77 research outputs found

    Identification of exosome-like nanoparticle-derived microRNAs from 11 edible fruits and vegetables

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    Edible plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticles (EPDELNs) are novel naturally occurring plant ultrastructures that are structurally similar to exosomes. Many EPDELNs have anti-inflammatory properties. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a critical role in mediating physiological and pathological processes in animals and plants. Although miRNAs can be selectively encapsulated in extracellular vesicles, little is known about their expression and function in EPDELNs. In this study, we isolated nanovesicles from 11 edible fruits and vegetables and subjected the corresponding EPDELN small RNA libraries to Illumina sequencing. We identified a total of 418 miRNAs—32 to 127 per species—from the 11 EPDELN samples. Target prediction and functional analyses revealed that highly expressed miRNAs were closely associated with the inflammatory response and cancer-related pathways. The 418 miRNAs could be divided into three classes according to their EPDELN distributions: 26 “frequent” miRNAs (FMs), 39 “moderately present” miRNAs (MPMs), and 353 “rare” miRNAs (RMs). FMs were represented by fewer miRNA species than RMs but had a significantly higher cumulative expression level. Taken together, our in vitro results indicate that miRNAs in EPDELNs have the potential to regulate human mRNA

    Transcriptome Analyses Reveal Adult Metabolic Syndrome With Intrauterine Growth Restriction in Pig Models

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    Epidemiological data have indicated that intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) is a risk factor for the adult metabolic syndrome in pigs. However, the causative genetic mechanism leading to the phenotype in adulthood has not been well characterized. In the present study, both normal and IUGR adult pigs were used as models to survey the differences in global gene expression in livers through transcriptome sequencing. The transcriptome libraries generated 104.54 gb of data. In normal and IUGR pigs, 16,948 and 17,078 genes were expressed, respectively. A total of 1,322 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified. Enrichment analysis of the DEGs revealed that the top overrepresented gene ontology (GO) terms and pathways were related to oxidoreductase activity, ATPase activity, amino catabolic process, glucose metabolism, and insulin signaling pathway. The increased gluconeogenesis (GNG) and decreased glycogen synthesis in the liver contributed to the glucose intolerance observed in IUGR. The reduced expression of insulin signaling genes (such as PI3K and AKT) indicated an elevated risk of diabetes in adulthood. Together, these findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms of adult IUGR pigs and valuable information for future studies of therapeutic intervention in IUGR metabolic syndrome

    An atlas of DNA methylomes in porcine adipose and muscle tissues

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    It is evident that epigenetic factors, especially DNA methylation, have essential roles in obesity development. Here, using pig as a model, we investigate the systematic association between DNA methylation and obesity. We sample eight variant adipose and two distinct skeletal muscle tissues from three pig breeds living within comparable environments but displaying distinct fat level. We generate 1,381 Gb of sequence data from 180 methylated DNA immunoprecipitation libraries, and provide a genome-wide DNA methylation map as well as a gene expression map for adipose and muscle studies. The analysis shows global similarity and difference among breeds, sexes and anatomic locations, and identifies the differentially methylated regions. The differentially methylated regions in promoters are highly associated with obesity development via expression repression of both known obesity-related genes and novel genes. This comprehensive map provides a solid basis for exploring epigenetic mechanisms of adipose deposition and muscle growth

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 23/08/2017Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat absolvování odborné praxe ve firmě HS Interactive s.r.o. Praxe byla zaměřena na vývoj mobilní aplikace pro operační systém Android. Aplikace je mobilním klientem pro sociální síť MatchToMe. V úvodu popisuji důvody, které vedly k výběru odborné praxe. Dále se věnuji úkolům, které mi byly zadány s jejich implementací a postupem řešení problémů, které se objevily při vývoji. Závěr práce je věnován zhodnocení získaných zkušeností a dosažených výsledků.Purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe a professional practice in company HS Interactive s.r.o. Practice was focused on the development of mobile application for the operating system Android. The application is a mobile client for social network MatchToMe. In the introduction I describe reasons that led to the selection of professional practice. Then I describe tasks that I have been awarded with their implementations and process of solution issues that have emerged during development. The conclusion of thesis is dedicated to the evaluation of the experience gained and the results achieved.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    The miRNA Transcriptome Directly Reflects the Physiological and Biochemical Differences between Red, White, and Intermediate Muscle Fiber Types

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that can regulate their target genes at the post-transcriptional level. Skeletal muscle comprises different fiber types that can be broadly classified as red, intermediate, and white. Recently, a set of miRNAs was found expressed in a fiber type-specific manner in red and white fiber types. However, an in-depth analysis of the miRNA transcriptome differences between all three fiber types has not been undertaken. Herein, we collected 15 porcine skeletal muscles from different anatomical locations, which were then clearly divided into red, white, and intermediate fiber type based on the ratios of myosin heavy chain isoforms. We further illustrated that three muscles, which typically represented each muscle fiber type (i.e., red: peroneal longus (PL), intermediate: psoas major muscle (PMM), white: longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM)), have distinct metabolic patterns of mitochondrial and glycolytic enzyme levels. Furthermore, we constructed small RNA libraries for PL, PMM, and LDM using a deep sequencing approach. Results showed that the differentially expressed miRNAs were mainly enriched in PL and played a vital role in myogenesis and energy metabolism. Overall, this comprehensive analysis will contribute to a better understanding of the miRNA regulatory mechanism that achieves the phenotypic diversity of skeletal muscles

    A comparison of the initial uncertainty budget and an estimate of the posterior uncertainties, in the case of large batches of calibration data: The LHC thermometers at CERN

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    The paper will describe the techniques that have been used to perform the comparison on large batches of cryogenic semiconductor-type thermometers, calibrated for the CERN LHC and the main results obtained: they concern either the uncertainty of the CernoxTM thermometers under calibration and the behaviour of the standards used during the calibrations

    Identification of differences in microRNA transcriptomes between porcine oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a type of non-coding small RNA ~22 nucleotides in length that regulate the expression of protein coding genes at the post-transcriptional level. Glycolytic and oxidative myofibers, the two main types of skeletal muscles, play important roles in metabolic health as well as in meat quality and production in the pig industry. Previous expression profile studies of different skeletal muscle types have focused on these aspects of mRNA and proteins; nonetheless, an explanation of the miRNA transcriptome differences between these two distinct muscles types is long overdue. RESULTS: Herein, we present a comprehensive analysis of miRNA expression profiling between the porcine longissimus doris muscle (LDM) and psoas major muscle (PMM) using a deep sequencing approach. We generated a total of 16.62 M (LDM) and 18.46 M (PMM) counts, which produced 15.22 M and 17.52 M mappable sequences, respectively, and identified 114 conserved miRNAs and 89 novel miRNA*s. Of 668 unique miRNAs, 349 (52.25%) were co-expressed, of which 173 showed significant differences (P < 0.01) between the two muscle types. Muscle-specific miR-1-3p showed high expression levels in both libraries (LDM, 32.01%; PMM, 20.15%), and miRNAs that potentially affect metabolic pathways (such as the miR-133 and -23) showed significant differences between the two libraries, indicating that the two skeletal muscle types shared mainly muscle-specific miRNAs but expressed at distinct levels according to their metabolic needs. In addition, an analysis of the Gene Ontology (GO) terms and KEGG pathway associated with the predicted target genes of the differentially expressed miRNAs revealed that the target protein coding genes of highly expressed miRNAs are mainly involved in skeletal muscle structural development, regeneration, cell cycle progression, and the regulation of cell motility. CONCLUSION: Our study indicates that miRNAs play essential roles in the phenotypic variations observed in different muscle fiber types