242 research outputs found

    An Emperical Analysis of the Corperate Ownership Concentration on the Operation Performance after IPOs of Chinese listed SMEs

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigates whether the large shareholders of small and medium firms (SMEs) take advantage of the inside information and decrease their shares before their operation performance begins to decline after the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). By using the data from annual reports of SMEs listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China from 2004 to 2006, this study explores both the relationship and the interaction effects between the change of operation performance and the ownership concentration of SMEs around their IPOs. The statistic analysis indicates that there is a significantly positive relationship between the ownership concentration and their operation performance after IPOs during the sample period. Moreover, the companies with higher ownership decreasing encounter more severe operation performance decline, which sugests that the listed companies intend to package their book profits before IPOs for the sake of increasing their issuing prices and enlarge their financing scales

    Game among Interdependent Networks: The Impact of Rationality on System Robustness

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    Many real-world systems are composed of interdependent networks that rely on one another. Such networks are typically designed and operated by different entities, who aim at maximizing their own payoffs. There exists a game among these entities when designing their own networks. In this paper, we study the game investigating how the rational behaviors of entities impact the system robustness. We first introduce a mathematical model to quantify the interacting payoffs among varying entities. Then we study the Nash equilibrium of the game and compare it with the optimal social welfare. We reveal that the cooperation among different entities can be reached to maximize the social welfare in continuous game only when the average degree of each network is constant. Therefore, the huge gap between Nash equilibrium and optimal social welfare generally exists. The rationality of entities makes the system inherently deficient and even renders it extremely vulnerable in some cases. We analyze our model for two concrete systems with continuous strategy space and discrete strategy space, respectively. Furthermore, we uncover some factors (such as weakening coupled strength of interdependent networks, designing suitable topology dependency of the system) that help reduce the gap and the system vulnerability

    Learning Continuous Network Emerging Dynamics from Scarce Observations via Data-Adaptive Stochastic Processes

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    Learning network dynamics from the empirical structure and spatio-temporal observation data is crucial to revealing the interaction mechanisms of complex networks in a wide range of domains. However, most existing methods only aim at learning network dynamic behaviors generated by a specific ordinary differential equation instance, resulting in ineffectiveness for new ones, and generally require dense observations. The observed data, especially from network emerging dynamics, are usually difficult to obtain, which brings trouble to model learning. Therefore, how to learn accurate network dynamics with sparse, irregularly-sampled, partial, and noisy observations remains a fundamental challenge. We introduce Neural ODE Processes for Network Dynamics (NDP4ND), a new class of stochastic processes governed by stochastic data-adaptive network dynamics, to overcome the challenge and learn continuous network dynamics from scarce observations. Intensive experiments conducted on various network dynamics in ecological population evolution, phototaxis movement, brain activity, epidemic spreading, and real-world empirical systems, demonstrate that the proposed method has excellent data adaptability and computational efficiency, and can adapt to unseen network emerging dynamics, producing accurate interpolation and extrapolation with reducing the ratio of required observation data to only about 6\% and improving the learning speed for new dynamics by three orders of magnitude.Comment: preprin

    Embedded Firmware Solutions

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    Computer scienc

    Embedded Firmware Solutions: Development Best Practices for the Internet of Things

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    Embedded Firmware Solutions is the perfect introduction and daily-use field guide--for the thousands of firmware designers, hardware engineers, architects, managers, and developers--to Intel’s new firmware direction (including Quark coverage), showing how to integrate Intel® Architecture designs into their plans. Featuring hands-on examples and exercises using Open Source codebases, like Coreboot and EFI Development Kit (tianocore) and Chromebook, this is the first book that combines a timely and thorough overview of firmware solutions for the rapidly evolving embedded ecosystem with in-depth coverage of requirements and optimization

    A Tensor-Based Framework for Studying Eigenvector Multicentrality in Multilayer Networks

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    Centrality is widely recognized as one of the most critical measures to provide insight in the structure and function of complex networks. While various centrality measures have been proposed for single-layer networks, a general framework for studying centrality in multilayer networks (i.e., multicentrality) is still lacking. In this study, a tensor-based framework is introduced to study eigenvector multicentrality, which enables the quantification of the impact of interlayer influence on multicentrality, providing a systematic way to describe how multicentrality propagates across different layers. This framework can leverage prior knowledge about the interplay among layers to better characterize multicentrality for varying scenarios. Two interesting cases are presented to illustrate how to model multilayer influence by choosing appropriate functions of interlayer influence and design algorithms to calculate eigenvector multicentrality. This framework is applied to analyze several empirical multilayer networks, and the results corroborate that it can quantify the influence among layers and multicentrality of nodes effectively.Comment: 57 pages, 10 figure

    Wireless Transmission of Images With The Assistance of Multi-level Semantic Information

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    Semantic-oriented communication has been considered as a promising to boost the bandwidth efficiency by only transmitting the semantics of the data. In this paper, we propose a multi-level semantic aware communication system for wireless image transmission, named MLSC-image, which is based on the deep learning techniques and trained in an end to end manner. In particular, the proposed model includes a multilevel semantic feature extractor, that extracts both the highlevel semantic information, such as the text semantics and the segmentation semantics, and the low-level semantic information, such as local spatial details of the images. We employ a pretrained image caption to capture the text semantics and a pretrained image segmentation model to obtain the segmentation semantics. These high-level and low-level semantic features are then combined and encoded by a joint semantic and channel encoder into symbols to transmit over the physical channel. The numerical results validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed semantic communication system, especially under the limited bandwidth condition, which indicates the advantages of the high-level semantics in the compression of images
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