173 research outputs found

    Wildfire Alters Spatial Patterns of Available Soil Nitrogen and Understory Environments in a Valley Boreal Larch Forest

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    Wildfire, a primary natural disturbance in many forests, affects soil nutrient availability and spatial distributions of forest plants. However, post-fire changes in soil nutrients and spatial patterns of understory environments at fine scales are poorly understood. Here, we characterized spatial patterns of soil nitrogen availability and site characteristics at a 3-year-post-fire and an unburned site in a valley boreal larch forest. We also examined the relationship between soil nitrogen availability and site characteristics. The results showed that the burned site had higher NO3− and lower NH4+ than the control. The herb, litter and coarse wood debris cover was greater at the burned site than at the control site with higher soil pH, depth of the organic horizon (DOH) and shrub cover. Relative variability (coefficient of variation) in soil nitrogen and site characteristic variables at the control site was greater than at the burned site except for shrub and regeneration tree seedling cover. Spatial structure (quantified by semi-variograms) was lacking for soil nitrogen and site characteristic variables except for DOH, herb and shrub cover at the control site, but wildfire created a strong spatial structure for all variables. Shorter spatial autocorrelation ranges of soil nitrogen (1.6–3.5 m) and site characteristic variables (2.6–6.0 m) were detected at the burned site, indicating higher heterogeneity. The spatial scale of soil NH4+ was congruent with those of herb, shrub and regeneration tree seedling cover, indicating local coupling, while that of soil NO3− was not. The number of correlations between soil nitrogen and site characteristic variables in the burned site was greater than in the control. These results indicate that fire could not only create higher heterogeneity patches of soil resources, but also strengthen the local coupling between soil resources and understory vegetation, which may impact the establishment and growth of new individual plants

    BEVStereo++: Accurate Depth Estimation in Multi-view 3D Object Detection via Dynamic Temporal Stereo

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    Bounded by the inherent ambiguity of depth perception, contemporary multi-view 3D object detection methods fall into the performance bottleneck. Intuitively, leveraging temporal multi-view stereo (MVS) technology is the natural knowledge for tackling this ambiguity. However, traditional attempts of MVS has two limitations when applying to 3D object detection scenes: 1) The affinity measurement among all views suffers expensive computational cost; 2) It is difficult to deal with outdoor scenarios where objects are often mobile. To this end, we propose BEVStereo++: by introducing a dynamic temporal stereo strategy, BEVStereo++ is able to cut down the harm that is brought by introducing temporal stereo when dealing with those two scenarios. Going one step further, we apply Motion Compensation Module and long sequence Frame Fusion to BEVStereo++, which shows further performance boosting and error reduction. Without bells and whistles, BEVStereo++ achieves state-of-the-art(SOTA) on both Waymo and nuScenes dataset

    Disruption of both ROCK1 and ROCK2 genes in cardiomyocytes promotes autophagy and reduces cardiac fibrosis during aging

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    In this study, we investigated the pathophysiological impact of Rho-associated coiled-coil–containing protein kinase (ROCK)1 and ROCK2 double deletion vs. single deletion on cardiac remodeling. Utilizing a cardiomyocyte-specific and tamoxifen-inducible MerCreMer recombinase (MCM), 3 mouse lines (MCM/ROCK1fl/fl/ROCK2fl/fl, MCM/ROCK1fl/fl, and MCM/ROCK2fl/fl) were generated. As early as 5 d after inducible deletion, the double ROCK knockout hearts exhibited reduced phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK), supporting a role for ROCK activity in regulating the nonsarcomeric cytoskeleton. Moreover, the autophagy marker microtubule-associated proteins 1A-1B light chain 3B was increased in the double ROCK knockout, and these early molecular features persisted throughout aging. Mechanistically, the double ROCK knockout promoted age-associated or starvation-induced autophagy concomitant with reduced protein kinase B (AKT), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), Unc-51–like kinase signaling, and cardiac fibrosis. In contrast, ROCK2 knockout hearts showed increased phosphorylated (p)-MLC and p-FAK levels, which were mostly attributable to a compensatory ROCK1 overactivation. Autophagy was inhibited at the baseline accompanying increased mTOR activity, leading to increased cardiac fibrosis in the ROCK2 knockout hearts. Finally, the loss of ROCK1 had no significant effect on p-MLC and p-FAK levels, mTOR signaling, or autophagy at baseline. In summary, deletions of ROCK isoforms in cardiomyocytes have different, even opposite, effects on endogenous ROCK activity and the MLC/FAK/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, which is involved in autophagy and fibrosis of the heart

    ROCK2 inhibition enhances the thermogenic program in white and brown fat tissue in mice

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    The RhoA/ROCK-mediated actin cytoskeleton dynamics have been implicated in adipogenesis. The two ROCK isoforms, ROCK1 and ROCK2, are highly homologous. The contribution of ROCK2 to adipogenesis in vivo has not been elucidated. The present study aimed at the in vivo and in vitro roles of ROCK2 in the regulation of adipogenesis and the development of obesity. We performed molecular, histological and metabolic analyses in ROCK2+/− and ROCK2+/KD mouse models, the latter harboring an allele with a kinase-dead (KD) mutation. Both ROCK2+/− and ROCK2+/KD mouse models showed a lean body mass phenotype during aging, associated with increased amounts of beige cells in subcutaneous white adipose tissue (sWAT) and increased thermogenic gene expression in all fat depots. ROCK2+/− mice on a high-fat diet showed increased energy expenditure accompanying by reduced obesity, and improved insulin sensitivity. In vitro differentiated ROCK2+/− stromal-vascular (SV) cells revealed increased beige adipogenesis associated with increased thermogenic gene expressions. Treatment with a selective ROCK2 inhibitor, KD025, to inhibit ROCK2 activity in differentiated SV cells reproduced the pro-beige phenotype of ROCK2+/− SV cells. In conclusion, ROCK2 activity-mediated actin cytoskeleton dynamics contribute to the inhibition of beige adipogenesis in WAT, and also promotes age-related and diet-induced fat mass gain and insulin resistance

    Regulatory detection of edge engineering structures in unloading zones based on parallel perception

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    The primary challenge encountered by unmanned technology during the unloading phase in open-pit mines is safety hazards, particularly concerning the stability and normative detection of engineering structures at the edges of unloading area. To tackle this issue, a point cloud model analysis algorithm, driven by parallel perception theory and named AC-VIT, is proposed for the real-time and stable detection of the stability and normativity of engineering structures at the edges of open-pit coal mine unloading areas. Initially, three-dimensional point cloud data are captured using unmanned dump trucks equipped with rearward LiDAR scanning. These data are then processed through grid averaging methods, statistical filtering, and mapping to discrete grid models. Preliminary terrain marking is conducted via height field gradient feature extraction, in conjunction with the improved AC-VIT neural network for normative recognition and classification. The AC-VIT model, leveraging parallel computation solely based on a self-attention mechanism and multi-level attention mechanisms, effectively captures long-distance dependencies. Furthermore, a parallel simulation environment for the unloading area is established based on the actual production environment of the Haerwusu open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia, within a simulated artificial scene environment, to gather a vast array of diverse artificial scene data. Utilizing this data, in conjunction with actual scene data, the algorithm undergoes a parallel execution to design and perform parallel perception computing experiments, facilitating the effective training of the detection algorithm and scientific evaluation. Experimental outcomes demonstrate that the AC-VIT algorithm, underpinned by parallel perception theory, attains an accuracy rate of 98%, surpassing the accuracy and efficiency of traditional neural network models. The successful deployment of the AC-VIT algorithm not only elevates the intelligence level in open-pit mine unloading operations, but also furnishes robust technical support for the safety detection of other analogous engineering structures. The algorithm introduced herein presents a more efficient, safe, and intelligent approach for the detection of engineering structures at unloading area edges, bearing significant relevance for achieving high-performance, high-reliability, and high-automation in open-pit mine operations

    Ternary solid-ferrofluid-liquid magnetorheological fluids

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    A new kind of magnetorheological fluid is proposed that exhibits both enhanced magnetorheological effect and kinetic stability against sedimentation. It includes the presence of small amounts of an emulsified aqueous ferrofluid as a third phase in a conventional oil-based magnetorheological fluid prepared by the dispersion of carbonyl iron microparticles.This work was supported by MINECO MAT 2016-78778-R and PCIN-2015-051 projects (Spain), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the Junta de Andalucía P11-FQM-7074 project (Spain). J J Yang acknowledges the Chinese State Scholarship Fund. J R Morillas acknowledges the FPU14/01576 fellowship

    Inhibition of A/Human/Hubei/3/2005 (H3N2) influenza virus infection by silver nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo

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    AbstractSilver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted much attention as antimicrobial agents and have demonstrated efficient inhibitory activity against various viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and Tacaribe virus. In this study, we investigated if AgNPs could have antiviral and preventive effects in A/Human/Hubei/3/2005 (H3N2) influenza virus infection. Madin-Darby canine kidney cells infected with AgNP-treated H3N2 influenza virus showed better viability (P,0.05 versus influenza virus control) and no obvious cytopathic effects compared with an influenza virus control group and a group treated with the solvent used for preparation of the AgNPs. Hemagglutination assay indicated that AgNPs could significantly inhibit growth of the influenza virus in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (P,0.01 versus the influenza virus control). AgNPs significantly reduced cell apoptosis induced by H3N2 influenza virus at three different treatment pathways (P,0.05 versus influenza virus control). H3N2 influenza viruses treated with AgNPs were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and found to interact with each other, resulting in destruction of morphologic viral structures in a time-dependent manner in a time range of 30 minutes to 2 hours. In addition, intranasal AgNP administration in mice significantly enhanced survival after infection with the H3N2 influenza virus. Mice treated with AgNPs showed lower lung viral titer levels and minor pathologic lesions in lung tissue, and had a marked survival benefit during secondary intranasal passage in vivo. These results provide evidence that AgNPs have beneficial effects in preventing H3N2 influenza virus infection both in vitro and in vivo, and demonstrate that AgNPs can be used as potential therapeutics for inhibiting outbreaks of influenza.<br /

    Rnd3/RhoE Modulates HIF1α/VEGF Signaling by Stabilizing HIF1α and Regulates Responsive Cardiac Angiogenesis

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    The insufficiency of compensatory angiogenesis in the heart of patients with hypertension contributes to heart failure transition. The hypoxia-inducible factor 1α-vascular endothelial growth factor (HIF1α-VEGF) signaling cascade controls responsive angiogenesis. One of the challenges in reprograming the insufficient angiogenesis is to achieve a sustainable tissue exposure to the proangiogenic factors, such as HIF1α stabilization. In this study, we identified Rnd3, a small Rho GTPase, as a proangiogenic factor participating in the regulation of the HIF1α-VEGF signaling cascade. Rnd3 physically interacted with and stabilized HIF1α, and consequently promoted VEGFA expression and endothelial cell tube formation. To demonstrate this proangiogenic role of Rnd3 in vivo, we generated Rnd3 knockout mice. Rnd3 haploinsufficient (Rnd3(+/-)) mice were viable, yet developed dilated cardiomyopathy with heart failure after transverse aortic constriction stress. The poststress Rnd3(+/-) hearts showed significantly impaired angiogenesis and decreased HIF1α and VEGFA expression. The angiogenesis defect and heart failure phenotype were partially rescued by cobalt chloride treatment, a HIF1α stabilizer, confirming a critical role of Rnd3 in stress-responsive angiogenesis. Furthermore, we generated Rnd3 transgenic mice and demonstrated that Rnd3 overexpression in heart had a cardioprotective effect through reserved cardiac function and preserved responsive angiogenesis after pressure overload. Finally, we assessed the expression levels of Rnd3 in the human heart and detected significant downregulation of Rnd3 in patients with end-stage heart failure. We concluded that Rnd3 acted as a novel proangiogenic factor involved in cardiac responsive angiogenesis through HIF1α-VEGFA signaling promotion. Rnd3 downregulation observed in patients with heart failure may explain the insufficient compensatory angiogenesis involved in the transition to heart failure

    DreamLLM: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Creation

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    This paper presents DreamLLM, a learning framework that first achieves versatile Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) empowered with frequently overlooked synergy between multimodal comprehension and creation. DreamLLM operates on two fundamental principles. The first focuses on the generative modeling of both language and image posteriors by direct sampling in the raw multimodal space. This approach circumvents the limitations and information loss inherent to external feature extractors like CLIP, and a more thorough multimodal understanding is obtained. Second, DreamLLM fosters the generation of raw, interleaved documents, modeling both text and image contents, along with unstructured layouts. This allows DreamLLM to learn all conditional, marginal, and joint multimodal distributions effectively. As a result, DreamLLM is the first MLLM capable of generating free-form interleaved content. Comprehensive experiments highlight DreamLLM's superior performance as a zero-shot multimodal generalist, reaping from the enhanced learning synergy.Comment: see project page at https://dreamllm.github.io
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