16 research outputs found

    Sediment yype and detection probability.

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    <p>Variation in detection probability (<i>p</i>) between water samples (Blue) and sediment samples (Red) with various sediment types, and study area (LW—Little Wittenham; SLH—Stanford-le-Hope; WIC—Wickford), with 95% confidence intervals. These are based on sample collection in spring and an HSI of 0.65 (a score considered mid-range for great crested newt occupancy). Comparisons with ponds in other seasons are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0191737#pone.0191737.s005" target="_blank">S3 Fig</a>.</p

    The rate of change in eDNA detection probability (<i>p</i>) each day in mesocosms with four sediment types.

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    <p>The rate of change in eDNA detection probability (<i>p</i>) each day in mesocosms with four sediment types.</p

    Seasonal detection probability.

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    <p>Variation in detection probability (<i>p</i>) between water samples (Blue) and sediment samples (Red) across the seasons, in the different study areas (LW—Little Wittenham; SLH—Stanford-le-Hope; WIC—Wickford), with 95% confidence intervals. These results are based on a clay substrate and an HSI of 0.65 (a score considered mid-range for great crested newt occupancy). Comparisons with ponds in other HSI categories are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0191737#pone.0191737.s003" target="_blank">S1 Fig</a>.</p

    Psittacula krameri 74 mtDNA Haplotypes (control region and cyt.b)

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    Mitochondrial haplotypes based on 868bp of control region and cytochrome b, found across the native and invasive range

    Phylogenetic relationships of mtDNA haplotypes in <i>Phelsuma guimbeaui</i>.

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    <p>The Bayesian tree was produced in MRBAYES with subpopulation identity (L1 to L13) shown at the end of each branch. In the parsimony network, the circles represent different haplotypes, with their size proportional to the number of geckos. Open circles represent predicted but missing or unsampled haplotypes.</p

    Pattern of deforestation in Mauritius from 1773 to 1997.

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    <p>The red dots indicate the 10 subpopulations for which both microsatellite and mtDNA analyses were conducted, and the yellow dots the three subpopulations for which only mtDNA analyses were carried out. The blue stars mark subpopulations not sampled and the black region within the purple dotted line on the 1997 map shows the Black River mountains. All subpopulation locations were transposed by 1</p