13,356 research outputs found

    Shear-induced rigidity of frictional particles: Analysis of emergent order in stress space

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    Solids are distinguished from fluids by their ability to resist shear. In traditional solids, the resistance to shear is associated with the emergence of broken translational symmetry as exhibited by a non-uniform density pattern, which results from either minimizing the energy cost or maximizing the entropy or both. In this work, we focus on a class of systems, where this paradigm is challenged. We show that shear-driven jamming in dry granular materials is a collective process controlled solely by the constraints of mechanical equilibrium. We argue that these constraints lead to a broken translational symmetry in a dual space that encodes the statistics of contact forces and the topology of the contact network. The shear-jamming transition is marked by the appearance of this broken symmetry. We extend our earlier work, by comparing and contrasting real space measures of rheology with those obtained from the dual space. We investigate the structure and behavior of the dual space as the system evolves through the rigidity transition in two different shear protocols. We analyze the robustness of the shear-jamming scenario with respect to protocol and packing fraction, and demonstrate that it is possible to define a protocol-independent order parameter in this dual space, which signals the onset of rigidity.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    Single-particle machine for quantum thermalization

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    The long time accumulation of the \textit{random} actions of a single particle "reservoir" on its coupled system can transfer some temperature information of its initial state to the coupled system. This dynamic process can be referred to as a quantum thermalization in the sense that the coupled system can reach a stable thermal equilibrium with a temperature equal to that of the reservoir. We illustrate this idea based on the usual micromaser model, in which a series of initially prepared two-level atoms randomly pass through an electromagnetic cavity. It is found that, when the randomly injected atoms are initially prepared in a thermal equilibrium state with a given temperature, the cavity field will reach a thermal equilibrium state with the same temperature as that of the injected atoms. As in two limit cases, the cavity field can be cooled and "coherently heated" as a maser process, respectively, when the injected atoms are initially prepared in ground and excited states. Especially, when the atoms in equilibrium are driven to possess some coherence, the cavity field may reach a higher temperature in comparison with the injected atoms. We also point out a possible experimental test for our theoretical prediction based on a superconducting circuit QED system.Comment: 9 pages,4 figures

    Reynolds Pressure and Relaxation in a Sheared Granular System

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    We describe experiments that probe the evolution of shear jammed states, occurring for packing fractions ϕSϕϕJ\phi_S \leq \phi \leq \phi_J, for frictional granular disks, where above ϕJ\phi_J there are no stress-free static states. We use a novel shear apparatus that avoids the formation of inhomogeneities known as shear bands. This fixed ϕ\phi system exhibits coupling between the shear strain, γ\gamma, and the pressure, PP, which we characterize by the `Reynolds pressure', and a `Reynolds coefficient', R(ϕ)=(2P/γ2)/2R(\phi) = (\partial ^2 P/\partial \gamma ^2)/2. RR depends only on ϕ\phi, and diverges as R(ϕcϕ)αR \sim (\phi_c - \phi)^{\alpha}, where ϕcϕJ\phi_c \simeq \phi_J, and α3.3\alpha \simeq -3.3. Under cyclic shear, this system evolves logarithmically slowly towards limit cycle dynamics, which we characterize in terms of pressure relaxation at cycle nn: ΔPβln(n/n0)\Delta P \simeq -\beta \ln(n/n_0). β\beta depends only on the shear cycle amplitude, suggesting an activated process where β\beta plays a temperature-like role.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    "Virus hunting" using radial distance weighted discrimination

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    Motivated by the challenge of using DNA-seq data to identify viruses in human blood samples, we propose a novel classification algorithm called "Radial Distance Weighted Discrimination" (or Radial DWD). This classifier is designed for binary classification, assuming one class is surrounded by the other class in very diverse radial directions, which is seen to be typical for our virus detection data. This separation of the 2 classes in multiple radial directions naturally motivates the development of Radial DWD. While classical machine learning methods such as the Support Vector Machine and linear Distance Weighted Discrimination can sometimes give reasonable answers for a given data set, their generalizability is severely compromised because of the linear separating boundary. Radial DWD addresses this challenge by using a more appropriate (in this particular case) spherical separating boundary. Simulations show that for appropriate radial contexts, this gives much better generalizability than linear methods, and also much better than conventional kernel based (nonlinear) Support Vector Machines, because the latter methods essentially use much of the information in the data for determining the shape of the separating boundary. The effectiveness of Radial DWD is demonstrated for real virus detection.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS869 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Fine structure of charge-exchange spin-dipole excitations in 16^{16}O

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    The charge-exchange spin-dipole (SD) excitations for both (p,n)(p,n) and (n,p)(n,p) channels in 16^{16}O are investigated in the fully self-consistent random phase approximation based on the covariant density functional theory. The fine structure of SD excitations in the most up-to-date 16^{16}O(p,n\vec p, \vec n)16^{16}F experiment is excellently reproduced without any readjustment in the functional. The characteristics of SD excitations are understood with the delicate balance between the σ\sigma- and ω\omega-meson fields via the exchange terms. The fine structure of SD excitations for 16^{16}O(n,pn,p)16^{16}N channel is predicted for future experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Low-complexity RLS algorithms using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations

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    In this paper, we derive low-complexity recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive filtering algorithms. We express the RLS problem in terms of auxiliary normal equations with respect to increments of the filter weights and apply this approach to the exponentially weighted and sliding window cases to derive new RLS techniques. For solving the auxiliary equations, line search methods are used. We first consider conjugate gradient iterations with a complexity of O(N-2) operations per sample; N being the number of the filter weights. To reduce the complexity and make the algorithms more suitable for finite precision implementation, we propose a new dichotomous coordinate descent (DCD) algorithm and apply it to the auxiliary equations. This results in a transversal RLS adaptive filter with complexity as low as 3N multiplications per sample, which is only slightly higher than the complexity of the least mean squares (LMS) algorithm (2N multiplications). Simulations are used to compare the performance of the proposed algorithms against the classical RLS and known advanced adaptive algorithms. Fixed-point FPGA implementation of the proposed DCD-based RLS algorithm is also discussed and results of such implementation are presented

    Detection of the large scale alignment of massive galaxies at z~0.6

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    We report on the detection of the alignment between galaxies and large-scale structure at z~0.6 based on the CMASS galaxy sample from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey data release 9. We use two statistics to quantify the alignment signal: 1) the alignment two-point correlation function which probes the dependence of galaxy clustering at a given separation in redshift space on the projected angle (theta_p) between the orientation of galaxies and the line connecting to other galaxies, and 2) the cos(2theta)-statistic which estimates the average of cos(2theta_p) for all correlated pairs at given separation. We find significant alignment signal out to about 70 Mpc/h in both statistics. Applications of the same statistics to dark matter halos of mass above 10^12 M_sun/h in a large cosmological simulation show similar scale-dependent alignment signals to the observation, but with higher amplitudes at all scales probed. We show that this discrepancy may be partially explained by a misalignment angle between central galaxies and their host halos, though detailed modeling is needed in order to better understand the link between the orientations of galaxies and host halos. In addition, we find systematic trends of the alignment statistics with the stellar mass of the CMASS galaxies, in the sense that more massive galaxies are more strongly aligned with the large-scale structure.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Rich-club connectivity dominates assortativity and transitivity of complex networks

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    Rich-club, assortativity and clustering coefficients are frequently-used measures to estimate topological properties of complex networks. Here we find that the connectivity among a very small portion of the richest nodes can dominate the assortativity and clustering coefficients of a large network, which reveals that the rich-club connectivity is leveraged throughout the network. Our study suggests that more attention should be payed to the organization pattern of rich nodes, for the structure of a complex system as a whole is determined by the associations between the most influential individuals. Moreover, by manipulating the connectivity pattern in a very small rich-club, it is sufficient to produce a network with desired assortativity or transitivity. Conversely, our findings offer a simple explanation for the observed assortativity and transitivity in many real world networks --- such biases can be explained by the connectivities among the richest nodes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.