695 research outputs found

    Anisotropic adaptivity for the finite element solutions of three-dimensional convection-dominated problems

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    Convection-dominated problems are typified by the presence of strongly directional features such as shock waves or boundary layers. Resolution of numerical solutions using an isotropic mesh can lead to unnecessary refinement in directions parallel to such features. This is particularly important in three dimensions where the grid size increases rapidly during conventional isotropic refinement procedures. In this work, we investigate the use of adaptive finite element methods using anisotropic mesh refinement strategies for convection-dominated problems. The strategies considered here aim to resolve directional features without excessive resolution in other directions, and hence achieve accurate solutions more efficiently. Two such strategies are described here: the first based on minimization of the least-squares residual; the second based on minimizing a finite element error estimate. These are incorporated into an hr-adaptive finite element method and tested on a simple model problem

    A multilevel approach for obtaining locally optimal finite element meshes

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    In this paper we consider the adaptive finite element solution of a general class of variational problems using a combination of node insertion, node movement and edge swapping. The adaptive strategy that is proposed is based upon the construction of a hierarchy of locally optimal meshes starting with a coarse grid for which the location and connectivity of the nodes is optimized. This grid is then locally refined and the new mesh is optimized in the same manner. Results presented indicate that this approach is able to produce better meshes than those possible by more conventional adaptive strategies and in a relatively efficient manner

    Efficient and accurate time adaptive multigrid simulations of droplet spreading

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    An efficient full approximation storage (FAS) Multigrid algorithm is used to solve a range of droplet spreading flows modelled as a coupled set of non-linear lubrication equations. The algorithm is fully implicit and has embedded within it an adaptive time-stepping scheme that enables the same to be optimized in a controlled manner subject to a specific error tolerance. The method is first validated against a range of analytical and existing numerical predictions commensurate with droplet spreading and then used to simulate a series of new, three-dimensional flows consisting of droplet motion on substrates containing topographic and wetting heterogeneities. The latter are of particular interest and reveal how droplets can be made to spread preferentially on substrates owing to an interplay between different topographic and surface wetting characteristics

    Gravity-driven flow of continuous thin liquid films on non-porous substrates with topography

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    A range of two- and three-dimensional problems is explored featuring the gravity-driven flow of a continuous thin liquid film over a non-porous inclined flat surface containing well-defined topography. These are analysed principally within the framework of the lubrication approximation, where accurate numerical solution of the governing nonlinear equations is achieved using an efficient multigrid solver. Results for flow over one-dimensional steep-sided topographies are shown to be in very good agreement with previously reported data. The accuracy of the lubrication approximation in the context of such topographies is assessed and quantified by comparison with finite element solutions of the full Navier–Stokes equations, and results support the consensus that lubrication theory provides an accurate description of these flows even when its inherent assumptions are not strictly satisfied. The Navier–Stokes solutions also illustrate the effect of inertia on the capillary ridge/trough and the two-dimensional flow structures caused by steep topography. Solutions obtained for flow over localized topography are shown to be in excellent agreement with the recent experimental results of DecrĂ© & Baret (2003) for the motion of thin water films over finite trenches. The spread of the ‘bow wave’, as measured by the positions of spanwise local extrema in free-surface height, is shown to be well-represented both upstream and downstream of the topography by an inverse hyperbolic cosine function. An explanation, in terms of local flow rate, is given for the presence of the ‘downstream surge’ following square trenches, and its evolution as trench aspect ratio is increased is discussed. Unlike the upstream capillary ridge, this feature cannot be completely suppressed by increasing the normal component of gravity. The linearity of free-surface response to topographies is explored by superposition of the free surfaces corresponding to two ‘equal-but-opposite’ topographies. Results confirm the findings of DecrĂ© & Baret (2003) that, under the conditions considered, the responses behave in a near-linear fashion

    Flow of evaporating, gravity-driven thin liquid films over topography

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    The effect of topography on the free surface and solvent concentration profiles of an evaporating thin film of liquid flowing down an inclined plane is considered. The liquid is assumed to be composed of a resin dissolved in a volatile solvent with the associated solvent concentration equation derived on the basis of the well-mixed approximation. The dynamics of the film is formulated as a lubrication approximation and the effect of a composition-dependent viscosity is included in the model. The resulting time-dependent, nonlinear, coupled set of governing equations is solved using a full approximation storage multigrid method. The approach is first validated against a closed-form analytical solution for the case of a gravity-driven, evaporating thin film flowing down a flat substrate. Analysis of the results for a range of topography shapes reveal that although a full-width, spanwise topography such as a step-up or a step-down does not affect the composition of the film, the same is no longer true for the case of localized topography, such as a peak or a trough, for which clear nonuniformities of the solvent concentration profile can be observed in the wake of the topography

    A numerical investigation of the solution of a class of fourth-order eigenvalue problems

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    This paper is concerned with the accurate numerical approximation of the spectral properties of the biharmonic operator on various domains in two dimensions. A number of analytic results concerning the eigenfunctions of this operator are summarized and their implications for numerical approximation are discussed. In particular, the asymptotic behaviour of the first eigenfunction is studied since it is known that this has an unbounded number of oscillations when approaching certain types of corners on domain boundaries. Recent computational results of Bjorstad & Tjostheim, using a highly accurate spectral Legendre-Galerkin method, have demonstrated that a number of these sign changes may be accurately computed on a square domain provided sufficient care is taken with the numerical method. We demonstrate that similar accuracy is also achieved using an unstructured finite-element solver which may be applied to problems on domains with arbitrary geometries. A number of results obtained from this mixed finite-element approach are then presented for a variety of domains. These include a family of circular sector regions, for which the oscillatory behaviour is studied as a function of the internal angle, and another family of (symmetric and non-convex) domains, for which the parity of the least eigenfunction is investigated. The paper not only verifies existing asymptotic theory, but also allows us to make a new conjecture concerning the eigenfunctions of the biharmonic operator

    Scalable parallel generation of partitioned, unstructured meshes

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    In this paper we are concerned with the parallel generation of unstructured meshes for use in the finite element solution of computational dynamics problems on parallel distributed memory computers

    A combined experimental and computational fluid dynamics analysis of the dynamics of drop formation

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    This article presents a complementary experimental and computational investigation of the effect of viscosity and flowrate on the dynamics of drop formation in the dripping mode. In contrast to previous studies, numerical simulations are performed with two popular commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) packages, CFX and FLOW-3D, both of which employ the volume of fluid (VOF) method. Comparison with previously published experimental and computational data and new experimental results reported here highlight the capabilities and limitations of the aforementioned packages

    A Moving-Mesh Finite Element Method and its Application to the Numerical Solution of Phase-Change Problems

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    A distributed Lagrangian moving-mesh finite element method is applied to problems involving changes of phase. The algorithm uses a distributed conservation principle to determine nodal mesh velocities, which are then used to move the nodes. The nodal values are obtained from an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) equation, which represents a generalisation of the original algorithm presented in Applied Numerical Mathematics, 54:450–469 (2005). Having described the details of the generalised algorithm it is validated on two test cases from the original paper and is then applied to one-phase and, for the first time, twophase Stefan problems in one and two space dimensions, paying particular attention to the implementation of the interface boundary conditions. Results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the effectiveness of the method, including comparisons against analytical solutions where available.
