5 research outputs found

    European Social Charter and the challenges of the XXI century. La Charte Sociale Europ\ue9enne et les d\ue9fis du XXIe si\ue8cle

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    La Charte sociale et le syst\ue8me de protection des droits sociaux dans les sources europ\ue9ennes; Social rights in our backyard: \u2018Social Europe\u2019 between standardization and economic crisis across the continent; The importance of the European Social Charter in the Italian legal System: in pursuit of a stronger protection of social rights In a normative and Internationally integrated system; The European Court of Human Rights, The protection of social rights, Its relationships with the European Committee of Social Rights; The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Social Rights: Which Role for the European Committee of Social Rights?; Interdependence of the Reporting System and the Collective Complaint Procedure: Indivisibility of Human Rights and Indivisibility of Guarantees; Les syst\ue8mes de contr\uf4le de l\u2019application de la Charte sociale europ\ue9enne: la proc\ue9dure de r\ue9clamations collectives; Overcoming the limits of the European Social Charter In terms of persons protected: The case of third State nationals and irregular migrants; Reconciling social rights and economic freedoms in Europe. A constitutional analysis of the Laval saga (Collective Complaint No. 85/2012); The Decision of the European Committee of Social Rights on the conscientious objection in case of voluntary termination of pregnancy (Collective Complaint No. 87/2012); The protection of the right to health and the procedures for voluntary termination of pregnancy between European Court of Human Rights and European Committee of Social Rights

    A New Revision of the EU Treaties After Lisbon?

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    This chapter assesses the need for a revision of the Treaty of Lisbon. I start out by arguing that a revision should address economic, institutional, and constitutional issues. I then analyse the different revision instruments introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. This will make it possible to understand what procedures may be required to amend the existing Treaties in crucial areas. Finally, I explore the possibility of revisions on a smaller scale, as a means of differential integration