26 research outputs found

    Secular Instabilities of Keplerian Stellar Discs

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    We present idealized models of a razor-thin, axisymmetric, Keplerian stellar disc around a massive black hole, and study non-axisymmetric secular instabilities in the absence of either counter-rotation or loss cones. These discs are prograde mono-energetic waterbags, whose phase space distribution functions are constant for orbits within a range of eccentricities (e) and zero outside this range. The linear normal modes of waterbags are composed of sinusoidal disturbances of the edges of distribution function in phase space. Waterbags which include circular orbits (polarcaps) have one stable linear normal mode for each azimuthal wavenumber m. The m = 1 mode always has positive pattern speed and, for polarcaps consisting of orbits with e < 0.9428, only the m = 1 mode has positive pattern speed. Waterbags excluding circular orbits (bands) have two linear normal modes for each m, which can be stable or unstable. We derive analytical expressions for the instability condition, pattern speeds, growth rates and normal mode structure. Narrow bands are unstable to modes with a wide range in m. Numerical simulations confirm linear theory and follow the non-linear evolution of instabilities. Long-time integration suggests that instabilities of different m grow, interact non-linearly and relax collisionlessly to a coarse-grained equilibrium with a wide range of eccentricities.Comment: Manuscript accepted for publication in MNRA

    An order-disorder phase transition in black-hole star clusters

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    The centers of most galaxies contain massive black holes surrounded by dense star clusters. The structure of these clusters determines the rate and properties of observable transient events, such as flares from tidally disrupted stars and gravitational-wave signals from stars spiraling into the black hole. Most estimates of these rates enforce spherical symmetry on the cluster. Here we show that, in the course of generic evolutionary processes, a star cluster surrounding a black hole can undergo a robust phase transition from a spherical thermal equilibrium to a lopsided equilibrium, in which most stars are on high-eccentricity orbits with aligned orientations. The rate of transient events is expected to be much higher in the ordered phase. Better models of cluster formation and evolution are needed to determine whether clusters should be found in the ordered or disordered phase.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Caustics in Dark Matter Haloes

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    Caustics are formally singular structures, with infinite density, that form in collisionless media. The non-negligible velocity dispersion of dark matter particles renders their density finite. We evaluate the maximum density of the caustics within the framework of secondary infall model of formation of dark matter haloes. The result is then used to demonstrate that caustics can be probed by properly stacking the weak-lensing signal of about 600 haloes. CFHTLS accompanied by X-ray observations and the space-based experiments like SNAP or DUNE can provide us with the required statistics and hence a way of distinguishing between the viable dark matter particle candidates. The extension of our results to more realistic models including the effects of mergers of haloes is briefly outlined.Comment: Minor changes, two references added, 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proc. 21st IAP Colloquium "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures", Paris 4-9 July 2005, [EAS Publications Series, eds: G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort