32 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Text Style Transfer with Deep Generative Models

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    We present a general framework for unsupervised text style transfer with deep generative models. The framework models each sentence-label pair in the non-parallel corpus as partially observed from a complete quadruplet which additionally contains two latent codes representing the content and style, respectively. These codes are learned by exploiting dependencies inside the observed data. Then a sentence is transferred by manipulating them. Our framework is able to unify previous embedding and prototype methods as two special forms. It also provides a principled perspective to explain previously proposed techniques in the field such as aligned encoder and adversarial training. We further conduct experiments on three benchmarks. Both automatic and human evaluation results show that our methods achieve better or competitive results compared to several strong baselines

    Interpreting Sentiment Composition with Latent Semantic Tree

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    As the key to sentiment analysis, sentiment composition considers the classification of a constituent via classifications of its contained sub-constituents and rules operated on them. Such compositionality has been widely studied previously in the form of hierarchical trees including untagged and sentiment ones, which are intrinsically suboptimal in our view. To address this, we propose semantic tree, a new tree form capable of interpreting the sentiment composition in a principled way. Semantic tree is a derivation of a context-free grammar (CFG) describing the specific composition rules on difference semantic roles, which is designed carefully following previous linguistic conclusions. However, semantic tree is a latent variable since there is no its annotation in regular datasets. Thus, in our method, it is marginalized out via inside algorithm and learned to optimize the classification performance. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our method not only achieves better or competitive results compared to baselines in the setting of regular and domain adaptation classification, and also generates plausible tree explanations.Comment: Findings of ACL202

    Using microneedle array electrodes for non-invasive electrophysiological signal acquisition and sensory feedback evoking

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    Introduction: Bidirectional transmission of information is needed to realize a closed-loop human-machine interaction (HMI), where electrophysiological signals are recorded for man-machine control and electrical stimulations are used for machine-man feedback. As a neural interface (NI) connecting man and machine, electrodes play an important role in HMI and their characteristics are critical for information transmission.Methods: In this work, we fabricated a kind of microneedle array electrodes (MAEs) by using a magnetization-induced self-assembly method, where microneedles with a length of 500–600 μm and a tip diameter of ∼20 μm were constructed on flexible substrates. Part of the needle length could penetrate through the subjects’ stratum corneum and reach the epidermis, but not touch the dermis, establishing a safe and direct communication pathway between external electrical circuit and internal peripheral nervous system.Results: The MAEs showed significantly lower and more stable electrode-skin interface impedance than the metal-based flat array electrodes (FAEs) in various testing scenarios, demonstrating their promising impedance characteristics. With the stable microneedle structure, MAEs exhibited an average SNR of EMG that is more than 30% higher than FAEs, and a motion-intention classification accuracy that is 10% higher than FAEs. The successful sensation evoking demonstrated the feasibility of the MAE-based electrical stimulation for sensory feedback, where a variety of natural and intuitive feelings were generated in the subjects and thereafter objectively verified through EEG analysis.Discussion: This work confirms the application potential of MAEs working as an effective NI, in both electrophysiological recording and electrical stimulation, which may provide a technique support for the development of HMI

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping project : key results

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    Funding: Y.S. acknowledges support from NSF grants AST-1715579 and AST-2009947. C.J.G. acknowledges support from NSF grants AST-2009949 and AST-2108667. J.I.L. is supported by the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Schmidt Futures program. Y.H. was supported as an Eberly Research Fellow by the Eberly College of Science at the Pennsylvania State University. J.R.T. acknowledges support from NSF grants CAREER-1945546, AST-2009539, and AST-2108668. W.N.B. acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-2106990 and the Eberly Endowment at Penn State. L.C.H. was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11991052, 12011540375, 12233001) and the China Manned Space Project (CMS-CSST-2021-A04, CMS-CSST-2021-A06). C.T. acknowledges Tsinghua University for the support to her work.We present the final data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Reverberation Mapping (RM) project, a precursor to the SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper RM program. This data set includes 11 yr photometric and 7 yr spectroscopic light curves for 849 broad-line quasars over a redshift range of 0.1 < z < 4.5 and a luminosity range of Lbol = 1044−47.5 erg s−1, along with spectral and variability measurements. We report 23, 81, 125, and 110 RM lags (relative to optical continuum variability) for broad Hα, Hβ, Mg ii, and C iv using the SDSS-RM sample, spanning much of the luminosity and redshift ranges of the sample. Using 30 low-redshift RM active galactic nuclei with dynamical-modeling black hole masses, we derive a new estimate of the average virial factor of ⟨logf⟩ = 0.62±0.07 for the line dispersion measured from the rms spectrum. The intrinsic scatter of individual virial factors is 0.31 ± 0.07 dex, indicating a factor of 2 systematic uncertainty in RM black hole masses. Our lag measurements reveal significant R–L relations for Hβ and Mg ii at high redshift, consistent with the latest measurements based on heterogeneous samples. While we are unable to robustly constrain the slope of the R–L relation for C iv given the limited dynamic range in luminosity, we found substantially larger scatter in C iv lags at fixed L1350. Using the SDSS-RM lag sample, we derive improved single-epoch (SE) mass recipes for Hβ, Mg ii, and C iv, which are consistent with their respective RM masses as well as between the SE recipes from two different lines, over the luminosity range probed by our sample. The new Hβ and Mg ii recipes are approximately unbiased estimators at given RM masses, but there are systematic biases in the C iv recipe. The intrinsic scatter of SE masses around RM masses is ∼0.45 dex for Hβ and Mg ii, increasing to ∼0.58 dex for C iv.Peer reviewe

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals &lt;1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Evidence for an Outer Component in the Continuum Reverberation Mapping of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Continuum reverberation mapping is widely used in studying the accretion disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Some indirect evidence and simulations have indicated that the diffuse continuum, especially the strong Balmer continuum from the broad-line region, may contribute to the continuum in the u / U band. Here, we present direct evidence for this contribution. In this work, we apply the ICCF-Cut method to continuum reverberation mapping to extract the possible diffuse continuum light curves of six AGNs, using high-cadence, high-quality, and multiband observations. We find the existence of an outer component out of the accretion disk for each of the six AGNs in the Swift U band. Meanwhile, similar results can be derived with the JAVELIN Photometric Reverberation Mapping Model for four of them. The lags of the outer components are consistent with the predicted Balmer continuum lags, which are about half of the H β lag values. Our result directly reinforces the understanding that an outer component, especially the Balmer continuum in the rest-frame u / U band, can contribute significantly to the continuum reverberation lags of AGNs

    Overviews of Internet of Things Applications in China&rsquo;s Hospitality Industry

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    During the current post-epidemic period, hygiene requirements and health needs in the hospitality industry keep increasing, and consumers become more concerned about the cleanliness of hotels and have stronger demands for contactless services in hotels. The growth and popularity of IoT technology in China make it more accessible to a wider range of service industries and provides the basis for the application of IoT in the hospitality industry. The application of IoT devices in hotels mainly includes intelligent robots, intelligent guest control, systems, etc., which helps to realize contactless services in hotels. This research reviews the entire development cycle of the application of IoT in the hospitality industry, from the founding, development, and expansion of companies to their IPO and post-IPO maturity. From a perspective combined with IoT technology, we can cope with the changing industry models, business models, and operation modes in the hospitality industry more efficiently. The development of IoT in hotels will move towards humanization and service-orientation. Through the role of human&ndash;machine linkage and the reasonable management of IoT equipment, IoT technology can reasonably promote the efficiency of manual work, while injecting &ldquo;warmth&rdquo; and &ldquo;quality&rdquo; into IoT equipment

    A Low-Power, Fast-Transient Output-Capacitorless LDO with Transient Enhancement Unit and Current Booster

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    With the wide application of advanced portable devices, output-capacitorless low dropout regulators (OCL-LDO) are receiving increasing attention. This paper presents a low quiescent current OCL-LDO with fast transient response. A transient enhancement unit (TEU) is proposed as the output voltage-spike detection circuit. It enhances the transient response by improving the slew-rate at the gate of the power transistor. In addition, a current booster (CB), which consists of a current subtractor and a non-linear current mirror, is designed to improve the slew-rate further. The current subtractor increases the transconductances of the differential-input transistors to obtain a large slewing current, while the non-linear current mirror further boosts the current with no extra quiescent current consumption. The simulated results show that the proposed OCL-LDO is capable of supplying 100 mA load current while consuming 10.3 μA quiescent current. It regulates the output at 1 V from a supply voltage ranging from 1.2 to 1.8 V. When the load current is stepped from 1 mA to 100 mA in 100 ns, the OCL-LDO has attained a settling time of 190 ns, and the output voltage undershoot and overshoot are controlled under 110 mV