255 research outputs found

    Efficient Core-selecting Incentive Mechanism for Data Sharing in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning is a distributed machine learning system that uses participants' data to train an improved global model. In federated learning, participants cooperatively train a global model, and they will receive the global model and payments. Rational participants try to maximize their individual utility, and they will not input their high-quality data truthfully unless they are provided with satisfactory payments based on their data quality. Furthermore, federated learning benefits from the cooperative contributions of participants. Accordingly, how to establish an incentive mechanism that both incentivizes inputting data truthfully and promotes stable cooperation has become an important issue to consider. In this paper, we introduce a data sharing game model for federated learning and employ game-theoretic approaches to design a core-selecting incentive mechanism by utilizing a popular concept in cooperative games, the core. In federated learning, the core can be empty, resulting in the core-selecting mechanism becoming infeasible. To address this, our core-selecting mechanism employs a relaxation method and simultaneously minimizes the benefits of inputting false data for all participants. However, this mechanism is computationally expensive because it requires aggregating exponential models for all possible coalitions, which is infeasible in federated learning. To address this, we propose an efficient core-selecting mechanism based on sampling approximation that only aggregates models on sampled coalitions to approximate the exact result. Extensive experiments verify that the efficient core-selecting mechanism can incentivize inputting high-quality data and stable cooperation, while it reduces computational overhead compared to the core-selecting mechanism

    Efficient Frequency Domain-based Transformers for High-Quality Image Deblurring

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    We present an effective and efficient method that explores the properties of Transformers in the frequency domain for high-quality image deblurring. Our method is motivated by the convolution theorem that the correlation or convolution of two signals in the spatial domain is equivalent to an element-wise product of them in the frequency domain. This inspires us to develop an efficient frequency domain-based self-attention solver (FSAS) to estimate the scaled dot-product attention by an element-wise product operation instead of the matrix multiplication in the spatial domain. In addition, we note that simply using the naive feed-forward network (FFN) in Transformers does not generate good deblurred results. To overcome this problem, we propose a simple yet effective discriminative frequency domain-based FFN (DFFN), where we introduce a gated mechanism in the FFN based on the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression algorithm to discriminatively determine which low- and high-frequency information of the features should be preserved for latent clear image restoration. We formulate the proposed FSAS and DFFN into an asymmetrical network based on an encoder and decoder architecture, where the FSAS is only used in the decoder module for better image deblurring. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/kkkls/FFTformer}.Comment: Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/kkkls/FFTformer

    Facial expression cloning optimization method based Laplace operator.

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    In view of the reality of facial expression cloning and efficiency of expression reconstruction, a novel method based on motion capture data is proposed. After capturing the data of six fundamental expressions, it normalizes these data to make them in the same range. Then 41 points are chosen in critical areas of facial expression and it gets cloning expression using Laplace deformation algorithm with convex weight which can preserve the details of facial expression to avoid the low fidelity of uniform weights and unstable calculation of cotangent weights. Experimental results show that this method can generate realistic and natural expression animations and the efficiency of facial expression cloning is improved significantly

    The relationship between childhood trauma and Internet gaming disorder among college students: A structural equation model

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    open access journalBackground The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and the associated interaction effects of childhood trauma, depression and anxiety in college students. Methods Participants were enrolled full-time as freshmen at a University in the Hunan province, China. All participants reported their socio-demographic characteristics and undertook a standardized assessment on childhood trauma, anxiety, depression and IGD. The effect of childhood trauma on university students' internet gaming behaviour mediated by anxiety and depression was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) using R 3.6.1. Results In total, 922 freshmen participated in the study, with an approximately even male-to-female ratio. A mediation model with anxiety and depression as the mediators between childhood trauma and internet gaming behaviour allowing anxiety and depression to be correlated was tested using SEM. The SEM analysis revealed that a standardised total effect of childhood trauma on Internet gaming was 0.18, (Z = 5.60, 95% CI [0.02, 0.05], P < 0.001), with the direct effects of childhood trauma on Internet gaming being 0.11 (Z = 3.41, 95% CI [0.01, 0.03], P = 0.001), and the indirect effects being 0.02 (Z = 2.32, 95% CI [0.00, 0.01], P = 0.020) in the pathway of childhood trauma-depression-internet gaming; and 0.05 (Z = 3.67, 95% CI [0.00, 0.02], P < 0.001) in the pathway of childhood trauma-anxiety-Internet gaming. In addition, the two mediators anxiety and depression were significantly correlated (r = 0.50, Z = 13.54, 95% CI [3.50, 5.05], P < 0.001). Conclusions The study revealed that childhood trauma had a significant impact on adolescents' Internet gaming behaviours among college students. Anxiety and depression both significantly mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and internet gaming and augmented its negative influence. Discussion of the need to understand the subtypes of childhood traumatic experience in relationship to addictive behaviours is included

    Identification of PTPN22 as a potential genetic biomarker for abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a severe life-threatening disease that is generally asymptomatic and is diagnosed at a very late stage. The genetic component underpinning AAA is considerable, with an estimated heritability of up to 70%. Therefore, identifying genetic biomarkers for AAA is valuable for predicting high-risk populations. We used integrative bioinformatics and cellular AAA model-based validation to reveal that the gene encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) may be a potentially useful diagnostic biomarker for AAA. Integrative bioinformatics analyses of clinical specimens showed that PTPN22 expression was consistently upregulated in aortic tissues and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived from patients with AAA. Moreover, transcriptomics data revealed that PTPN22 is a potential biomarker for AAA with limited diagnostic value in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm/dissection. Single-cell RNA sequencing-based findings further highlight PTPN22 expression in aortic immune cells and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is consistently upregulated in patients with AAA. A cellular AAA model was eventually employed to verify the increase in PTPN22 expression. Collectively, the results indicate that PTPN22 could be a potentially useful diagnostic biomarker for AAA

    Leucine Regulates Zoosporic Germination and Infection by Phytophthora erythroseptica

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    Pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica) of potato is a major concern in many potato production regions. The pathogen produces zoospores that serve as a primary inoculum for infection. To understand how the pink rot incidence is related to pathogen population, qualitative, and quantitative chemical analyses were conducted. It was demonstrated that P. erythroseptica zoospores required a minimal population of 103 zoospores/ml (threshold) for initiating germination and the subsequent infection; the percentage of zoosporic germination was positively correlated with the density of zoospores above the threshold. To elucidate the density-dependent behavior, zoospore exudate (ZE) was extracted from high-density (105/ml) zoospore suspension. Zoosporic inocula of P. erythroseptica at different concentrations were inoculated on potato tubers. Necrotic lesions were caused by inoculum with 100 zoospores per inoculation site; 5 zoospores per site did not cause lesions on the tuber. However, five zoospores did cause lesions when they were placed in ZE, suggesting ZE contained chemical compounds that regulate germination of zoospores. ZE was collected and analyzed using liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy (LC-MS). Results showed that the amino acid leucine was associated with zoosporic germination. Therefore, zoosporic germination and infection of P. erythroseptica were mediated by signaling molecules secreted from zoospores

    Origination, Expansion, Evolutionary Trajectory, and Expression Bias of AP2/ERF Superfamily in Brassica napus

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    The AP2/ERF superfamily, one of the most important transcription factor families, plays crucial roles in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. So far, a comprehensive evolutionary inference of its origination and expansion has not been available. Here, we identified 515 AP2/ERF genes in B. napus, a neo-tetraploid forming ~7500 years ago, and found that 82.14% of them were duplicated in the tetraploidization. A prominent subgenome bias was revealed in gene expression, tissue-specific, and gene conversion. Moreover, a large-scale analysis across plants and alga suggested that this superfamily could have been originated from AP2 family, expanding to form other families (ERF, and RAV). This process was accompanied by duplicating and/or alternative deleting AP2 domain, intragenic domain sequence conversion, and/or by acquiring other domains, resulting in copy number variations, alternatively contributing to functional innovation. We found that significant positive selection occurred at certain critical nodes during the evolution of land plants, possibly responding to changing environment. In conclusion, the present research revealed origination, functional innovation, and evolutionary trajectory of the AP2/ERF superfamily, contributing to understanding their roles in plant stress tolerance

    Millennial-scale variations in sedimentary oxygenation in the western subtropical North Pacific and its links to North Atlantic climate

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    The deep-ocean carbon cycle, especially carbon sequestration and outgassing, is one of the mechanisms to explain variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations on millennial and orbital timescales. However, the potential role of subtropical North Pacific subsurface waters in modulating atmospheric CO2 levels on millennial timescales is poorly constrained. An increase in the respired CO2 concentration in the glacial deep-ocean due to biological pump generally corresponds to deoxygenation in the ocean interior. This link thus offers a chance to study oceanic ventilation and coeval export productivity based on redox-controlled sedimentary geochemical parameters. Here, we investigate a suite of geochemical proxies in a sediment core from the Okinawa Trough to understand sedimentary oxygenation variations in the subtropical North Pacific over the last 50 000 years (50 ka). Our results suggest that enhanced mid-depth western subtropical North Pacific (WSTNP) sedimentary oxygenation occurred during cold intervals and after 8.5 ka, while oxygenation decreased during the Bölling-Alleröd (B/A) and Preboreal. The enhanced oxygenation during cold spells is linked to the North Pacific IntermediateWater (NPIW), while interglacial increase after 8.5 ka is linked to an intensification of the Kuroshio Current due to strengthened northeast tradewinds over the tropics. The enhanced formation of the NPIW during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) was likely driven by the perturbation of sea ice formation and sea surface salinity oscillations in the high-latitude North Pacific. The diminished sedimentary oxygenation during the B/A due to a decreased NPIW formation and enhanced export production, indicates an expansion of the oxygen minimum zone in the North Pacific and enhanced CO2 sequestration at mid-depth waters, along with the termination of atmospheric CO2 concentration increase. We attribute the millennial-scale changes to an intensified NPIW and enhanced abyss flushing during deglacial cold and warm intervals, respectively, closely related to variations in North Atlantic Deep Water formation
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