99 research outputs found


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    Compressed sensing (CS), as a signal processing technique, is often used to acquire and reconstruct a sparse signal. It can decrease the difficulty of acquiring signal while increase the difficulty of reconstructing the signal. Recently, block-based intra-prediction algorithms are widely used to further increase the compression ratio of images by using the information of neighboring blocks to predict the current block. However, it is hard to increase the speed by parallel processing due to the dependency among the blocks. Meanwhile, the reconstruction of compressed sensing images is time consuming. A reconstruction algorithm using Zigzag ordering-based parallelism is proposed in this paper to solve these problems. Besides, based on the feature of the chosen sensing matrix, a new method with higher efficiency for choosing the first candidate list in the reconstruction procedure was presented in this paper. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm speedups the baseline algorithm for 3.26 to 7.13 times. And the quality of the reconstructed images is not changed. Thus, it is a promising solution for fast reconstruction of compressed images

    Dynamic V2X Autonomous Perception from Road-to-Vehicle Vision

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    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) perception is an innovative technology that enhances vehicle perception accuracy, thereby elevating the security and reliability of autonomous systems. However, existing V2X perception methods focus on static scenes from mainly vehicle-based vision, which is constrained by sensor capabilities and communication loads. To adapt V2X perception models to dynamic scenes, we propose to build V2X perception from road-to-vehicle vision and present Adaptive Road-to-Vehicle Perception (AR2VP) method. In AR2VP,we leverage roadside units to offer stable, wide-range sensing capabilities and serve as communication hubs. AR2VP is devised to tackle both intra-scene and inter-scene changes. For the former, we construct a dynamic perception representing module, which efficiently integrates vehicle perceptions, enabling vehicles to capture a more comprehensive range of dynamic factors within the scene.Moreover, we introduce a road-to-vehicle perception compensating module, aimed at preserving the maximized roadside unit perception information in the presence of intra-scene changes.For inter-scene changes, we implement an experience replay mechanism leveraging the roadside unit's storage capacity to retain a subset of historical scene data, maintaining model robustness in response to inter-scene shifts. We conduct perception experiment on 3D object detection and segmentation, and the results show that AR2VP excels in both performance-bandwidth trade-offs and adaptability within dynamic environments

    Changes in residents' hygiene awareness and behaviors in public toilets before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hangzhou, China: a two-round cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Hygiene behaviors in public toilets are important to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, especially during the pandemic. All through the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, governments in many countries published guidance on personal hygiene for the general population to prevent disease transmission. This study aimed to investigate improvements in residents' hygiene awareness and behaviors in public toilets before and during the pandemic. METHODS: We recruited 316 residents between November and December 2018 before the pandemic, and 314 residents between December 2020 and January 2021 during the pandemic in the same study sites in Hangzhou, a well-developed city in China. Residents' hygiene behaviors in public toilets, hygiene awareness, risk perception, and sociodemographic factors were collected. Bivariate analysis and multivariable logistic regressions were used to test the differences between the two rounds. We conducted an observational study to record the provision of hygiene amenities at toilets during the pandemic. RESULTS: After controlling for sociodemographic factors (gender, marital status, age, education level, and monthly household income), compared with respondents recruited before the pandemic, respondents recruited during the pandemic were more likely to perceive the risks of infection when using public toilets (aOR = 1.77, 95%CI [1.20, 2.60]), and were more likely to be aware of the risks of touching contaminated toilet facilities (aOR = 1.72, 95%CI [1.17, 2.54]) and the risks of not using soap to wash one's hands after using the toilet (aOR = 1.93, 95%CI [1.38, 2.72]). They were more likely to always clean their toilet seat with alcohol (aOR = 1.88, 95%CI [1.01, 3.51]), wash hands with soap (aOR = 1.52, 95%CI [1.09, 2.10]) and dry their hands with a dryer (aOR = 1.78, 95%CI [1.16, 2.71]), but they were less likely to always wash their hands after using the toilets (aOR = 0.57, 95%CI [0.32, 1.00]). Among 70 public toilets observed, 9 provided alcohol for toilet seat disinfection, 52 provided soap, 33 provided paper towels, and 41 had working hand dryers. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the overall improvement, residents' hygiene behaviors in public toilets and the supply of hygiene amenities were still suboptimal during the pandemic. Further hygiene education and an adequate supply of hygiene amenities in public toilets are needed to promote residents' hygiene behaviors

    Semidiscrete optical vortex droplets in quasi-phase-matched photonic crystals

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    A new scheme for producing semidiscrete self-trapped vortices (\textquotedblleft swirling photon droplets\textquotedblright ) in photonic crystals with competing quadratic (χ(2)\chi ^{(2)}) and self-defocusing cubic (χ(3)\chi ^{(3)}) nonlinearities is proposed. The photonic crystal is designed with a striped structure, in the form of spatially periodic modulation of the χ(2)\chi ^{(2)} susceptibility, which is imposed by the quasi-phase-matching technique. Unlike previous realizations of semidiscrete optical modes in composite media, built as combinations of continuous and arrayed discrete waveguides, the semidiscrete vortex droplets are produced here in the fully continuous medium. This work reveals that the system supports two types of semidiscrete vortex droplets, \textit{viz}., onsite- and intersite-centered ones, which feature, respectively, odd and even numbers of stripes, N\mathcal{N}. Stability areas for the states with different values of N\mathcal{N} are identified in the system's parameter space. Some stability areas overlap with each others, giving rise to multistability of states with different N\mathcal{N}. The coexisting states are mutually degenerate, featuring equal values of the Hamiltonian and propagation constant. An experimental scheme to realize the droplets is outlined, suggesting new possibilities for the long-distance transmission of structured light carrying orbital angular momentum in nonlinear media.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, and 82 reference

    Parental self-medication with antibiotics for children promotes antibiotic over-prescribing in clinical settings in China.

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    BACKGROUND: Self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) is one of the most dangerous inappropriate antibiotic use behaviors. This study aims to investigate the impact of parental SMA for children before a consultation on their doctor's subsequent antibiotic prescribing behavior, including intravenous (IV) antibiotic use in the clinical setting of China. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between June 2017 and April 2018 in three provinces of China. A total of 9526 parents with children aged 0-13 years were investigated. Data from 1275 parents who had self-medicated their children and then visited a doctor in the past month were extracted and analyzed. RESULTS: One-third (410) of the studied children had parental SMA before the consultation and 83.9% of them were subsequently prescribed antibiotics by doctors. Children with parental SMA were more likely to be prescribed antibiotics (aOR = 7.79, 95% CI [5.74-10.58]), including IV antibiotics (aOR = 3.05, 95% CI [2.27-4.11]), and both oral and IV antibiotics (aOR = 3.42, 95% CI [2.42-4.84]), than children without parental SMA. Parents with SMA behaviors were more likely to request antibiotics (aOR = 4.05, 95% CI [2.59-6.31]) including IV antibiotics (aOR = 2.58, 95% CI [1.40-4.76]), and be fulfilled by doctors (aOR = 3.22, 95% CI [1.20-8.63]). CONCLUSIONS: Tailored health education for parents is required in both community and clinical settings to discourage parental SMA for children. The doctors should not prescribe unnecessary antibiotics to reinforce parents' SMA behaviors. We recommend expanding the current IV antibiotics ban in outpatient settings of China to cover outpatient pediatrics

    Risk communication on behavioral responses during COVID-19 among general population in China: A rapid national study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the risk perception and behavioral responses among Chinese adults and to assess the associations of risk communication, risk perception, and behavioral adherence during the COVID-19 epidemic. METHODS: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted in 31 provinces in China with a total number of 5039 effective questionnaires collected. The questionnaire included sociodemographic characteristics, COVID-19 risk communication factors, mask and soap supply, and engagement in preventive behaviors during the epidemic. Multivariable Logistic regression was used. RESULTS: An overwhelmingly high prevalence of Chinese people was exposed to COVID-19 related risk communication messages (86.5%) and an overwhelming majority of respondents reported engagement in preventive behaviors (88.3%). Exposed to risk communication messages were positively associated with engaging in preventive behaviors, whereas, believing in misinformation were negatively associated with wearing masks when in public (p < 0.01). Respondents encountered an inadequate supplies of personal protection materials were negatively associated with their outdoor hygiene behaviors. People who were male, in an older age group, minorities, with lower education, with lower income, and lived in rural area showed lower exposures to risk communication messages. CONCLUSIONS: Future risk communication practices are recommended to better monitor population risk perceptions and pay attention to socio-demographically disadvantaged people

    Mental health and substance use in urban left-behind children in China: A growing problem

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    Children left behind by their migrant parents in urban and rural areas represent two vulnerable but distinct populations that have emerged due to the large-scale population migrations that occur within China. In 2015, there were an estimated 28 million urban left-behind children and around 41 million rural left-behind children. The purpose of this study was to examine the mental health status and substance use behaviors of urban left-behind children and urban children still living with their parents in comparison to rural left-behind children. This study also sought to investigate how parent-adolescent communication and children's resilience may moderate or exacerbate mental health status and/or substance use across children experiencing different forms of parental migration and hukou status (household registration system), using cross-sectional data from a school-based questionnaire survey with a sample of 4565 children living in both urban and rural counties of Anhui province. Regression model results suggest that, compared to urban children who lived with both parents, urban children who were currently left-behind appeared to exhibit higher mental health difficulties (emotional symptoms and total difficulties) and more substance use (smoking and drinking). Urban left-behind children were also found to experience more mental health problems and substance use than rural left-behind children. Our results indicated that both parent-adolescent communication and resilience were strongly associated with children's mental health and substance use outcomes. These findings have significance for the creation and tailoring of interventions directed at urban left-behind children

    チュウゴクジン ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ト ニホンゴ ボゴ ワシャ ノ セッショク バメン ニ オケル ワダイ テンカン 1 ユウジン カンケイ ノ モト デ チュウゴクジン ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ニ ヨル ワダイ テンカン ニ チャクモク シテ

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    本研究は友人関係の接触場面において中国人日本語学習者と日本語母語話者との会話の中で中国人日本語学習者による話題転換について考察したものである。話題の内容と会話の内容との関連性及び会話参加者の相互行為といった二つの視点から、中国人日本語学習者が話題転換をするときのパターンを明らかしたい。The aim of this paper is to specify differences in the way of topic shifting by Chinese participants with Japanese participants in the Japanese contact situation. The data consist of three 20-minute spontaneous Japanese conversations recorded in Japan. The analysis focused upon topic shifting patterns and topic shifting strategies.The results show that about topic shifting patterns, I cannot see the topic shifting patterns as been written. Chinese participants tend to make the topic change into the thing they always familiar to

    HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1 represses cholesterol efflux during CD4+ T cell activation in Sjögren’s syndrome

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    Introduction: Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by exocrine gland dysfunction, leading to loss of salivary function. Histological analysis of salivary glands from SS patients reveals a high infiltration of immune cells, particularly activated CD4+ T cells. Thus, interventions targeting abnormal activation of CD4+ T cells may provide promising therapeutic strategies for SS. Here, we demonstrate that Hect, uba, and wwe domain containing 1 (HUWE1), a member of the eukaryotic Hect E3 ubiquitin ligase family, plays a critical role in CD4+ T-cell activation and SS pathophysiology.Methods: In the context of HUWE1 inhibition, we investigated the impact of the HUWE1 inhibitor BI8626 and sh-Huwe1 on CD4+ T cells in mice, focusing on the assessment of activation levels, proliferation capacity, and cholesterol abundance. Furthermore, we examined the therapeutic potential of BI8626 in NOD/ShiLtj mice and evaluated its efficacy as a treatment strategy.Results: Inhibition of HUWE1 reduces ABCA1 ubiquitination and promotes cholesterol efflux, decreasing intracellular cholesterol and reducing the expression of phosphorylated ZAP-70, CD25, and other activation markers, culminating in the suppressed proliferation of CD4+ T cells. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of HUWE1 significantly reduces CD4+ T-cell infiltration in the submandibular glands and improves salivary flow rate in NOD/ShiLtj mice.Conclusion: These findings suggest that HUWE1 may regulate CD4+ T-cell activation and SS development by modulating ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux and presents a promising target for SS treatment

    Fermentation improves flavors, bioactive substances, and antioxidant capacity of Bian-Que Triple-Bean Soup by lactic acid bacteria

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    The ancient traditional Chinese drink Bian-Que Triple-Bean Soup made by fermentation (FTBS) of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis YM313 and Lacticaseibacillus casei YQ336 is a potential functional drink. The effect of fermentation on the flavor and biological activity of FTBS was evaluated by analyzing its chemical composition. Five volatile flavors were detected in modified FTBS. Fermentation decreased the proportion of nonanal (beany flavor substances) but significantly increased the total flavone contents, phenol contents and many bioactive small molecule substances in FTBS. The changes of these substances led to the significant improvement of FTBS sensory evaluation, antioxidant activity and prebiotic potential. This research provides a theoretical basis for the application of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the fermentation of edible plant-based foods and transformation from traditional food to industrial production