28 research outputs found

    spatial imaging data for the 10X visium brain dataset

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    This is the spatial imaging data for the 10X visium brain dataset ( https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/10X_visium_data_for_spatial-informed_cell-cell_communication/23621151), including the spatial locations, scalefactors_json.json and tissue image files.</p

    Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat.

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    The landscape of cell–cell communication through single-cell transcriptomics

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    Cell-cell communication is a fundamental process that shapes biological tissue. Historically, studies of cell-cell communication have been feasible for one or two cell types and a few genes. With the emergence of single-cell transcriptomics, we are now able to examine the genetic profiles of individual cells at unprecedented scale and depth. The availability of such data presents an exciting opportunity to construct a more comprehensive description of cell-cell communication. This review discusses the recent explosion of methods that have been developed to infer cell-cell communication from non-spatial and spatial single-cell transcriptomics, two promising technologies which have complementary strengths and limitations. We propose several avenues to propel this rapidly expanding field forward in meaningful ways

    Optimization of controllability and robustness of complex networks by edge directionality

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    Recently, controllability of complex networks has attracted enormous attention in various fields of science and engineering. How to optimize structural controllability has also become a significant issue. Previous studies have shown that an appropriate directional assignment can improve structural controllability; however, the evolution of the structural controllability of complex networks under attacks and cascading has always been ignored. To address this problem, this study proposes a new edge orientation method (NEOM) based on residual degree that changes the link direction while conserving topology and directionality. By comparing the results with those of previous methods in two random graph models and several realistic networks, our proposed approach is demonstrated to be an effective and competitive method for improving the structural controllability of complex networks. Moreover, numerical simulations show that our method is near-optimal in optimizing structural controllability. Strikingly, compared to the original network, our method maintains the structural controllability of the network under attacks and cascading, indicating that the NEOM can also enhance the robustness of controllability of networks. These results alter the view of the nature of controllability in complex networks, change the understanding of structural controllability and affect the design of network models to control such networks