667 research outputs found

    Estudio palinológico de la tribu Hedysareae DC. en Andalucía Occidental

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    Se ha estudiado a microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido la morfología polínica de 20 especies de la tri bu Hedysareae OC., comprendidas en los géneros : Scorpiurus, Coronilla, Hippocrepis, Orni thopus, Hedysarum y Onobrychis . Todas ellas presentes en Andalucía Occ i dental . Los caracteres polinices apoYan en parte la sistemática establecida para este grupo .In this paper the pollen morphology of 20 spec i es of the tri be Hedysareae DC., present in Western Andalucia belonging to the genera : Scorpiurus , Coronilla, Hippocrepis, Ornithopus, Hedysarum and Onobrychis are studied by means of light and scanning electron rnicroscopy. Several differences of taxonomic importance supporting previous systemat ic works in this genus have been foun

    Estudio palinológico de la tribu Genisteae R. BR. en Andalucía Occidental

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    Se ha estudiado a microscopía óptica y electr óni ca de barrido la morfología polinice de 40 especies presentes en Andalucía Occidental de la tribu Genisteae R. Br. , pertenecientes a los géne ros : Retama, Spartium, Eri nacea , Genista , Teline, Echinospartum, Chamaespartium, Ulex, Stauracanthus, Calicotome, Cytisus , Chronanthus, Adenocarpus, Argyrolobiurn y Lupinus. Los datos obtenidos parecen i ndicar que se trata de una tribu estenopalina , aunque existen algunos indi cios que pueden permitir una segregación de los génerosIn this paper the pollen morphology of 40 species of the tr-i be Genisteae R. Br . , present in Wes t ern Andalucia and belonging to t he genus : Retama, Spartium, Erinacea, Genista, Teline, Echinospartum , Chamaespartium, Ulex, Stauracanthus , Calicotome, Cytisus, Chronantus, Adenocarpus, Argyrolobium and Lupinus are studied by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. According to our observations the tri be appear t o be steno palynous al though sorne genera are separable on pollen characte

    Contribution to the palynological study of the species of Ononis L. (Fabaceae) from western Andalusia

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    The pollen grains of the species of Ononis bccurring in western Andalusia have been studied by light, scanning electrón and transmission electrón microscopy. The results show differences in the morphology of the exine and in the P/E axes ratio. Four pollen types are recognised, one comprising the majority of the Andalusian species the other three each consisting of a single species, these being O. pubescens, O. reuteri and O. speciosa.Se estudian palinológicamente las especies del género Ononis L. presentes en Andalucía occidental, mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica, de barrido y transmisión. Según nuestros resultados hay diferencias en cuanto al tipo de exina y relación de los ejes que separan claramente a O. pubescens, O. reuteri y O. speciosa del resto de las especies estudiadas

    Relaciones dentro de la subfamilia Papilionoideae a la luz de los datos palinológicos

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    En este t rabajo se realiza un análisis numérico de la semejanza pol ínica de 216 especies de Leguminosae de Andalucía Occi de ntal ~ dichas semejanzas se representan según un dendrograma y a partir del cual se comentan l as implicaciones taxonómicas.A numerical anal ysis of similari ty in the pollen morphol ogy of 216 species of Leguminosae from Western Andalucía has be en undertaken. The similari ti es are set aut in a dendrogram and the taxonomic implicat ion of wich are di scusse

    Influence of vehicular traffic on environmental noise spectrum in the tourist route of Santa Marta City

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    Transportation demands large amounts of fuel. In particular, road transport greatly contributes to both criteria air pollutants and noise within cities. The influence of vehicular traffic on the environmental noise spectrum (as an indirect indicator of energy emission) was measured and assessed in the tourist route of Santa Marta along a 12-km road segment where five points were selected (three in the peripheral urban and two in the suburban areas). The number and type of vehicles as well as the noise levels were recorded at thirds of octave twice per day during two different weekdays. The traffic flow was composed of automobiles, with higher values in the peripheral urban area. According to the ANOVA, the noise spectrum indicated that low frequencies both had more energy than those with high frequencies and were influenced by the time of day. Low frequencies were influenced by all type of vehicles during the day, while high frequencies at both day and night, except for trucks (which were influenced in all spectrum). The results agreed with both the high velocities reached and the vehicle distribution. © 201

    Discrete Variational Optimal Control

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    This paper develops numerical methods for optimal control of mechanical systems in the Lagrangian setting. It extends the theory of discrete mechanics to enable the solutions of optimal control problems through the discretization of variational principles. The key point is to solve the optimal control problem as a variational integrator of a specially constructed higher-dimensional system. The developed framework applies to systems on tangent bundles, Lie groups, underactuated and nonholonomic systems with symmetries, and can approximate either smooth or discontinuous control inputs. The resulting methods inherit the preservation properties of variational integrators and result in numerically robust and easily implementable algorithms. Several theoretical and a practical examples, e.g. the control of an underwater vehicle, will illustrate the application of the proposed approach.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    AER Building Blocks for Multi-Layer Multi-Chip Neuromorphic Vision Systems

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    A 5-layer neuromorphic vision processor whose components communicate spike events asychronously using the address-eventrepresentation (AER) is demonstrated. The system includes a retina chip, two convolution chips, a 2D winner-take-all chip, a delay line chip, a learning classifier chip, and a set of PCBs for computer interfacing and address space remappings. The components use a mixture of analog and digital computation and will learn to classify trajectories of a moving object. A complete experimental setup and measurements results are shown.Unión Europea IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C0

    Potential reactivity assessment of mechanically activated kaolin as alternative cement precursor

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    This work aims to assess the potential reactivity of a mechanically activated kaolin for its use as an alternative cement precursor. The mechanical activation was successfully achieved by grinding at different rotation speeds (250, 300, and 350 rpm) and times (60, 90, and 120 min), obtaining a highly amorphous and reactive material. The amorphization was monitored through XRD with amorphous content estimation and FTIR deconvolution. The potential reactivity was evaluated through chemical attacks, obtaining SiO2 and Al2O3 availabilities up to 95 wt% and 93 wt% of total SiO2 and Al2O3 content. XRD and FTIR also allowed the identification of the nonreactive phases on the insoluble residue after chemical attacks. NMR analysis revealed that part of the aluminium was in IV coordination, limiting the reactivity in the alkali activation process. This work demonstrated the effectiveness of mechanical activation as a greener treatment than thermal dehydroxylation to increase the raw kaolin's reactivity

    Organización lateral de monocapas mixtas

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    III Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores y Tecnólogos Andaluce