425 research outputs found

    Estrogens Attenuate Oxidative Stress and the Differentiation and Apoptosis of Osteoblasts by DNA-Binding-Independent Actions of the ERα

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    Estrogens diminish oxidative stress in bone and bone marrow, attenuate the generation of osteoblasts, and decrease the prevalence of mature osteoblast apoptosis. We have searched for the molecular mechanism of these effects using as tools a mouse model bearing an estrogen receptor α (ERα) knock-in mutation that prevents binding to DNA (ERαNERKI/−) and several osteoblast progenitor cell models expressing the wild-type ERα or the ERαNERKI/−. We report that the ability of estrogens to diminish the generation of reactive oxygen species, stimulate the activity of glutathione reductase, and decrease the phosphorylation of p66shc, as well as osteoblastogenesis and osteoblast number and apoptosis, were fully preserved in ERαNERKI/− mice, indicating that the DNA-binding function of the ERα is dispensable for all these effects. Consistent with the attenuation of osteoblastogenesis in this animal model, 17β-estradiol attenuated bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2)–induced gene transcription and osteoblast commitment and differentiation in murine and human osteoblastic cell lines. Moreover, 17β-estradiol attenuated BMP-2-induced differentiation of primary cultures of calvaria- or bone marrow–derived osteoblastic cells from ERαNERKI/− mice as effectively as in cells from wild-type littermates. The inhibitory effect of the hormone on BMP-2 signaling resulted from an ERα-mediated activation of ERKs and the phosphorylation of Smad1 at the linker region of the protein, which leads to proteasomal degradation. These results illustrate that the effects of estrogens on oxidative stress and the birth and death of osteoblasts do not require the binding of ERα to DNA response elements, but instead they result from the activation of cytoplasmic kinases. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Researc

    Control of Bone Mass and Remodeling by PTH Receptor Signaling in Osteocytes

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    Osteocytes, former osteoblasts buried within bone, are thought to orchestrate skeletal adaptation to mechanical stimuli. However, it remains unknown whether hormones control skeletal homeostasis through actions on osteocytes. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates bone remodeling and may cause bone loss or bone gain depending on the balance between bone resorption and formation. Herein, we demonstrate that transgenic mice expressing a constitutively active PTH receptor exclusively in osteocytes exhibit increased bone mass and bone remodeling, as well as reduced expression of the osteocyte-derived Wnt antagonist sclerostin, increased Wnt signaling, increased osteoclast and osteoblast number, and decreased osteoblast apoptosis. Deletion of the Wnt co-receptor LDL related receptor 5 (LRP5) attenuates the high bone mass phenotype but not the increase in bone remodeling induced by the transgene. These findings demonstrate that PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes increases bone mass and the rate of bone remodeling through LRP5-dependent and -independent mechanisms, respectively

    Consequences of Daily Administered Parathyroid Hormone on Myeloma Growth, Bone Disease, and Molecular Profiling of Whole Myelomatous Bone

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    Induction of osteolytic bone lesions in multiple myeloma is caused by an uncoupling of osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation. Current management of myeloma bone disease is limited to the use of antiresorptive agents such as bisphosphonates.We tested the effects of daily administered parathyroid hormone (PTH) on bone disease and myeloma growth, and we investigated molecular mechanisms by analyzing gene expression profiles of unique myeloma cell lines and primary myeloma cells engrafted in SCID-rab and SCID-hu mouse models. PTH resulted in increased bone mineral density of myelomatous bones and reduced tumor burden, which reflected the dependence of primary myeloma cells on the bone marrow microenvironment. Treatment with PTH also increased bone mineral density of uninvolved murine bones in myelomatous hosts and bone mineral density of implanted human bones in nonmyelomatous hosts. In myelomatous bone, PTH markedly increased the number of osteoblasts and bone-formation parameters, and the number of osteoclasts was unaffected or moderately reduced. Pretreatment with PTH before injecting myeloma cells increased bone mineral density of the implanted bone and delayed tumor progression. Human global gene expression profiling of myelomatous bones from SCID-hu mice treated with PTH or saline revealed activation of multiple distinct pathways involved in bone formation and coupling; involvement of Wnt signaling was prominent. Treatment with PTH also downregulated markers typically expressed by osteoclasts and myeloma cells, and altered expression of genes that control oxidative stress and inflammation. PTH receptors were not expressed by myeloma cells, and PTH had no effect on myeloma cell growth in vitro.We conclude that PTH-induced bone formation in myelomatous bones is mediated by activation of multiple signaling pathways involved in osteoblastogenesis and attenuated bone resorption and myeloma growth; mechanisms involve increased osteoblast production of anti-myeloma factors and minimized myeloma induction of inflammatory conditions

    Bone fragility and decline in stem cells in prematurely aging DNA repair deficient trichothiodystrophy mice

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    Trichothiodystrophy (TTD) is a rare, autosomal recessive nucleotide excision repair (NER) disorder caused by mutations in components of the dual functional NER/basal transcription factor TFIIH. TTD mice, carrying a patient-based point mutation in the Xpd gene, strikingly resemble many features of the human syndrome and exhibit signs of premature aging. To examine to which extent TTD mice resemble the normal process of aging, we thoroughly investigated the bone phenotype. Here, we show that female TTD mice exhibit accelerated bone aging from 39 weeks onwards as well as lack of periosteal apposition leading to reduced bone strength. Before 39 weeks have passed, bones of wild-type and TTD mice are identical excluding a developmental defect. Albeit that bone formation is decreased, osteoblasts in TTD mice retain bone-forming capacity as in vivo PTH treatment leads to increased cortical thickness. In vitro bone marrow cell cultures showed that TTD osteoprogenitors retain the capacity to differentiate into osteoblasts. However, after 13 weeks of age TTD females show decreased bone nodule formation. No increase in bone resorption or the number of osteoclasts was detected. In conclusion, TTD mice show premature bone aging, which is preceded by a decrease in mesenchymal stem cells/osteoprogenitors and a change in systemic factors, identifying DNA damage and repair as key determinants for bone fragility by influencing osteogenesis and bone metabolism

    Bone refilling in cortical bone multicellular units: Insights into tetracycline double labelling from a computational model

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    Bone remodelling is carried out by `bone multicellular units' (BMUs) in which active osteoclasts and active osteoblasts are spatially and temporally coupled. The refilling of new bone by osteoblasts towards the back of the BMU occurs at a rate that depends both on the number of osteoblasts and on their secretory activity. In cortical bone, a linear phenomenological relationship between matrix apposition rate (MAR) and BMU cavity radius is found experimentally. How this relationship emerges from the combination of complex, nonlinear regulations of osteoblast number and secretory activity is unknown. Here, we extend our previous mathematical model of cell development within a single BMU to investigate how osteoblast number and osteoblast secretory activity vary along the BMU's closing cone. MARs predicted by the model are compared with data from tetracycline double labelling experiments. We find that the linear phenomenological relationship observed in these experiments between MAR and BMU cavity radius holds for most of the refilling phase simulated by our model, but not near the start and end of refilling. This suggests that at a particular bone site undergoing remodelling, bone formation starts and ends rapidly. Our model also suggests that part of the observed cross-sectional variability in tetracycline data may be due to different bone sites being refilled by BMUs at different stages of their lifetime. The different stages of a BMU's lifetime depend on whether the cell populations within the BMU are still developing or have reached a quasi-steady state while travelling through bone. We find that due to their longer lifespan, active osteoblasts reach a quasi-steady distribution more slowly than active osteoclasts. We suggest that this fact may locally enlarge the Haversian canal diameter (due to a local lack of osteoblasts compared to osteoclasts) near the BMU's point of origin.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. V3: minor changes: added 2 paragraphs (BMU cavity in Section 2 and Model Robustness in Section 4), references [52,54

    Generation of Novel Bone Forming Cells (Monoosteophils) from the Cathelicidin-Derived Peptide LL-37 Treated Monocytes

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    Bone generation and maintenance involve osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes which originate from unique precursors and rely on key growth factors for differentiation. However, an incomplete understanding of bone forming cells during wound healing has led to an unfilled clinical need such as nonunion of bone fractures. Since circulating monocytes are often recruited to sites of injury and may differentiate into various cell types including osteoclasts, we investigated the possibility that circulating monocytes in the context of tissue injury may also contribute to bone repair. In particular, we hypothesized that LL-37 (produced from hCAP-18, cathelicidin), which recruits circulating monocytes during injury, may play a role in bone repair.Treatment of monocytes from blood with LL-37 for 6 days resulted in their differentiation to large adherent cells. Growth of LL-37-differentiated monocytes on osteologic discs reveals bone-like nodule formation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In vivo transplantation studies in NOD/SCID mice show that LL-37-differentiated monocytes form bone-like structures similar to endochondral bone formation. Importantly, LL-37-differentiated monocytes are distinct from conventional monocyte-derived osteoclasts, macrophages, and dendritic cells and do not express markers of the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) lineage, distinguishing them from the conventional precursors of osteoblasts. Furthermore, LL-37 differentiated monocytes express intracellular proteins of both the osteoblast and osteoclast lineage including osteocalcin (OC), osteonectin (ON), bone sialoprotein II (BSP II), osteopontin (OP), RANK, RANKL, MMP-9, tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and cathepsin K (CK).Blood derived monocytes treated with LL-37 can be differentiated into a novel bone forming cell that functions both in vitro and in vivo. We propose the name monoosteophil to indicate their monocyte derived lineage and their bone forming phenotype. These cells may have wide ranging implications in the clinic including repair of broken bones and treatment of osteoporosis

    Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells from young donors delays aging in mice

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    Increasing evidence suggests that the loss of functional stem cells may be important in the aging process. Our experiments were originally aimed at testing the idea that, in the specific case of age-related osteoporosis, declining function of osteogenic precursor cells might be at least partially responsible. To test this, aging female mice were transplanted with mesenchymal stem cells from aged or young male donors. We find that transplantation of young mesenchymal stem cells significantly slows the loss of bone density and, surprisingly, prolongs the life span of old mice. These observations lend further support to the idea that age-related diminution of stem cell number or function may play a critical role in age-related loss of bone density in aging animals and may be one determinant of overall longevity