channels can prove to be be irrelevant to the final lepton asymmetry, leading to successful leptogenesis even in scenarios with a vanishing CP violation in the leptonic sector; gauge annihilations can be the dominant effect in the determination of the evolution of the triplet density up to very high values of its mass, leading anyway to a sizeable final lepton asymmetry, which is also a growing function of the wash--out parameter K=Gamma_d/H, defined as usual as the ratio between the triplet decay amplitude Gamma_d and the Hubble constant H; on the other hand, cancellations in the Boltzmann equations may lead to a vanishing lepton asymmetry if in one of the decay channels both the branching ratio and the amount of CP violation are suppressed, but not vanishing. The present analysis suggests that in the supersymmetric triplet see-saw model successful leptogenesis can be attained in a wide range of scenarios, provided that an asymmetry in the decaying triplets can act as a lepton--number reservoir.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Leptogenesis origin of Dirac gaugino dark matter

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    The Dirac nature of the gauginos (and also the Higgsinos) can be realized in RR-symmetric supersymmetry models. In this class of models, the Dirac bino (or wino) with a small mixture of the Dirac Higgsinos is a good dark matter candidate. When the seesaw mechanism with Higgs triplet superfields is implemented to account for the neutrino masses and mixing, the leptogenesis driven by the heavy triplet decay is shown to produce not only the matter-antimatter asymmetry but also the asymmetric relic density of the Dirac gaugino dark matter. The dark matter mass turns out to be controlled by the Yukawa couplings of the heavy Higgs triplets, and it can be naturally at the weak scale for a mild hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings.Comment: 9 pages. Restructured for clear presentation, corrected some errors and typos. No change in conclusio

    Experimental constraints on nMSSM and implications on its phenomenology

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    We examine various direct and indirect experimental constraints on the nearly minimal supersymmetric standard model (nMSSM) and obtain the following observations: (i) Current experiments stringently constrain the parameter space, setting a range of 1-37 GeV for the lightest neutralino (LSP), 30-140 GeV (1-250 GeV) for the lightest CP-even (CP-odd) Higgs boson, and 1.5-10 for \tan\beta; (ii) To account for the dark matter relic density, besides the s-channel exchange of a Z-boson, the s-channel exchange of a light A_1 (the lightest CP-odd Higgs boson) can also play an important role in LSP annihilation. Compared with the Z-exchange annihilation channel, the A_1 exchange channel is more favored by muon g-2 data and allows much broader regions for the parameters; (iii) In a large part of the allowed parameter space the SM-like Higgs boson may dominantly decay to LSP pair or A_1 pair and the conventional visible decays (e.g. into bottom quarks) are severely suppressed.Comment: version in PRD (Rapid Communication

    Heavy Supersymmetric Particle Effects in Higgs Boson Production Associated with a Bottom Quark Pair at LHC and Tevatron

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    If all the supersymmetry particles (sparticles) except a light Higgs boson are too heavy to be directly produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Tevatron, a possible way to reveal evidence for supersymmetry is through their virtual effects in other processes. We examine such supersymmetric QCD effects in bottom pair production associated with a light Higgs boson at the LHC and Tevatron. We find that if the relevant sparticles (gluinos and squarks) are well above the TeV scale, too heavy to be directly produced, they can still have sizable virtual effects in this process. For large tanβ\tan\beta, such residual effects can alter the production rate by as much as 40 percent, which should be observable in future measurements of this process.Comment: results for Tevatron added, version in PR

    Amorphous metallizations for high-temperature semiconductor device applications

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    The initial results of work on a class of semiconductor metallizations which appear to hold promise as primary metallizations and diffusion barriers for high temperature device applications are presented. These metallizations consist of sputter-deposited films of high T sub g amorphous-metal alloys which (primarily because of the absence of grain boundaries) exhibit exceptionally good corrosion-resistance and low diffusion coefficients. Amorphous films of the alloys Ni-Nb, Ni-Mo, W-Si, and Mo-Si were deposited on Si, GaAs, GaP, and various insulating substrates. The films adhere extremely well to the substrates and remain amorphous during thermal cycling to at least 500 C. Rutherford backscattering and Auger electron spectroscopy measurements indicate atomic diffussivities in the 10 to the -19th power sq cm/S range at 450 C

    N_pN_n dependence of empirical formula for the lowest excitation energy of the 2^+ states in even-even nuclei

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    We examine the effects of the additional term of the type eλNpNn\sim e^{- \lambda' N_pN_n} on the recently proposed empirical formula for the lowest excitation energy of the 2+2^+ states in even-even nuclei. This study is motivated by the fact that this term carries the favorable dependence of the valence nucleon numbers dictated by the NpNnN_pN_n scheme. We show explicitly that there is not any improvement in reproducing Ex(21+)E_x(2_1^+) by including the extra NpNnN_pN_n term. However, our study also reveals that the excitation energies Ex(21+)E_x(2_1^+), when calculated by the NpNnN_pN_n term alone (with the mass number AA dependent term), are quite comparable to those calculated by the original empirical formula.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Photo-emission rate of sQGP at finite density

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    We calculate the thermal spectral function of SYM plasma with finite density using holographic technique. We take the RN-AdS black hole as the dual gravity theory. In the presence of charge, vector modes of gravitational and electromagnetic perturbation are coupled with each other. By introducing master variables for these modes, we solve the coupled system and calculate spectral function. We also calculated photoemission rate of SYM plasma from spectral function for light like momentum, AC conductivity and their density dependence. The suppression of the conductivity in high density is noticed, which might be yet another mechanism for the Jet quenching phenomena in RHIC experiment.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Production of f0(1710)f_0(1710), f0(1500)f_0(1500), and f0(1370)f_0(1370) in J/ψJ/\psi hadronic decays

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    A coherent study of the production of f0if_0^i (i=1i=1, 2, 3 corresponding to f0(1710)f_0(1710), f0(1500)f_0(1500), and f0(1370)f_0(1370)) in J/ψVf0VPPJ/\psi\to V f_0 \to V PP is reported based on a previously proposed glueball and QQˉQ\bar{Q} nonet mixing scheme, and a factorization for the decay of J/ψVf0iJ/\psi\to V f_0^i, where VV denotes the isoscalar vector mesons ϕ\phi and ω\omega, and PP denotes pseudoscalar mesons. The results show that the J/ψJ/\psi decays are very sensitive to the structure of those scalar mesons, and suggest a glueball in the GeV region, in line with Lattice QCD. The presence of significant glueball mixings in the scalar wavefunctions produces peculiar patterns in the branching ratios for J/ψVf0iVPPJ/\psi\to V f_0^i\to VPP, which are in good agreement with the recently published experimental data from the BES collaboration.Comment: Version accepted by PRD; Numerical results in Tab IV and VI changed due to correction of an error in quoting an experimental datum; Conclusion is not change