2,606 research outputs found

    Implementation and effect of daily review method in management of cardiovascular surgical intensive care unit

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    目的  探讨日点评分析法对心血管重症监护室内病人护理质量的提高及对护士日常工作规范的重要性。方法  每日医护书面晨交班后,利用30min时间,由护士长主持,首先,根据医护晨交班的内容对于监护室内的病人基本病情请每位责任护士对自己所管的病人病情进行描述,责任组长补充,尤其对现存或潜在的护理问题重点指出。其次,根据病人的诊断、手术后的护理重点、现存或潜在的护理问题并结合国内外护理动态向当天值班的护士讲解。最后,根据病人术后恢复情况及病情向责任护士交待每位病人应观察的重点;向监护室的行政组长交待督导的重点、存在的安全隐患等。结果  医护满意度、 患者满意度、核心护理质量指标与去年同期相比均有较大幅度的提高。压疮、意外拔管、坠床等不良事件发生率均为零。结论  日点评分析法启用以来调动了护士的积极性。对于一些理论知识欠缺或临床经验较少的护士是一个很好的学习机会。使护士能够有重点的观察处理病人。并对当天的工作有非常周密的安排。Objective: To explore the effect of daily review method on normalization of nurses’ daily work as well as the improvement of the quality of nursing in the cardiovascular intensive patients at ICU. Methods: The head nurse hosts the daily review, to fully use of 30 minutes, after handover of medical records in the morning. First of all, every nurse is required to describe the basic conditions of the patients in ICU according to the contents of medical records, the leader added, especially for existing or potential problems. Second, explain patient’s diagnosis, the key points of nursing after operation, the existing or potential nursing problems combined with the domestic and international nursing trends to the nurse on duty. Finally, teach the nurse in charge the priority during observation according to the patient’s postoperative recovery and the condition of the patient, and explain to the chief executive of ICU about the focus of monitor, the existence of security risks. Results: Health care satisfaction, patient satisfaction, core quality of care and quality indicators were significantly improved compared with the previous year. The incidence of adverse events such as pressure ulcer, accidental extubation and falling bed were all zero. Conclusion: Daily review analysis method could mobilize the enthusiasm of nurses, provides a good learning opportunity for nurses with a lack of theoretical knowledge and clinical experience. It enables nurses to mask focused observation and treatment of patients. And it facilitates a very thorough arrangement of the nurses.

    An adaptive multilevel indexing method for disaster service discovery

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    With the globe facing various scales of natural disasters then and there, disaster recovery is one among the hottest research areas and the rescue and recovery services can be highly benefitted with the advancements of information and communications technology (ICT). Enhanced rescue effect can be achieved through the dynamic networking of people, systems and procedures. A seamless integration of these elements along with the service-oriented systems can satisfy the mission objectives with the maximum effect. In disaster management systems, services from multiple sources are usually integrated and composed into a usable format in order to effectively drive the decision-making process. Therefore, a novel service indexing method is required to effectively discover desirable services from the large-scale disaster service repositories, comprising a huge number of services. With this in mind, this paper presents a novel multilevel indexing algorithm based on the equivalence theory in order to achieve effective service discovery in large-scale disaster service repositories. The performance and efficiency of the proposed model have been evaluated by both theoretical analysis and practical experiments. The experimental results proved that the proposed algorithm is more efficient for service discovery and composition than existing inverted index methods

    Cavity QED treatment of scattering-induced efficient free-space excitation and collection in high-Q whispering-gallery microcavities

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    Whispering-gallery microcavity laser possesses ultralow threshold, whereas convenient free-space optical excitation and collection suffer from low efficiencies due to its rotational symmetry. Here we analytically study a three-dimensional microsphere coupled to a nano-sized scatterer in the framework of quantum optics. It is found that the scatterer is capable of coupling light in and out of the whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) without seriously degrading their high-Q properties, while the microsphere itself plays the role of a lens to focus the input beam on the scatterer and vice versa. Our analytical results show that (1) the high-Q WGMs can be excited in free space, and (2) over 50% of the microcavity laser emission can be collected within less than 1{1}^{\circ}. This coupling system holds great potential for low threshold microlasers free of external couplers.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Tensor coupling effects on spin symmetry in anti-Lambda spectrum of hypernuclei

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    The effects of ΛˉΛˉω\bar\Lambda\bar\Lambda\omega-tensor coupling on the spin symmetry of Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} spectra in Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}-nucleus systems have been studied with the relativistic mean-field theory. Taking 12^{12}C+Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} as an example, it is found that the tensor coupling enlarges the spin-orbit splittings of Λˉ\bar\Lambda by an order of magnitude although its effects on the wave functions of Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} are negligible. Similar conclusions has been observed in Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}-nucleus of different mass regions, including 16^{16}O+Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}, 40^{40}Ca+Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} and 208^{208}Pb+Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}. It indicates that the spin symmetry in anti-lambda-nucleus systems is still good irrespective of the tensor coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures


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    This article through to the TCM faction of Longjiang in geography, climate, etc, the analysis of the ancient and modern, combined with traditional Chinese medicine theory and the generation of the acknowledgement to the understanding of the concept of holism, pointed out that in the history of the TCM, from breeding, germination to gradually expanding, its unique dialectical treatment system and geographic environment has an inseparable relationship.本文通过对龙江医派所处的地理、气候等方面古代和现代的分析,结合中医传统理论和各代医家对整体观的认识,指出龙江医派在祖国中医药事业的发展史中,从孕育、萌芽到逐步壮大,其独特的辩证论治体系与所处的地理环境有着不可分割的关系